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Tae’ language as a communication tool of Luwu society has several linguistic devices that have different functions. Linguistics devices are phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics. On this occasion, the author focuses on two linguistic devices, i.e. morphology and syntactic of Tae’ language. That linguistics device is being the main focus in this research because the two linguistics devices have an important role in understanding of structure of Tae' language. Using descriptive-qualitative method is aimed at finding detailed and complete data. The collecting data was using library study and field techniques. It means that the writer has collected the data by reading some books, journals, and other sources that are related with this research, particularly theories and researches of morphology and syntax. Then, the field data was collected by giving an instrument that contains of words, phrases, and sentences to native speakers of Tae’ language. Data analysis is done by class...
International journal of linguistics, literature and culture
This research is entitled "Tajen Language in Balinese Society". This study focuses on the linguistic aspects contained in Tajen activities. This study aims to reveal the lexicon and its categorization, as well as to identify the morphological process happens to those words found. The research data was collected using field linguistic methods supported by note-taking techniques and interview methods. The data that has been grouped is then verified again to Bebotoh as informants through interview techniques related to the meaning of forms or varieties of Balinese speech in the implementation of the Tajen. The data were analyzed using the distributional method with the Immediate Constituent Analysis technique. The results of the analysis found 146 lexicons related to Tajen. The lexicons then are classified based on grammatical forms which are divided into two, namely basic forms and derived forms. There are 72 basic forms and 74 derivative forms. The derived forms are the res...
XLinguae, 2017
There are many ways to find modality in languages. Modality of language can be expressed through grammatical or lexical feature. However, modality in Tae' language specifically can be described through both these features. This research aims to express the modality in Tae' language based on grammatical-lexical point of view. This is a descriptive qualitative research using library research methods. Library research aims to get of completed and detail data. Further, this research analyzes eighteen discourses of Tae' language consisting of folklore, fable, messages, and Tae' specific food. The result shows that there are some features marking modality in Tae' language that expressed through grammatical and lexical feature. Grammatical modality of Tae' established through affixation process, i.e. prefix la-, and suffixesri,-ra functioning as verbs and particles. Further, modality in Tae' is also established by lexical feature using the words melo, parallu, musti, bela, wa'ding, bang, omi, sia, kade, le', dau, tae, tannia, saba, iake, and kumua functioning as auxiliary verbs, particles, negations, and conjunctions. Semantically, these forms mark epistemic and deontic modality in Tae' language. Epistemic and deontic modality in Tae' describe as declarative, subjunctive, dubitative, imperative, desiderative and volition, interrogative, and possibility form.
Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 2016
This research aims to convey themorphosyntax in Tae’ language.Thisis descriptive qualitativeresearchsupported by library and field method. The library and field research method aims to find the detail and complete data. Moreover, the researchanalyzes words, phrases, clauses, and sentences in Tae’ languageas primary data.The results show that there are some features that mark morphosyntax in Tae’ language. They are reduplication process, derivational affixation, and sentence structures that describe the word orders of Tae’ language. Reduplications of Tae’ language are containing of full and partial reduplication. Whereas, thederivational affixations of Tae’ language are containing of prefixes and suffixes. The form of prefixes is ma-, ku-, na- di-, and si-. And, the form of suffixes is –i, - ko, and –mu. Those affixes are derived from derivation process namely the basic construction or sentence structures.
The objective of this study was to analyze the syntactical construction differences between English and Wawonii language using a contrastive analysis approach. To carry out this analysis, a descriptive qualitative has been used to investigate the syntactical structure of the English and Wawonii language. In gaining the English syntactical construction data, this study used article journals and online books that centralized on English syntactical construction topics. Meanwhile, in eliciting the Wawonii syntactical construction data, this study employed a nonprobability sampling that was drawn purposively. In other words, the data was collected through participant observation and in-depth interviews with seven (7) informants of Wawonii language speakers. The 7 informants were the leaders of each district in the Konawe Archipelago, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia, which were known, have better comprehension of Wawonii language syntactical construction features. The results of this contrastive analysis study showed that English and Wawonii language have differences in the sense of one word in Wawonii form indicates one sentence form in English, possessive construction form, plural form, comparative sentence form, question formation form, verbal sentence form, negative sentence form, and simple past tense form. This study contributed into the sociolinguistics field in order to enrich the speakers (or foreigners) of English and Wawonii language comprehension of both language syntactical structures.
International Journal of Practical and Pedagogical Issues in English Education , 2023
This research aimed to compare Korean and Persian languages both in syntactic and morphological phases. Based on research questions, this research used qualitative approach to figure out and explore the specific detailed information about the topic. The present article seeks to briefly compare some of main similarities and differences of target languages. The researcher used previous studies and researches about each of Korean and Persian syntactic morphological features. In this qualitative case study a total of 22 researches and books were used to collect data about syntactic morphological features of Korean and Persian languages in this research. No research, to date, compared these linguistic elements of Korean and Persian. In general, there are some similarities and differences between syntax and morphology of these Asian languages. A comparative study on these structures is useful because it can help Iranian KFL learners to enhance the process of learning Korean language.
This research-based paper presented the investigation on Morphological process of tabale language in Palu Central-Sulawesi. Therefore, the aims of this study were to describe the use of Tabale language in PaluPerumnasBalaroa and to introduce the uniqueness of the jargon (Tabale language) to the public. This study used descriptive qualitative method. This research also used Remembering method to collect the data, because the researcher himself was the native of this jargon language, the other method which was used was agih method to analyze the data. This research result showed the public about the uniqueness of morphological process in Bahasatabale such as
The study investigates the main linguistic peculiarities of Kunini as a speech community. The language is a member of the Niger-Kordofanian, Niger-Congo, Benue-Congo of the Jukunoid phylum. The trust of the study is the identification and explication of grammatical elements found in the language. The study employs interview, elicitation of Swedish wordlist by native speakers, participant observation and intuitive knowledge of the native speakers were transcribed as primary data. The study has been anchored on the theoretical underpinning of the Basic Linguistic Theory (BLT) associated with Dixion, R.M.W. (1997). The research findings reveal some peculiarities in the consonant sounds and vowel inventory of the language. Other findings reveal the sentence structure of the language such as the declarative, imperative, question formations as well as Negation Construction. Also, the research identify seven (7) vowel phonemes and consonant modification as in the following: palatized, labiarized palatal-labialized, rhotocized, lateralized and prenazalized. Morphologically, the following morphological processes such as reduplication, compounding, clipping, inflectional and derivational affixes were discussed. Semantically, kinship terms, homophones, polysemy, food terms, colour terms, taboo and pathetic terms were discussed.
Linguistic Typology 11 (1), pp. 115-117, 2007
Typology in its modern form is connected with the search for universals. This works to the advantage of certain types of questions, those which allow a more or less coherent answer for any language. Phonology, syntax, and semantics are usually the starting point, and such topics as phonological inventories, word order, and the range of expressible semantic distinctions constitute the bulk of research. These also form the core questions of general linguistics, so this research emphasis is only to be expected. Conversely, one area that receives relatively little attention from typologists is morphology. This too is hardly surprising: of all the aspects of language, morphology is the most language-specific and hence least generalizable. Indeed, even the very presence of a meaningful morphological component is language-specific.
Journal of Japanese Linguistics, 2020
Since the 1960s, a renewed interest for Japanese linguistics has produced a number of publications, including scientific articles, books and monographs, both in English and in the Japanese language, and the field of Japanese linguistics in general, and of its sub-fields (phonetics, grammar, syntax, etc.) in particular are quite wellcovered: Miller (1967), Tsujimura (1999, 2013), Iwasaki (2002), Miyagawa and Saito (2008), Hasegawa (2014) to name but a few. Nevertheless, this new publication by Irwin and Zisk (2019) may also serve as a significant contribution to the field for reasons that are illustrated below. Although the book is designed as a vade mecum for undergraduate students with some knowledge of general linguistics, there are several features in this publication which might be profitable for Japanese linguists to take notice of, especially those who are writing or willing to write on this subject in English. This publication is a very informative and wide-ranging overview of the field of Japanese linguistics, which shows an unusually broad and comprehensive covering of many issues, including some units on Braille (pp. 123-125), public signage (pp. 131-133) and non-verbal communication (pp. 177-179). The book is divided into eight chapters, each comprising several units for a total of 86. The first chapter is an introductory overview of Japanese, its typology, its history and its affiliation. It rightly emphasizes that Japanese is only one subbranch of the so called Insular Japonic. The other Japonic languages, once spoken in the Korean peninsula and recorded in fragmentary evidence, consisting mostly of toponyms, form instead the Peninsular Japonic branch of the Japonic family. In the past, it was customary to regard Japanese as a unique language, but, as the authors rightly underline in this volume, Japanese is a typical SOV language, with adjectives and genitives preceding the substantive, and postpositions in place of of prepositions. This is in line with the typological generalizations about constituent order formulated in the 1960s by Joseph Greenberg. The second chapter deals with phonology and phonetics, and includes many topics such as consonants, vowels, phonotactics as well as discussions on suprasegmental features such as pitch-accent (units 2.6, 2.7).
This article proposes a workable, teachable, generalisable as well as communicatively efficient framework for analyzing the word in English Morphology. It is proposed that a framework of English Morphology should include the understanding of word structure, morphemes and their arrangement in forming words. Further, this article explains why is morphology studied and how is morphology studied to EFL students from the point of view of several morphologists in some sources. This is also intoducing some principles used in Morphology which are taken from Eugene Nida's: 1965 textbook Morphology. Finally, the main objective of teaching morphology is to assign meaning to parts of words.
Scientific Reports of Bukhara State University, 2021
Introduction. The article deals with the problems of linguistic textual studies in Uzbekistan, its development and ways of solving the ongoing research work. The scientific article provides information on the work of scholars on Uzbek language synthesis. The article aims to build the knowledge, skills and competencies of researchers and masters conducting research. Uzbek linguists, following World and Russian linguistics in the field of text linguistics, are entering a new scientific stage of linguistics and text linguistics. Scientific potential is being created in the linguistics of the text. In the field of text study, special attention is paid to filling the minds of young people with new knowledge. The analysis of these results is the most important and urgent task before the article. Review of scientific works. Scientific observation and analysis methods were used in the preparation of the article. As well as the scientific results of world and Russian linguistics were compare...
Basic sentence structure in the Indonesian language is subject and predicate (SP) and can be extended into some types of sentences. Also, the Dayak Maanyan language has a quite similar basic sentence structure, but some differences are indicated as its unique features in daily language. The basic sentence structure of the Dayak Maayan language is basically S-P. However, the structure becomes PS, as P is emphasized. This study deals with sentence structure in Dayak Maanyan language using a syntactic typology approach. It deployed a qualitative method with a descriptive analysis technique. The result shows that the typical sentence structure of the Dayak Maanyan language is S + P + (O) + (C) + (A). The subject precedes predicate (S-P), and also probably follows predicate (P-S). The predicate is usually reflected in verbs and adjectives. In the S-P and P-S structures, the predicate also commonly uses a noun, number, and prepositional phrase. The object is determined by types of the pre...
Atlantis Press, 2021
The Sumarorong language is one of the Toraja languages in the Mamasa Regency, it is assumed to have the same variety of Simbuang language in the Tana Toraja. The phenomenal thing about this language is found in the varied morphological patterns in the prefixation process. This study uses a morphological approach and data analysis is using qualitative descriptive. The results of the analysis found that the morphological patterns due to prefixation on verbs formed 12 morphological patterns, including variations of the active and passive verb. The character of prefix [u-] that binds verbs that start with a consonant causes the initial consonant to form a double consonant (cluster).
Introduction to English Morphology is written to introduce one of linguistics branches and its relation with other linguistics branches. In this case, it is learnt and discussed how words are arranged and organized so that by studying this book, language users would understand words, sentences and dictionaries. They would also recognize a word and its parts roots, affixes and their forms including inflection, derivation, compound words. Instead of those sections above, morphology proposes a word and its structure; it not only offers but also recommends productivity, English word formation. Then it also relates morphology and phonology, discourse grammar; it tries to describe and capture compound words, Blends, and phrasal words. As the result this book probes further and more exposures how functional versus Traditional Grammar and explore corpus, grammar and Morphology
A descriptive grammar of Wa , 2012
Copyright belongs to Ma Seng Mai Payap University 2012. This version is just a reshared digital copy from "" The thesis presents the grammatical structures of Wa using traditional linguistic terms. Wa is a language spoken in South East Asia. Its language classification falls under the Mon-Khmer sub-group of the Austro-Asiatic language family. This research is based on the Yaong Soi dialect of Wa which is regarded as the main dialect of the Wa Bible translation. A set of elicitated grammar sentences, three narratives, and personal intuition were used as data sources in this study. The description covers several topics. It includes a general description of word classes, phrases, verbal operators, and clause structures. Noun phrase structure, tense, aspect, and modality particles were also investigated. Typologically, Wa is a head-initial language. This means objects follow the verbs and modifiers (adjectives, relative clauses, and numbers) follow the noun. There is no subject and object marking—they can be predicted by their positions. The negation in Wa is pre-verbal. Interesting findings include: some adverbs in other languages are verbs in Wa, some of the constituents can be moved out of noun phrases, negation often involves a secondary negation particle, and Wa has two alternative clause word orders – SVO and VSO. The word order alternation is not predicted by semantics or transitivity of the verb. The analysis shows that the word order in Wa seems to vary according to the clause types.
Issues in Applied Linguistics, 1994
Korean is a descriptive grammar book for language teachers, students, and scholars of Korean linguistics. Since Korean is a comprehensive reference book which provides a broad and detailed description of the structure of the language in a theory-neutral manner, it is useful to Korean linguists of any theoretical orientation, while still extremely accessible to students studying the language beyond the elementary level. Korean is one of a series of Descriptive Grammars edited by Bernard Comrie, and follows the basic framework of the Questionnaire^designed by Comrie and Smith (1977) as a detailed guide for cross-linguistic analyses. Thus, all of the descriptive grammars of the series (e.g.. Gulf Arabic, Finnish, Tamil, Japanese) have identical or near identical chapter headings, sub-headings, and subsub-headings. Chapter headings are arranged in the following order: Chapter 1, Syntax; Chapter 2, Morphology; Chapter 3, Phonology; Chapter 4, Ideophones and Interjections; and Chapter 5, Lexicon. Given that the framework was set up for linguists to compare languages, I would also like to review this book by comparing it with another in the series, Japanese by John Hinds (1986). I chose these two books since both languages are hypothesized to belong to the Altaic language family as pointed out by both H. Sohn (1994, p. 1) and Hinds (1986, p. v). Students or scholars interested in both languages could use these two books as a departure point for comparative studies in almost any area of linguistics, from tense and aspect studies to interjections and socio-linguistics. Korean was published in 1994, eight years following the publication of Japanese, and, therefore includes developments in terms of the series format (cf. Martin, 1988). In the more recent Korean, an editorial statement is provided by Comrie which summarizes the purpose and background of the Descriptive Language Series. Also, H. Sohn has added a very useful index and the table of contents seems to be more detailed than that of Japanese, so that now particular linguistic topics are more readily searchable. Perhaps the addition of an index of Korean expressions and constructions would make this an even more useful reference book, since there is no way to locate specific grammatical forms in Korean. For example, if one were searching for the possible sentence structures or contexts in which ci(yo) (an interactional particle) is used, one would virtually have to guess under which subsection it would appear and begin the search from Issues in Applied Linguistics
International journal of humanities and arts, 2024
The study explores the morphosyntactic behaviour of ideophone and ideophonic constructions in Shona. Data for this study were obtained through desk research and intuition. The study was qualitatively analysed. On the surface peculiarities of the ideophone, it has been demonstrated that monadic ideophones take only the subject at the surface syntax whilst ideophones that portray certain actions are associated with both grammatical relations of functions at the surface syntax. In other words, the ideophone is the one that carries the semantic component as well as predetermines the syntactic component. Thus, it was observed that morphology and syntax are two inseparable components. The conclusion drawn from the discussion was that the syntax of ideophone constructions is influenced by derivational morphological processes. It is recommended that detailed research on the relationship between the ideophone and either the verb or adjective be undertaken. There is a need also to investigate whether there are factors that determine the difference in the final vowel-e,-ei and-u of the ideophone. Therefore, future research can also be pursued in the reference to this particular structure illustrating how it affects syntax or syntactic categories. This will expand the study of ideophones in Shona.
This research is indispensable as it basically studies how Gikuyu language reduplication patterns can be explained using Prosodic Morphology Theory. It looks at the various types of reduplication in Gikuyu language and seeks to establish if reduplication in Gikuyu is considered morphological reduplication or phonological copying. Word classification as well as the Gikuyu vowels and consonants have extensively been discussed in this paper as a foundation for the reduplication discussion. The study tries to find out the logic worth of reduplication, how reduplication interconnect with morphological and phonological processes, linguistic units associated with this concept and draws conclusion that reduplication in Gikuyu is considered both morphological doubling and phonological copying. The study adopts Prosodic Morphology theoretical approach in reduplication patterns analysis. Gikuyu phonemic catalogue on vowels and consonants as well as the word categorization, that is, nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs and adjectives has been discussed as a foundation for the research. Reduplication is a morphological process in which there is repetition of a stem or a root of a word in Linguistics. Reduplication is important since it acts as a declension to bring out semantic roles such as lexical derivation, authentication and reinforcement to form new words. Qualitative sampling was done on the word categories and an outcome was established. There were various reduplication patterns in Gikuyu, several semantic patterns associated with it were listed, set out and reviewed. The findings have been scrutinized and analyzed for further recommendations.
First language (L1) acquisition is a natural process where learners acquire mother tongue (L1) unconsciously. Unlike L1, second/foreign language (L2) acquisition (SLA) is a conscious process of learning language where learners have to imply deliberate attempts. Hence, L2 learners go through many SLA challenges including mother tongue/L1 interference, error analysis, interlanguage/learner’s language, learners’ age, motivation, positive feedback and so on. This very study portrays morphological and syntactical comparison between English and Bangla from synchronic, diachronic, and grammatical prospective. Therefore, the study aids the second language (L2) learners of either English or Bangla to comprehend both the language better and to overcome SLA challenges.
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