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2019, ANGLO-SAXON: Jurnal Ilmiah Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
11 pages
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This paper explored code switching between English and Indonesian in articles in the daily newspaper The Jakarta Post. Data were collected from six articles published in The Jakarta Post. The code switching data were analyzed to determine the reasons for the writers to switch codes. Results showed that there existed five reasons for code switching, namely “lack of one word in either language, one wants to make a point, some activities have only been experienced in one of the languages, some words are easier, more distinguishable and easier to use in one of the languages, and the speaker has difficulty in expressing oneself: expressing group identity”. Related to the educational field, it is expected that the results will be beneficial for English teachers or lecturers to be more aware that sometimes they cannot avoid using code switching because translating some Indonesian words into English will lose the essence of the meaning.
Yohanes, Room Mawardi. (2009). English Code-switching in Indonesian Local Newspapers. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University. English elements often appear in many kinds of Indonesian local newspaper. Even, this phenomenon has become the essential part almost in every article of the newspapers. Sociolinguistics defined this phenomenon as codeswitching. Code-switching also happens in teaching learning activity. Codeswitching can support and hinder language acquisition. The research was conducted to examine code-switching in Berita Nasional (Bernas), Harian Jogja (Harjo) and Kedaulatan Rakyat (KR) newspapers. This research had three questions to be answered. They were 1) what are types of code-switching found in Indonesian local newspapers? 2) what are the possible reasons for code-switching in Indonesian local newspapers? 3) what are the possible implications of code-switching in Indonesian local newspapers towards English education (teaching/learning) in Indonesia? The writer conducted qualitative research to find the answer of the problem formulations. Document analysis was also applied as the type of qualitative research. The writer employed seven steps to answer those three problems, namely 1. specifying the phenomenon to be analyzed, 2. selecting the target from which the analysis is done, 3. designing the observation form, 4. listing the code-switching cases on the observation form, 5. analyzing the types of code-switching, 6. identifying the possible reasons for code-switching, 7. making implication based on the findings. The writer found the answer of the first problem formulation; there were six types of code-switching found in Bernas, Harjo and KR newspapers, namely: diglossic, single word, phrase, clause, whole sentence and integrated loanword. Single word code-switching was the most frequent code-switching with 11.426 total numbers and diglossic code-switching was the least frequent code-switching with only three occurrences. Next, the writer used Poedjosoedarmo's theory on reasons for using codeswitching. The writer found that there were 7 reasons for code-switching in local newspapers. They were the writer quotes from other language, the writer talks with the different interlocutors, there is a certain purpose from the writer, the writer is on the stage, the effect of topic discussion, the effect of the first sentence, the effect of conversation speaking situation. The third reason 'there is a third person' was not appropriate because there was no conversation between three or more persons in the newspapers. The writer only found the conversation between the interviewer and the respondent. In every conversation, there was only one respondent who spoke. The research finding also showed that code-switching in three local newspapers might support the process of English education in Indonesia. There were many correct and incorrect code-switching in the data. The correct codeswitching might support language acquisition but the incorrect code-switching
This study explores some important issues, namely the occurrences of code switching types, and function in teen magazines articles. Some theories were used to analyse the data, namely Poplack (1980) was used to identify types of code switching and Koziol (2000) was applied to investigate functions of Code Switching. Based on the results of analysis, it shows that there were three types of code switching found in teen magazine articles e.g. Intrasentential Switching, Intersentential Switching, and Tag Switching. In term of functions of code switching, nine functions were identified namely personalization, reiteration, designation, emphasis, calrification, untranslatability, mitigating message, interjection parenthesis, aggravating message, and topic shift.The findings reveal intra-sentential switching as the type which dominates the discourse in the magazine (62.50 %). Meanwhile, emphasis function is the most frequent function occurs in the magazine (45.39 %).
Passage, 2013
This study investigates types and functions of code switching in "Mailbox" and "Readerstyle" columns of LOOKS magazine and the readers' attitude towards the code switching. Document analysis was occupied to classify types and functions of code switching in the magazine whereas questionnaires were distributed to find out the readers' attitude towards code switching in the magazine. Ten students from English Education Department are purposively chosen as the respondents. This study is framed within the theories of Poplack (1980), Koziol (2000) and Garret (2010). The findings reveal intra-sentential switching as the type which dominates the discourse in the magazine (62.50 %). Meanwhile, emphasis function is the most frequent function occurs in the magazine (45.39 %). Regarding the readers' attitude, the majority of the respondents seem to have a positive attitude towards code switching in the magazine.
Code-switching and code-mixing are part of the Study of Bilingualism in Sociolinguistics which have become a very popular language, it is to be an influence for smooth communication in Indonesia because many Batak Toba and Mandailing speakers who realize code-switching and code-mixing using other languages such as Indonesian and English in a particular conversation in everyday life. It is thus necessary to study for smooth communication and prevent misunderstandings and prevent deaths language speakers. The method that is applied in this reseach is qualitative research, which used interview techniques, questionnaires, observations and records for taking the data. So, the research was conducted by taking the real data from communities in North Sumatra, Indonesia. From the research, we found 75 expressions from 3 places of the research. They are City of Medan, Siantar and Region of Mandailing Natal. In addition, code switching and code mixing in Indonesia have been divided into three classes. They are word class, phrase class, and sentence class. Interestingly, the word level is the highest number that is occurred in Indonesia, which reached 57.3% from all the data. Then, for the second and the third positions are phrase and Sentence levels, which reached 40.4% and 17.3% respectively.
Journal of English Language Teaching and Linguistics
The present study investigates the types and features of Indonesian-English code switching in GoGirl! Magazine of March to May 2016 editions. Content analysis was employed in this study. The results of the analysis revealed that 1.355 cases of Indonesian-English code switching appeared in the magazines. The types of code-switching included alternation, insertion, and congruent lexicalization. The features of code switching in the magazines were several constituents, non-nested a b a, length and complexity, discourse particles and adverbs, peripherality, single constituent, nested a b a, content words, linear and structural equivalence, multi-constituent code-mixing, non-constituent mixing, and triggering. The researchers concluded that the mostly used type was alternation and non-nested a b a is the mostly used feature in GoGirl! Magazine.
communicate in English among their English Department peers. Yet, they face a lack of room to practice English as they communicate in Indonesian in their daily lives. This results in a glaring gap in English proficiency between the proficiency level needed to support their communication and the level of proficiency they currently possess. To fill in the gap, English Department students depend on the use of code-switching. Mauliddiyah, Munir, & Mustofa (2020) argued that codeswitching in the classroom must be identified while studying a foreign or second language. Therefore, the use of code-switching in the classroom, especially for bilingual students like the English department's students, is inevitable. Code-switching is described as combining terms or phrases from two languages throughout speaking or writing (Al-Qaysi, 2019). The phenomenon often occurs among those who are bilingual and/or multilingual. Bilingual and multilingual are terms which describe those who possess abilities in two or various languages. The group can often be found especially among English Department students of Indonesian universities. The English Department students in Indonesia have Bahasa Indonesia as their mother tongue as they develop their proficiency in English through their academic activities. English Department students tend to face the demand to express themselves in English, especially within the classroom. Meanwhile, some of them have difficulty finding fitting expressions to deliver their message in English. Thus, they choose to employ the languages they are familiar with to bridge the demand to communicate in English and the need to deliver their means accurately. This phenomenon is known as code-switching (hereafter to be referred to as CS). This study aims to analyze the factors that encourage and the factors which discourage students of Petra Christian University's English Department students to do code-switching using Braun & Clarke's (2006) analytical procedure. The data were obtained through the distribution of questionnaires and interviews of selected respondents. The questions varied from their preferred language in communication to their reasons for choosing either to perform or not perform CS. Through these methods, findings indicate that factors such as communication efficiency, foreign language practice, habit, level of intimacy, and inability to translate English expressions to Indonesian encourage participants to perform CS. However, factors such as proficiency level, professionalism, potential misunderstanding, and level of intimacy discourage participants from performing CS. Through this study, authors hope to discover the phenomenon of CS, especially within the scope of English Department students. Theoretical review Code-switching (CS) itself is rooted in linguistics, particularly sociolinguistic. According to Finegan (2003), linguistics itself can be defined as the systematic inquiry into human language-into its structures and uses and the relationship between them, as well as into its development through history and its acquisition by children and adults. Linguistics explores both language structure (and its underlying grammatical competence) and language use (and its underlying communicative competence) (Nordquist, 2019). In addition, it is also understood that in general, linguistics is the study of language. Saussure (2011) thought of linguistics as the study of the manifestation of human speech. It concerns the history
Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences , 2020
This study investigated the types of code-switching between Indonesian and English and vice versa in an Indonesian novel. The code-switching employed in the novel entitled Antologi Rasa (literally translated as 'The Anthology of Taste') by Ika Natassa was chosen as the data for this study. The method used was qualitative in nature, with the code-switching being identified, noted, and finally analyzed and categorized into the framework developed by Hoffman who proposed four types of code-switching: inter-sentential switching, intra-sentential switching, tag switching, and establishing continuity with the previous speaker. The results showed that the most frequently used code-switching type in the novel was inter-sentential switching (62.3%), followed by intra-sentential switching (20.9%), tag switching (12.4%), and establishing continuity with the previous speaker (4.4%). Inter-sentential was presumed to be used the most because this type of code-switching signals bilingual proficiency and the novel does focus on readers who are adults and live in the metropolitan area. These readers are believed to be fluent speakers of both Indonesian and English. Establishing continuity with the previous speaker was the least frequently used code-switching type in the novel. This type of switching is mostly affected by social distance whereas in the novel, most of the characters had a close relationship with each other, perhaps explaining this low frequency. Finally, further studies on code-switching in written work are suggested, expanding on the current case of a single novel, since the influence of each language is essential to the significance of literary work at large.
Jurnal TAMBORA, 2020
The background of this research is to Investigate the types and reasons of IndonesianArabic code-switching in Indonesian community, especially in the Arabic Department. Itaims at investigating the types, syntactic categories, and reasons of Indonesian-Arabiccode-switching. The writer uses both quantitative and qualitative methods. It is countingand analysing the discourses between lecturer and students in the class. The population is80 students and the sample is limited on 34 students who have educational backgroundfrom Islamic institutional school. The length of meeting is 138.92 minutes with 35 topicdiscourses then sorted becoming 50 corpuses. The result of this study shows that in termof types of Indonesian-Arabic code-switching inter-sentencial is the most dominant of alltypes code-switching. It comprises 50% of the data. In term of Arabic syntactic wordcategories, noun occupies the first level. It comprises with 63 nouns with 38.41percents.In term of reason, repetition for clar...
ETERNAL (English, Teaching, Learning and Research Journal), 2016
The research aims to analyse the English Indonesia Code Switching Spoken by the Teacher in First Grade of MTsN Model Makassar. The principal issue into several subproblems or research questions such as 1) What are grammatical aspects of code switching in English Indonesian code switching spoken by the teacher in the first grade of MTsN Model Makassar?. 2) What are sosiolinguistic aspects of code switching in English Indonesian code switching spoken by the teacher in the first grade of MTsN Model Makassar?, and 3) What is the function of code switching in English Indonesian code switching spoken by the teacher in the first grade of MTsN Model Makassar?. The study was designed in the form of qualitative descriptive study. The subject in this study wasone of English teachers in the 7 th grade of MTsN Model Makassar who teaches the VII.11 class. The data were collected by using the methods of recording and writing on note of what teacher said in teaching learning process, then collected it and classified based on grammatical aspect of code switching, sociolinguistic aspect, and the function (phatic function) of code switching. A grammatical focuses on the structural aspect of code switching. While, a sociolinguistic approach is concerned with the role of social factors of code switching. The result of this research showed that the grammatical aspect of code switching are extrasentential/tag switching, intersentential switching, and intra word of code switching. Sociolinguistic aspects of code switching are situational and metaphorical switching. The function of code switching are referential function, directive function, phatic function and metalingustic function. But this thesis only focused on phatic function to clarify or emphasize a message. The achievement of this research can be used to make easier in teaching foreign language and can be used as additional source and also can develop code switching field in the next research.
Indonesian Journal of EFL and Linguistics
The issue of the use of code switching as instructional languages in the class has already become a worldwide concern. Some experts may say that it is beneficial while others believe that it is not since it may become the interference for the learning. Through this paper, the researchers want to investigate the use of code switching in General English Classes for non-English Department of Sanata Dharma University. Employing a quantitative approach, specifically observation method by recording the class activity, this study tries to find out the types and analyse code switching employed by lecturers in the classes. The data analyses revealed that tag switching, intra-sentential and inter-sentential code switching are employed by lecturers and the code switching itself functions as the topic switch, repetitive and affective function. The inter-sentential code switching was mostly used by the lecturer and it mostly served as a repetitive function to explain and show their affection to ...
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Script Journal: Journal of Linguistic and English Teaching, 2018
Education Research International
Article Journal, 2020
INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR PRASASTI III: Current Issues in Linguistics, 2016
Journal of English Education, Literature and Linguistics
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International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation
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Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 2019