Taming cyber warfare: lessons from preventive arms control

2018, Journal of Cyber Policy


Preventive arms control, narrowly defined, is about restrictions on weapons development. From this traditional understanding follows that cyber warfare will be hard, if not impossible, to regulate. In this article, we start from a less circumscribed definition of preventive arms control that would also encompass limitations on the use of emerging technological capacities, both formal and informal. Based upon a comparison with the historical case of Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) arms control, we offer a fresh look into the prospects of taming cyber warfare via arms control measures and similar forms of security cooperation. The case of the ABM Treaty is instructive because it shows that neither definitional vagueness nor unequal relative gains proved to be insurmountable obstacles for cooperation. Rather, the transformation of strategic interests through complex learning was key to the achievement of the ABM Treaty. Recent developments in cybersecurity negotiations show that similar learning processes are underway. This is not to say that definitional and verification problems can be solved easily and that a treaty prohibiting cyber weapons is possible. But there is reason to believe that complex learning can transform perceived interest, just like it did during the Cold War, and that international norms against certain cyberattacks can be established.

Key takeaways

  • Preventive arms control wants to avert qualitative arms races at the stage of research and development before the weapons are procured (Neuneck and Mutz 2000;Altmann 2008;Mutschler 2013).
  • Notwithstanding a very different constellation of actors and responsibilities, we argue that the lessons of the ABM Treaty might well apply to cyber arms control, even though definitional and verification problems are much worse in the latter case.
  • Coming back to the two situation structures discussed above, we might say that this learning process changed the situation from a Deadlock game, where both sides believed to be better off by developing ABM technology, into a Prisoner's Dilemma in which both sides preferred mutual restraint and preventive arms control.
  • Unfortunately, all major cyber powers have yet to fully support genuine instruments of preventive arms control.
  • However, as our analysis of the case of the ABM Treaty has shown, preventive arms control can work without clear-cut definitions of banned technology and impeccable verification.