Quantum Machine Learning and Cybersecurity

2023, International Journal of Engineering Inventions

The idea of quantum computers was developed by Richard Feynman and Yuri Manin. Quantum computation is a computational model which is based on the laws of quantum mechanics. Quantum computers can efficiently solve selected problems that are believed to be hard for classical machines. This is achieved by carefully exploiting quantum effects such as interference or likely entanglement. In the situation where the cyberattack are increasing in density and range, Quantum Computing companies, institutions and research groups may become targets of nation state actors, cybercriminals and hacktivists for sabotage, espionage and fiscal motivations. Quantum applications have expanded into commercial, classical information systems and services approaching the necessity to protect their networks, software, hardware and data from digital attacks. Recently, with the introduction of quantum computing, we have observed the introduction of quantum algorithms in Machine Learning. There are several approaches to QML, including Quantum Neural Networks (QNN), Quantum Support Vector Machines (QSVM) and Quantum Reinforcement Learning (QRL). In this paper we emphasize the importance and role of QML on cybersecurity.