Equity and Social Justice

2021, Bangladesh Journal of Public Administration


Human society is a relationship of mutual cooperation and exchange where everybody expects that justice' should be done to ensure one's due. Therefore, justice is the supreme value of the society. To ensure justice in society, the necessaly political institutions that have been evolved in course of time, are the government and administration. Bangladesh, the eastern wing of the former Pakistan, has become an independent nation with the declaration to establish 'social justice' in the new Republic. "Economic and social justice" has been enshrined in its constitution as one of the four fundamental principles of state policy. Almighty Allah, who has created mankind as His vicegerent on earth, has also ordained to establish Adle (justice) and sent His time to time with Books and Balance that men may stand forth in justice. Public officials are obliged to make and implement decisions congruent with public interest. This necessitated a simple but operational articulation of public interest that meets laying the foundation needs of organizing a just and weyare society. Experts and scholars proposed that the concept of social justice offers much of the operational guidelines to the administrators in formulating decisions for promoting public interest. This article makes a critical survey of the major theories of justice formulated by Western scholars such as: I) the positivistic approach to justice; 2) the idealistic approach to justice; 3) the utilitarian approach to justice; and 4) the contractual approach to justice; and collated them with Islamic perspective. Then an attempt has been made to outline a comprehensive operational framework of social action as moral guideline for policy makers and administrators.