Claws and Fangs of Neoliberalism

Monções: Revista de Relações Internacionais da UFGD


The main objective of this essay is to analyse neoliberalism as an alternative for political administration. According to a theory developed in Brazil, political administration encompasses both macro- and micromanagement principles to represent the interests and agenda of a social class, or some fraction of it. The main findings are that the neoliberal rationale and its management principles—efficiency, accountability, performance, and competition—are employed to reprogramme entire societies to transfer wealth to rentier capital. That is why wherever it takes root, neoliberalism brings unemployment, impoverishment, economic instability, exhaustion of natural resources, and income inequality.

Key takeaways

  • To illustrate that, in this paper we wear both theoretical and historical arguments to analyse neoliberalism as one of those political administration agendas.
  • Harvey (2005) also theoretically synthesizes neoliberalism, with an emphasis on the Chicago School, as well as politically traces the first concrete experiences of the neoliberal agenda.
  • Nevertheless, this new planning state was halted by the emergence It is not by chance that the performance of social [economic] actors has become one of the key concepts of neoliberalism.
  • Therefore, that is the reason neoliberalism is a chameleon social process: to achieve its goal of ensuring income transfers to the rentier elite, it has to do everything, even against its own principles, to spread chaos and profit with it.
  • The main idea of this essay was to analyse the management principles of neoliberalism as a political administration.