Sport, Olympism and Two Lifestyles

2018, Baltic Journal of Sport and Health Sciences


Research background and hypothesis. The study analyses two lifestyles: asceticism and hedonism. Spiritual and moral dimension of our lives form a wider background and the field of sport, especially renewed olympism, affect the closer one of our reflections.  Research aims were to compare both lifestyles and to make the character of their relation clear;  to map the real role of asceticism in the sports sphere and to integrate both lifestyles into a certain meaningful whole.Research methods. Our methodology is philosophical, involving conceptual analysis and the application of the outcomes to sports practice.Research results. Both concepts have usually been considered as contrary or polar. Yet our analysis leads into persuasion that they are in dialectic relation with many mediations and “bridges” between them. Spiritual and moral dimensions play an important role in the topical reflections.Discussion and conclusions. Many authors warn about the close junction between sports and asce...