LU ' LU AUFA HIBRIZI 2201016116 ( IMB ) (1)

It has been said that respect begets respect. If we expect followers of other religions to respect our religious worship, then in turn we must also not hesitate to show respect to them when they perform their worship. This attitude will certainly support smooth and friendly relations in a society that adheres to various religion multi-religious society. Tolerance and respect are two very important words, which must be remembered in a multi￾religious society. One must not only preach tolerance but must try, at every possible opportunity to always carry out the spirit of hospitality and tolerance, because that spirit will greatly help create an atmosphere that leads to a life of peace and harmony. We may not be able to understand or appreciate the intrinsic values of certain ceremonies or customs practiced by certain religious groups. Others, too, may not be able to understand or appreciate our own ceremonies or customs. If we don't want others to laugh at our actions, let us not laugh at other people. We must try to find meaning or understand customs that are foreign to us because this will help lead to a better understanding, so that we can promote a spirit of tolerance among adherents of various religions. Without carrying out the spirit of tolerance and mutual respect, the dangerous poison of discrimination, ridicule and hatred will gush out destroying the peace and tranquility of our society and country. It is a fact that in certain countries where there is no spirit of tolerance and mutual respect between religions, killings, arson and destruction of valuable property have occurred. Such senseless acts, causing irretrievable loss of precious lives and property, should open the eyes of all those who yearn for a life of peace and harmony. This chapter will explain about religious tolerance and harmony between religions because if we already understand this then we can accept it well and be able to implement it. Kata Kunci: Tolerance, Religious Tolerance, Harmony Between Religions