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La Campaña de Excavación 2014 en el Paço dos Bispos de Idanha-a-Velha se ha caracterizado por una representación moderada del material recuperado en los niveles estratigráficos excavados, a excepción del conjunto aparecido en el vertedero andalusí del Sondeo I, con cerca de 300 fragmentos. Este conjunto cerámico es al mismo tiempo diversificado y homogéneo, evidenciando un patrón de producciones locales/ regionales de cerámica común. A él se suma una elevada presencia de material latericio de épocas romana y medieval (ladrillos, tegulae, tejas e ímbrices), y una mínima representación del metal.
International audienceL’Incoronata (Italy) is an important proto-archaic key-site where Indigenous South-Italian communities met the first Aegean migrants, between the 8th and the 7th century BC.This hill housed an important craft area at least during the7th century BC. The structures we still unearth are characterized by the association of both Indigenous and locally produced Greek pottery, within the same stratigraphic contexts. It allows us to observe a‘middle ground’ between these two craftspeople communities. Sometimes, attributing a sherd to one production or another seems impossible, or at least irrelevant.Here we will talk about the issues of ‘mixity’,hybridity and identity, and about the sharing of areas, know-how and technical skills through a critical overview of the various ceramic productions and craft structures. These themes will be discussed with some methodological perspectives, under different prisms as many as archaeological, technological, archaeometrical or ethn...
SOMA 2009 Proceedings of the XIII Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology (24-24 April 2009, Konya), 2011
Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, 2016
A complete visual, mineralogical, textural, chemical and statistical study is presented of thirty ceramic specimens recovered from various Roman archaeological sites in central Spain (Ávila). Therefore, the novelty of this work is that we report the first complete study of pottery fragments in the Ávila region (Castile and Leon, Spain) dating back to the Roman Empire. Potential/local raw materials were characterised, in order to classify ancient pottery samples by origin. The presence of firing minerals in the ancient ceramic samples was studied, to investigate the technology used in their manufacture. Another innovation of this article is that the statistical study has established links between ceramic samples, shedding further light on knowledge of manufacturing techniques in this region during the Roman Empire. Similar materials were identified in most of the ceramic pieces from the archaeological sites, all present in the local geological environment, which underlines their autochthonous origin. The raw materials were initially chosen on the basis of the final use of the sample (typology of the samples: Terra sigillata hispanica, common pottery and tegulae). The samples were manufactured within three different temperature ranges (temperature > 900Cº, between 900 – 800ºC and between 800– 600ºC) and under three different redox environments (oxidizing, reduction and irregular conditions). Non-plastic inclusions were added, intentionally or otherwise, to the initial clay, depending on the final typology of the sample
Ongoing research being undertaken at the Institute of Historical Research of the National Hellenic Research Foundation intends to record and study the evidence of the material culture of Crete, an area that flourished during the pre-industrial era, when it was under Venetian rule (13th-17th centuries), as encountered through the related archival evidence. At that period the island was open to the influences of the western culture and especially of the currents of the Italian Renaissance, which fact resulted in the flourishing of the cultural and economic-social sectors, primarily in the cities. From the rich archival material, unpublished as well as published – namely the inventories of the interiors of the houses, workshops and monasteries, the dowry agreements and the wills – comes information specifically on the objects of domestic, handicraft and agricultural use and the relevant tools. Although this approach reveals a wealth of evidence, details on ceramics, as it will be shown, are actually rather limited. The poster focuses on the testimonies regarding the various clay objects. Reference is made as to the circumstances under which clay vessels are encountered in the written sources, as well as to the categories of ceramics mentioned and to specificities concerning details of their manufacture, decoration and origin. In addition, attempts are made to link – whenever possible – particular references to particular objects, as known from the archaeological record. Given the nature of the archival sources, these data are, obviously, also linked to individual persons and places, leading to further revelations not only on specific aspects of the ceramics’ life-cycle but also on the participation of the clay objects in the formation of social relations and on the identities of people of the time.
ArcheoLogica Data, 2023
Così come il secondo volume di ArcheoLogica Data, anche il terzo propone una struttura bipartita in due sezioni distinte, una tematica e una miscellanea, entrambe composte da articoli corredati da dataset. Il tema scelto per questo volume è la "ceramica e oltre". La ceramica in effetti è indiscussa protagonista della ricerca archeologica (o almeno per la gran parte delle cronologie trattate) e grandissime quantità di reperti ceramici pervadono musei, magazzini e siti archeologici in quasi ogni parte del mondo: le più antiche figurine ceramiche note risalgono a ben 25000 anni BP e i primi contenitori a 12000 BP (Kolb, 2011). Il titolo, tuttavia, con la parola "oltre", è un invito rivolto alla comunità scientifica ad avvicinarsi a un argomento iper-trattato andando, per l'appunto, oltre le strade già battute, verso un approccio interdisciplinare teso a ricostruire sequenze operative, commerci, usi e significati connessi agli oggetti ceramici. È proprio questo snodo a essere importante sia a livello metodologico che teoretico. Da una parte, infatti, lo sviluppo tecnologico nei campi, ad esempio, dell'intelligenza artificiale, di modelli regressivi e tecniche archeometriche invasive e non invasive consente sempre più complesse analisi e articolati quadri di sintesi e interpretazioni. Metodologie integrate permettono la collezione di dataset sempre più ampi e multi-sfaccettati, aprendo la via a nuove sfide e domande di ricerca. Dall'altra, i nuovi paradigmi teorici sviluppati in particolare negli ultimi decenni mettono al centro dello studio della ceramica, la sua materialità e il suo ruolo di agente negli eventi e nella storia. L'agency, il fare, risiede infatti non solo nell'intenzionalità e funzionalità, ma anche e soprattutto nella non intenzionalità e relazionalità. In quest' ottica le cose possono non essere più solo oggetti che raccontano la storia, diventando invece soggetti che la formano (Van Oyen, 2016). L'archeologia tradizionalmente costruisce narrazioni storiche basandosi su oggetti e buona parte degli oggetti archeologici è costituita da ceramica. Una tale preponderanza è dovuta in particolare alle caratteristiche intrinseche dell'argilla, un materiale abbondantemente presente in natura e di facile estrazione e lavorazione, che con la cottura diviene eccezionalmente resistente. Parallelamente, la ceramica ha giocato un ruolo importante nella definizione dei paradigmi archeologici e in particolare di cultura materiale. Già nel 1965, comunque, Frederick R. Matson ravvedeva le criticità di uno studio sconnesso dal contesto culturale nel quale le ceramiche venivano prodotte e usate, così come sottolineava la necessità di muoversi verso uno studio olistico, definito come ceramic ecology, «which attempts to relate the raw materials and technologies that the local potter has available to the functions in his culture of the product he fashions» (Matson, 1965, p. 203). Matson sottolineava ancora il bisogno di andare oltre la ceramica per comprendere l'ambiente e i meccanismi culturali a essa connessi; le sue stesse parole «the need to go beyond the ceramics» riecheggiano nel tema di questo volume. L'ecologia ceramica è infatti analitica, multi e inter disciplinare, e si pone a obiettivo lo studio della relazionalità di parametri ambientali, risorse, scelte tecnologiche con variabili socioculturali, distribuzione e uso degli oggetti (Kolb, 2011). Secondo questo paradigma, nessuna specializzazione dovrebbe essere sviluppata isolata
During research on the site of the Crikvenica- Igraliste (Ad turres, Croazia) pottery workshop, owned by Sextus Metilius Maximus, 30 tons of ceramic material were found. Mostly came from process waste from the workshop that produced building materials, amphoras, loom weights and various types of pottery. The discovery of this important workshop stimulated the working of the Museum of Crikvenica, highlighting the necessity of using different approaches in treating materials from both the scientific and museological points of view. Immediately during the research a rapid classification of materials was necessary which, at work completed, would facilitate the development of product typology, whilst the request of museum presentation brought about new problems. On this occasion we would highlight the approach needed to working the material and how the typology was created. The typology helped to determine the distribution of workshop products.
Atti Società Toscana di Scienze Naturali, 2023
C. Interdonato, m. ramaCCIottI, G. Gallelo, m. lez-zerInI, J. Pérez Ballester, Á. morales ruBIo, The Punic-Hellenistic ceramic of Pauli Stincus (Sardinia, Italy) and Ibiza (Balearic Islands, Spain): non-destructive pXRF analysis of ceramic body and slip. The present work shows the preliminary archaeometric study of the Punic-Hellenistic pottery from the archaeological sites of Pauli Stincus (Sardinia, Italy), and Avenida de España and Can Vicent d'en Jaume (Balearic Islands, Spain). An analytical non-destructive approach was employed. The sherds were analysed by a portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometer in order to characterise the ceramic body and the slip coating from the chemical point of view. Data analysis evidenced that most samples from Balearic Islands sites have similar compositions and pointed out the difference between them and those from Sardinia, suggesting the presence of different productive centres.
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M.E. Aubet - F. J. Núñez - L. Trellisó (eds): The Phoenician Cemetery of Tyre-Al Bass II. Archaeological Seasons 2002-2005 (BAAL Hors Série IX): 261-371, 2014
S. Mustaţă, F. Gogâltan, A, Ursuţiu, S. Cociş (ed.), Cercetări arheologice preventive la Floreşti - Polus Center, jud. Cluj (2007) / Rescue excavations at Floreşti - Polus Center, Cluj County (2007), Patrimonium Archaeologicum Transylvanicum 1, Cluj-Napoca 2009, 243-278.
Segundo Coloquio Internacional de Cerámica Medieval del Mediterráneo Occidental (Madrid: Ministerio de Cultura, 1986), pp 365-407, 1987
Archeologia e calcolatori, 2017
XIth Congress AIECM3 on Medieval and Modern Period Mediterranean Ceramics Proceedings, 2018
In: N. Polou-Papadimitriou, E. Nodaru and V. Kilikoglou (eds.), LRCW4. Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking Wares and Amphorae: Archaeology and Archaeometry. The Mediterranean: A market without frontiers, British Archaeological Reports, International Series 2616 (II): 1049-1060.
Periodico di Mineralogia
Beiträge zur ur- und frühgeschichtlichen Archäologie des Mittelmeer- Kulturraumes 36. Bonn: Rudolf Habelt Verlag
Journal of Archaeological Science, 34: 1794-1803, 2007
Quaderns de Prehistòria i Arqueologia de Castelló, 2023
Poulou-Papadimitriou, Natalia; Nodaru, Eleni; Kilikoglou, Vassilis (eds.), LRCW 4. Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean: Archaeology and Archaeometry, The Mediterranean: a market without frontiers, Volume I, 2014