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2021, KEUNIS
12 pages
1 file
This study aims to test the difference between the conventional mutual fund and the sharia mutual fund on performances and risk. The development of mutual fund products is based on 2 (two) categories, conventional mutual funds, and sharia mutual funds ( Based on data from the Data Center and Statistics of Islamic Mutual Funds, the performance of Islamic mutual funds is still underperformed compared to conventional mutual funds. Therefore, testing the performance of Islamic mutual funds by testing the performance of conventional mutual funds has not been widely tested. Secondary data was used in this study with all 1425 mutual funds from 2012-2017 on the Indonesia Stock Exchange was used as the population in this study is. The purposive sampling technique determines the sample in this study. The sample used in this study was Conventional and Shariah mutual fund in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) with six products each. This hypothesis test used Differential Test tools w...
Pengembangan sistem perbankan syariah di Indonesia dilakukan dalam kerangka dual-banking system atau sistem perbankan ganda dalam kerangka Arsitektur Perbankan Indonesia (API), untuk menghadirkan alternatif jasa perbankan yang semakin lengkap kepada masyarakat Indonesia. Secara bersama-sama, sistem perbankan syariah dan perbankan konvensional secara sinergis mendukung mobilisasi dana masyarakat secara lebih luas untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pembiayaan bagi sektor-sektor perekonomian nasional. Karakteristik sistem perbankan syariah yang beroperasi berdasarkan prinsip bagi hasil memberikan alternatif sistem perbankan yang saling menguntungkan bagi masyarakat dan bank, serta menonjolkan aspek keadilan dalam bertransaksi, investasi yang beretika, mengedepankan nilai-nilai kebersamaan dan persaudaraan dalam berproduksi, dan menghindari kegiatan spekulatif dalam bertransaksi keuangan. Dengan menyediakan beragam produk serta layanan jasa perbankan yang beragam dengan skema keuangan yang lebih bervariatif, perbankan syariah menjadi alternatif sistem perbankan yang kredibel dan dapat dinimati oleh seluruh golongan masyarakat Indonesia tanpa terkecuali. Dalam konteks pengelolaan perekonomian makro, meluasnya penggunaan berbagai produk dan instrumen keuangan syariah akan dapat merekatkan hubungan antara sektor keuangan dengan sektor riil serta menciptakan harmonisasi di antara kedua sektor tersebut. Semakin meluasnya penggunaan produk dan instrumen syariah disamping akan mendukung kegiatan keuangan dan bisnis masyarakat juga akan mengurangi transaksi-transaksi yang bersifat spekulatif, sehingga mendukung stabilitas sistem keuangan secara keseluruhan, yang pada gilirannya akan memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan terhadap pencapaian kestabilan harga jangka menengah-panjang.
The capital market currently has an important role in economic activities in many countries, especially in countries that adhere to the market economy system there are various products that develop in the capital market, one of which is stocks. Sharia stocks are also now also enlivening stock trading in the Islamic capital market. The purpose of this research is to find out the comparison between the performance of sharia stocks and conventional stocks with descriptive qualitative research methods of comparative analysis with the population of Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) and LQ45 Index on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2015-2018 with the method of collecting data used in the form of reports that have been provided by the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), Jakarta Islamic Index (JII), The Kuangan Services Authority (OJK) on information on the financial performance of a company. The results of this study stated that it is said that the performance of the LQ45 stock index with the performance of the JII stock index shows that there are differences in the development of the Indonesia Stock Exchange judging by the development of the performance of the LQ45 and JII stock indices.
Laporan keuangan adalah suatu penyajian terstruktur dari posisi keuangan dan kinerja keuangan suatu entitas. Laporan keuangan pada dasarnya adalah hasil dari proses akuntansi yang dapat digunakan sebagai alat komunikasi antara data keuangan atau aktivitas suatu perusahaan dengan pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan terhadap informasi yang diberikan oleh data keuangan tersebut. Laporan keuangan adalah analisis terhadap neraca dan perhitungan rugi laba segala keterangan-keterangan yang dimuat dalam lampiran-lampiran untuk mengetahui gambaran tentang posisi keuangan dan perkembangan usaha perusahaan yang bersangkutan. 1
kencono wulan, 2022
Along with the development of Islamic banks in Indonesia, Muslim society implements Islamic sharia in socioeconomic life, more and more Islamic business institutions are running it activities and operations based on sharia principles. The study of the Islamic economic system
The Growth of Islamic Insurance in the World and Indonesia. The movement of Islamic insurance growth as one of an Islamic finance instruments is not as fast as the growth of Islamic banking. Nevertheless, it shows a significance growth wether in the world or Indonesia. In the debate over the legal status of insurance, the insurance based on mutual help and free of ribâ can be an alternative for those who want a lawful economic transactions. The increasing public appreaciation of the Islamic economic system allows the growth of Islamic insurance in the future rapidly. Abstrak: Pertumbuhan Asuransi Syariah di Dunia dan Indonesia. Geliat pertumbuhan asuransi syariah sebagai salah satu instrumen keuangan syariah tidak secepat pertumbuhan perbankan syariah. Walaupun demi-kian, pertumbuhan industri asuransi syariah baik di Indonesia maupun di dunia menunjukkan peningkatan yang signifikan. Di tengah perdebatan status hukum asuransi, asuransi berbasis tolong-menolong dan bebas riba menjadi alternatif bagi mereka yang menghendaki transaksi ekonomi yang halal. Semakin meningkatnya apresiasi masyarakat terhadap sistem eko-nomi berbasis syariah ini, memungkinkan pertumbuhan asuransi syariah lebih cepat di masa yang akan datang.
Jurnal Nukhbatul 'Ulum Vol 4 No 2 (2018), 2018
This paper aims at calculating and analyzing the Index ofSyariah Financial Inclusion (ISFI) during the period of 2015-2018 and itscorrelation with poverty level in Indonesia. Using the secondary data of 33provinces in Indonesia from Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), Bank Indonesia andOtoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) and Index of Financial Inclusion (IFI) method,this paper found that the Index of Syariah Financial Inclusion is generally lowand DKI Jakarta is the most financially inclusive province of Indonesia.Furthermore, the results show that the Index of Syariah Financial Inclusion isnegatively correlated with the poverty level. This conclusion suggests thepromotion of Syariah Financial Inclusion to be a policy priority in Indonesia toachieve the central goals of inclusive growth, welfare and economicdevelopment.
Dosen pengampu: Siti Kalimah, M.Sy Disusun Oleh : Kelompok 9 DINA FITRIANA (17401163499) M. ITAQUL FURQON (17401163497) EGA NUR EFENDI (17401163511) JURUSAN PERBANKAN SYARIAH 5 -L FAKULTAS EKONOMI DAN BISNIS ISLAM INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI TULUNGAGUNG 2018 i KATA PENGANTAR Puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT atas segala limpahan dan rahmatnya, kami dapat menyelesaikan makalah ini dengan tepat waktu. Tak lupa pula kami kirimkan sholawat serta salam kepada junjungan kita Nabi Muhammad SAW, beserta keluarganya, para sahabatnya, dan seluruh umatnya yang senantiasa istiqomah hingga akhir zaman. Penulisan makalah ini bertujuan untuk memenuhi tugas mata kuliah ASURANSI DAN REASURANSI SYARIAH yang berjudul Dewan Pengawas Syariah, Dewan Syariah Nasional, Badan Artibase Dan Sertifikasi Ahli Asuransi Syariah. Dalam penyelesaian makalah ini, kami mendapat bantuan serta bimbingan dari beberapa pihak. Oleh karena itu, sudah sepantasnya kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada: 1. Dr. Maftukhin, M.Ag., selaku Rektor IAIN Tulungagung. 2. selaku dosen mata kuliah Asuransi dan Reasuransi Syariah 3. Orang tua kami yang banyak memberikan dukungan baik moril maupun materil. 4. Semua pihak yang tidak dapat kami rinci satu per satu yang telah membantu dalam proses penyusunan makalah ini.
Islamic banks will always be dealing with different types of risk with diverse complexity and inherent in its business activities. Thus, the implementation of risk management in Islamic banking is very urgent to be implemented in order to identify, measure, and control various risks to be faced. The discussion paper will discuss more in depth related risk management in Islamic banking in Indonesia theoretically and implementation. The discussion on worldview importance of risk management of Islamic banks, the identification of the risk characteristics of Islamic banks, the classification of the types of risks in Islamic banks, as well as the implementation of risk management deals in Islamic banks.
The largest population of Islam in the world is an Indonesian country where the amouth of Muslim population reaches 204 million inhabitants. The amouth of Islam that is classified as many in Indonesia, has a potential to trigger the development and growth of sharia banks. Government's attention and support for sharia banking is strengthened by the policy with the issuance of sharia banking law. PT Bank Mualat Indonesia is the first syariah bank in Indonesia which was established and operated in 1992 then followed by other sharia bank. PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia was born from the work of the banking team of the Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI), which on November 1, 1991 signed the deed of establishment of PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia, collected the purchase of shares of Rp.84 billion. The established sharia bank is a financial services banking institution operating on the basis of Islamic ethics and value systems, especially those free of interest (riba), free from speculative non-productive activities such as gambling (maysir), free from unclear and dubious matters (gharar), based on justice principles, and only finance halal business activities. The institutional sector from 2007 to 2017 when viewed from the BUS (Islamic Commercial Bank) has increased although the increase is not too high, while the USS (Islamic Business Unit of a Conventional Bank) has fluctuated, the a mouth of BPRS (Islamic Rural Bank) has increased very well, growth the a mouth of sharia banking office network also fluctuated. The development and growth of total assets, DPK (Depositor Funds), and the amount of PYD (Financing) has always increased from 2007 to 2017. So that Islamic banks become a good banking model and is ideal in advancing the nation's economy
Rizal Dwi Hastanto, 2020
ABSTRAK Investment is a commitment to invest a number of funds at this time with the aim of obtaining future profits. In other words, investment is a commitment to sacrifice current consumption with the aim of increasing consumption in the future. Investment can be associated with investing a number of funds in real assets and financial assets such as: deposits, stocks, bonds, and other securities. In finance, investment is buying assets in the hope of capital appreciation, dividends (profits), interest income, rent, or a combination of these returns. This may not be supported by research and analysis. Most forms of investment involve several forms of risk, such as investments in equity, property, and fixed interest securities, among others, against inflation risks. Mutual funds are financial intermediaries that allow a group of investors to pool their money together with specified investment objectives. Mutual funds will have fund managers who are responsible for investing in special securities of money (usually stocks or bonds). Decisions relating to mutual funds from an Islamic perspective can be determined by understanding Sharia law regarding stocks and bonds. ABSTRAK Investasi adalah komitmen untuk menanamkan sejumlah dana pada saat ini dengan memperoleh keuntungan di masa datang. Dengan kata lain, investasi merupakan komitmen untuk mengorbankan konsumsi sekarang (sacrifice current consumption) dengan tujuan memperbesar konsumsi di masa datang. Investasi dapat berkaitan dengan penanaman sejumlah dana pada aset real maupun pada aset financial seperti: deposito, saham, obligasi, dan surat berharga lainnya. Di bidang keuangan, investasi adalah membeli aset dengan harapan apresiasi modal, dividen (laba), pendapatan bunga, sewa, atau kombinasi dari pengembalian ini. Ini mungkin tidak didukung oleh penelitian dan analisis. Sebagian besar bentuk investasi melibatkan beberapa bentuk risiko, seperti investasi dalam ekuitas, properti, dan sekuritas bunga tetap, antara lain, terhadap risiko inflasi. Reksa dana adalah perantara keuangan yang memungkinkan sekelompok investor untuk menyatukan uang mereka bersama dengan tujuan investasi yang telah ditentukan. Reksa dana akan memiliki manajer dana yang bertanggung jawab untuk berinvestasi dalam sekuritas khusus uang (biasanya saham atau obligasi). Putusan yang berkaitan dengan reksa dana dari perspektif Islam dapat ditentukan dengan memahami hukum Syariah tentang saham dan obligasi.
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