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Dějiny – teorie – kritika
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The editorial marks the launch of the English issue of the journal History -Theory -Criticism, celebrating its fifteenth anniversary. It highlights the journal's evolution and increasing significance among both Czech and international scholars, featuring articles that explore various interdisciplinary themes such as affirmative humanities, the intersection of emotion and memory in historical documents, media's role in history, the impact of language in book advertisements, and a critical examination of new military history. Additionally, it includes an interview with a noted historian, emphasizing the collaborative nature of scholarly publishing.
Emotion Review, 2020
Anglica Wratislaviensia
Revista de Estudios Sociales, 2017
This article briefly appraises the state of the art in the history of emotions, looking to its theoretical and methodological underpinnings and some of the notable scholarship in the contemporary field. The predominant focus, however, lies on the future direction of the history of emotions, based on a convergence of the humanities and neurosciences, and according to important observations about the biocultural status of human beings. While the article stops short of exhorting historians to become competent neuroscientists themselves, it does demand that historians of emotions take note of the implications of social neuroscientific research in particular, with a view to capturing the potential of the emotions to unlock the history of experience, and with a mind to unlocking the political importance of work in this area, namely, the shifting ground of what it means -how it feels- to be human. Este artículo evalúa el estado del arte en la historia de las emociones, considerando tanto sus fundamentos teóricos como metodológicos y algunos de los estudios contemporáneos más notables en este campo. Sin embargo, el enfoque predominante reside en la dirección que tomará la historia de las emociones en el futuro, con base en la convergencia de las humanidades y las neurociencias, y de acuerdo con importantes observaciones acerca del estatus biocultural de los seres humanos. Aunque este artículo no llega a exhortar a los historiadores a convertirse en neurocientíficos competentes, sí exige que los historiadores de la emociones tomen nota de las implicaciones de la investigación neurocientífica social en particular, con miras a captar el potencial de las emociones para decifrar la historia de la experiencia, y con el propósito de entender la importancia política del trabajo en esta área, a saber, el terreno cambiante de lo que significa -de lo que se siente- ser humano. Este artigo avalia o estado da arte na história das emoções considerando tanto seus fundamentos teóricos quanto metodológicos, e alguns dos estudos contemporâneos mais notáveis nesse campo. Entretanto, o enfoque predominante reside na direção que tomará a história das emoções no futuro, com base na convergência das humanidades e das neurociências, e de acordo com as observações sobre o estado biocultural dos seres humanos. Este artigo não pretende convencer os historiadores a converter-se em neurocientistas, mas pede que os historiadores das emoções atentem para as implicações da pesquisa neurocientífica, a social em especial, com o objetivo de captar o potencial das emoções para decifrar a história da experiência, e com o propósito de entender a importância política do trabalho nessa área, especialmente o terreno cambiante do que significa -do que se sente- ser humano.
História da Historiografia: International Journal of Theory and History of Historiography, 2019
This article focuses on the emotional dimensions of academic historical work within the early twentieth-century Finnish community of historians. Its starting point is the inextricable intertwining of reason and emotion – a premise that is today accepted across disciplines. As the cognitive and the affective are interdependent in the production of knowledge, the formation of judgements and the making of meaning, emotions lie at the core of historians’ scholarly practices and the construction of the scholarly self. By discovering four main types of feeling-thinking processes that are common in historical work, the article argues that emotions not only make history personal, but also make it meaningful in the first place. On the theoretical level, the analysis leans on the insights of Maurice Merleau-Ponty, makes use of readings of Mark Johnson’s and James M. Jasper’s work and exploits the concept of the relational self of the historians Mary Fulbrook and Ulinka Rublack.
This article presents Karol Wojtyła’s thinking on consciousness and its possible distortion called the ‘emotionalization of consciousness’. In consciousness two functions can be distinguished, namely a receptive function and an experiencing/interiorizing function. When the emotionalization of this dual structure takes place, consciousness is weakened in registering emotional facts (in their cognitive aspect) as well as in their proper experiencing (i.e. in referring them to the interiority of the subject). Wojtyła concentrates on self-knowledge as a power, which can contribute to limiting or eliminating the emotionalization of consciousness. However, he does not mention how to strengthen self-knowledge and make it more adequate for the job. Hence, in the paper, the author underlines the role of understanding and command of language, which can make self-knowledge a more efficient tool.
European Journal of Philosophy, 2011
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Journal of Moral Philosophy, 2011
Performing Emotions: Historical and Athropological Sites of Affect. Historein, 8 (2008)
História da Historiografia: International Journal of Theory and History of Historiography, 2019
Rethinking Marxism, Vol. 33, No. 1, 168-173, 2021
"Introduction: Emotional Histories — Beyond the Personalization of the Past and the Abstraction of Affect Theory," Exemplaria 26.1 (2014): 3015", 2014
BOOK: THE CHALLENGES OF CULTURAL PSYCHOLOGY Historical Legacies and Future Responsibilities, 2018
Emotions and Society, 2023
Qualitative Sociology, 2002
Psychopathologies of cognitive capitalism, II, eds. Pasquinelli and Neidich