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The Dwi Hasta lifting crew jack is a tool that assist the car maintenance mechanician. It tool support the car at an elevationfor the maintenance working and lay it down after the mechanician done. The objective of study is to obtain the cost of themanufacturing from production stage to selling. In which, it device is for assisting the mechanician repaired a car. Manufacture system would obtain economic values and production time at one unit. The investigation is started from design, and to the manufacturing system. Regards to the planning of the manufacturing, the production cost, the selling cost, and time of refund are obtained at the cost calculation. The money refund is the production cost will get after selling. The experiment method is conducted at operating process chart (OPC), manufacturing lead time (MLT), production time, production flow, production capacity and break event point (Q). The experiment results showed economic value from raw material to one-unit machine. MLT ...
The purpose of this research is to get a design of a frame for an electric gokart. The frame serve as a foundation for putting the vehicle body, engine, steering systems, and other components. This research was conducted using structural statics calculation and mechanics of material strength that can determine the load on the frame and the maximum load that can be sustained by the frame. In this design of electric gokart frame using a ST 37 pipe tube material which has a yield strength at allowable strength at 117,5 MPa. The tube has a outer radius 12,7 mm and inner radius 12,5 mm. The results of this design is an engineering drawing of an electric gokart frame. Keyword : Design, Frame, Yield strength, Allowable Strength.
Enthalpy : Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Teknik Mesin
The jack is one of the modern technologies that is used to facilitate work during the process of lifting heavy loads so that heavy loads will be easily lifted according to the desired needs. The purpose of this research is to know the designer of the electric lift (bold jack) and to know the designer of the gearbox/gear holder and the motor mount. This research method design design, calculate the load, calculate the torque and power transmission, . In this study, it produces 5880 joules of work with a force of 14700 N, has a dc motor with 400 watts and a rotational speed of 700 rpm with power transmission that occurs ivn some parts of the motor at 700 rpm, reducer at 480 rpm, sprocket 345.6 rpm and what happens to the jack is 57.6 rpm with a chain speed of 1.645 m/s and the allowable shear stress is 0.00019 Mp and the equivalent load is 113.37 or 5142 kgf.Key words : Formulation, clove oil. engine performance
PKMI, 2010
Perancangan wheelbarrow dilakukan mengingat kegunaannya yang sangat dibutuhkan untuk menunjang aktivitas pembangunan sarana fisik. Selain itu, pada penggunaan wheelbarrow ditemui adanya keluhan pada para pengguna, diantaranya handlenya yang keras yang dapat menimbulkan cedera pada bagian telapak tangan, saat unloading pengguna harus terlebih dahulu mengangkat wheelbarrow dengan kemiringan tertentu sehingga pengguna butuh energi yang cukup besar, pengguna harus membungkuk atau jongkok terlebih dahulu pada saat akan menggunakan wheelbarrow. Masalah lain yang ditemui pada wheelbarrow saat ini adalah masalah harga jual wheelbarrow yang cukup tinggi. Oleh karena itu dilakukanlah perancangan ulang untuk mendapatkan wheelbarrow yang lebih ergonomis dan ekonomis dan dapat dibuat prototipenya. Proses perancangan ulang dilakukan dalam enam fase yaitu, fase pemunculan ide, fase kajian ergonomis, fase kajian teknis dan ekonomis, fase desain, fase proses produksi rancangan dan fase perbandingan. Perubahan yang dilakukan pada wheelbarrow rancangan adalah perubahan sistem penyangga, penggunaan rem, penggunaan handle yang lebih panjang dengan bahan busa dan perubahan bentuk bak. Kelebihan yang dimiliki oleh wheelbarrow rancangan dibandingkan dengan wheelbarrow saat ini adalah dapat mengurangi resiko cedera, dapat mempermudah penggunaan wheelbarrow, dapat mengurangi konsumsi energi dan dapat diproduksi oleh IKM (Industri Kecil Menengah). Dengan adanya wheelbarrow yang ergonomis, maka diharapkan operator dapat bekerja dengan ENASE, sehingga kesulitan dan keluhan yang dirasakan dapat diminimasi Kata Kunci: wheelbarrow, alat angkut manual, ergonomi, rancang ulang.
Abstrak Manual jackscrew is a lifting device used by automobile drivers when any disorders occur, especially when the automobile tires are deflated. Considering manual jackscrew shape and design, not all people are able to use it easily, especially women. This is the reason of manual jackscrew modification into electric jackscrew.This jackscrew modification is conducted by adding a gearbox and DC motor. The ratio between gearbox input and output is 1 : 44.77 and the DC motor power is 160 Watt – 600 Watt. The electric jackscrew working principle is that rotation from DC motor is reduced by the gearbox and forwarded to screw shaft in the jackscrew. The power source is from the automobile battery. The results of electric jackscrew testing show that time of jacking is 10 seconds for tricycle motorbike, 12 seconds for Gran Max PU car, and 14 seconds for Mazda Vantrend car,all the data is compared with the data manual jackscrew.
Diponegoro Journal of Accounting, 2017
Research about the effect of the participatory budgeting to budgetary slack still show inconsistency conflicting results. This study aims to provide empirical evidence about the effect of the participatory budgeting to budgetary slack and the effect of ethical judgement as moderating variable on the relationship between participatory budgeting and budgetary slack. The object of this research is a lower-level managers involved in the budgeting process in PT PLN (Persero) Distribusi Jawa Tengah & D.I. Yogyakarta. Data was collected using a questionnaire research instruments with the total respondents are 40 people. Model analysis used for the first hypothesis is simple linear regression, while the second hypothesis uses moderated regression analysis (MRA). The results indicate that: 1) participatory budgeting significantly positive affects the budgetary slack, showed by the participatory budgeting coefficient of 0.470 with a significance level of 0.022 (<0.05). 2) the value of the ...
The growth of residential building in tropical region especially in Semarang had a significant influence on the use of air conditioning system both day and night. High indoor temperature caused occupant discomfort which 60% of heat accumulation obtained by direct sun radiation on building envelope included facade. Previous studies found that facade design played an important role on domestic energy consumption. Various facade design strategy to reduce the heat load of residential building was the object of this study.The appropriate strategy of facade design could save up to 40% of energy consumption caused by the use of air conditioning system. Strategies for making building facade more attrative and save energy could be carried out by using creeping plant for wall cover, doubling wall envelope, thickening wall dimension, protecting the wall from direct sun radiation, providing water wall and water fall, avoiding building facade from direct sun radiation, covering the wall with natural stone and choosing the light color or white for wall paint
Jurnal Teknik ITS, 2020
Bendung Gerak Waru Turi yang dilintasi oleh Sungai Brantas memiliki fungsi utama sebagai irigasi pesawahan, air baku, pengendali air dan pariwisata edukasi. Bendung tersebut mensuplai air irigasi pada Warujayeng menuju Ponorogo dengan debit inflow maksimal sebesar 18.36 m 3 /detik dan Turi Tunggoro yang menuju Mojokerto memiliki debit inflow maksimal sebesar 18.90 m 3 /detik. Pada saluran irigasi Waru dan Turi terdapat debit intake melimpah dan beda tinggi yang belum dimanfaatkan sebagai pembangkit listrik untuk keperluan operasional bending tersebut. Sehingga dibutuhkan perencanaan pembangkit listrik yang baik untuk keperluan Bendung Gerak Waru Turi dan sekitar. Untuk mencapai tujuan ini, langkah-langkah yang diambil adalah menghitung debit andalan Sungai Brantas dan debit andalan saluran irigasi untuk mendapatkan debit perencanaan PLTA. Perhitungan beda tinggi pada hulu bendung ke hilir dilakukan dan diolah untuk mencari perhitungan Analisa daya dan energi yang dihasilkan, sehingg...
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri
Strategic planning can facilitate the company in achieving its targets and objectives where there is a consolidation of the company's strategic plan. PT. XYZ is a distributor business that sells various local products. During the covid-19 period, the Company experienced a decline in performance of 11% seen from 2019 sales results of 155,306 product units while in 2020 it was 138,286 product units. For this reason, it is necessary to strengthen the strategy implemented by the company starting from measuring performance to find out the root of the company's problems. Performance measurement is carried out through field observations and data collection through distributing questionnaires to employees who have worked for 2 years. The results are then processed using the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) approach, namely the translation of the vision and mission which is divided into 4 perspectives, namely Finance, Customers, Internal Business Processes, and Learning and Growth. The weigh...
Energy, Materials and Product Design, 2023
Chassis is the main component of the vehicle that functions to support the engine, body, suspension system, electrical system and driver. Chassis is one part of the vehicle that has an important role so careful planning is needed in its manufacture. Chassis must be strong and sturdy to support the load of the driver, electric motor and accessories. In addition, the chassis must also be light so as not to overload the work of the electric motor and be able to go through various road conditions. The vehicle body is its function to shape the vehicle and also protect the people inside. In this design, steel and aluminum materials are used, then simulated using the Autodesk Inventor software. The goal is to determine the Von Mosses stress value on the chassis design. AISI 1018 steel material with a load of 700 kg, 800 kg, and with a load of 900 kg obtained a value of 5.56. The safety factor obtained is still safe because it is above the safety factor for industrial construction design, namely 4. Aluminum 6061 material with a load of 700 kg, 800 kg and with a load of 900 kg obtained a value of 7.46. The safety factor obtained is still safe because it is above the safety factor for industrial construction design, namely 4.
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Jurnal Manajemen Pembangunan Daerah
Jurnal Perkotaan, 2019
J-SISKO TECH (Jurnal Teknologi Sistem Informasi dan Sistem Komputer TGD)
Jurnal Teknik Energi, 2020
Jurnal Teknik Elektro dan Sains, 2014