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2018, Journal of Cyber Policy
Preventive arms control, narrowly defined, is about restrictions on weapons development. From this traditional understanding follows that cyber warfare will be hard, if not impossible, to regulate. In this article, we start from a less circumscribed definition of preventive arms control that would also encompass limitations on the use of emerging technological capacities, both formal and informal. Based upon a comparison with the historical case of Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) arms control, we offer a fresh look into the prospects of taming cyber warfare via arms control measures and similar forms of security cooperation. The case of the ABM Treaty is instructive because it shows that neither definitional vagueness nor unequal relative gains proved to be insurmountable obstacles for cooperation. Rather, the transformation of strategic interests through complex learning was key to the achievement of the ABM Treaty. Recent developments in cybersecurity negotiations show that similar learning processes are underway. This is not to say that definitional and verification problems can be solved easily and that a treaty prohibiting cyber weapons is possible. But there is reason to believe that complex learning can transform perceived interest, just like it did during the Cold War, and that international norms against certain cyberattacks can be established.
Conflicts today are no longer confined to the three conventional areas of warfighting – land, sea, and air. Cyber space is now increasingly being recognized as a fourth area of conflict, with countries incorporating cyber elements into their traditional military doctrines, or developing offensive cyber capabilities and cyber military commands. As cyber space becomes more militarized, we are also increasingly seeing nation-state or state-sponsored cyber-attacks rise. Difficult to trace and shrouded in anonymity, how can the world address the potential risks of cyber weapons proliferation? What kind of agreement could be reached to prevent cyber conflict with these new capabilities? What role can confidence building measures or cyber norms play in de-escalation? This paper provides an analysis on the cyber weapons proliferation debate, leveraging the lessons learned from past international agreements, and offering a potential way forward to ensure that an open, stable, and secure cyber space remains.
This paper addresses obstacles and options for implementing a cyber arms control treaty. It is concerned mainly with computer network attacks and the cyber weapons (“hacking” tools and methods) deployed in those attacks. The main conclusion is that a treaty that pertains to criminal law and law enforcement is preferable to one that pertains to the conduct of nation states under international law, in particular the law of war. A secondary conclusion is that controls should apply mainly to the use of cyber weapons to commit illegal acts. The production, distribution, and possession of cyber weapons should not be controlled except when the intent is to use the weapons to commit crimes.
Philosophy & Technology, 2017
States’ capacity for using modern information and communication technology to inflict grave harm on enemies has been amply demonstrated in recent years, with many countries reporting large-scale cyberattacks against their military defense systems, water supply, and other critical infrastructure. Currently, no agreed-upon international rules or norms exist to govern international conflict in cyberspace. Many governments prefer to keep it that way. They argue that difficulties of verifiability and challenges posed by rapid technological change rule out agreement on an international cyber convention. Instead, they prefer to rely on informal cooperation and strategic deterrence to limit direct conflict. In this article, I seek to rebut some of themain objections to seeking an international convention on the use of cyber weapons. While there are significant obstacles to achieving effective arms control in the cyber domain, historical experience from other areas of international arms control suggests that none of these obstacles are insurmountable. Furthermore, while most critics of cyberarms control assume that cyberspace favors offensive strategies, closer inspection reveals the dominance of cyber-defensive strategies. This in turn improves prospects for striking an effective international agreement on cyberarms control.
This study inquires whether the United States and Russia might be headed toward a new Cold War, at least with respect to certain aspects of their diplomatic-strategic behavior. Those aspects have to do with missile defenses, nuclear arms control, and conflict in cyberspace. Arguments pertinent to these three domains or issues are not necessarily transferable, as interpretations of trends in U.S.-Russian relations, to other aspects of their diplomacy and national security affairs. For example, one cannot necessarily infer the outcome of Russian-American relations over Syria, Ukraine, or Afghanistan based on prevailing tendencies in nuclear arms control or cyber war. Nevertheless, the examination of missile defenses, nuclear arms control, and cyber conflict may yield important insights about near- and longer term prospects, because: (1) each of these issues has been identified by both states as a matter of vital national security interest; (2), each issue offers a challenging mix of technical judgments and policy prescriptions; and (3) U.S.-Russian cooperation is a necessary condition for amelioration of the security risks in each of these issue domains, as well as in their possible areas of overlap.
AJIL Unbound, 2020
Two of the most pressing questions concerning international peace and security today are how to avoid an escalation of conflicts in cyberspace and how to ensure responsible behavior and accountability of states in their use of information and communication technologies. With more than thirty states now possessing offensive cyber capabilities and cybersecurity incidents such as Stuxnet, WannaCry, and NotPetya causing significant physical effects or financial damage, there is a clear need to find a better way to manage security risks connected with the use of increasingly sophisticated cyber means by states. At present, this issue is on the agenda of two United Nations groups and is mainly addressed through a "framework for responsible behavior of states" consisting of international law, voluntary and non-binding norms, and confidence-building measures for states' use of information and communication technologies. What the current discussions do not address, however, is whether the security risks could also be regulated through an arms control and inspection regime for cyber weapons. While such a regime has been proposed by scholars, states remain skeptical or even actively opposed to efforts to impose traditional arms control measures on offensive cyber capabilities. This essay examines why a cyber weapons inspection regime is so difficult to devise. It argues that due to their nature and mode of functioning, cyber weapons significantly differ from traditional nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons, such that mechanisms established by traditional arms control treaties either will not work or will not be agreed to by states. Instead, new regulatory approaches are necessary.
Journal of Cyber Security Technology, 2020
This article is designed to outline the lack of international rules of engagement in cyberspace, and how traditional practices and laws of war are applicable to cyberwarfare and how it is not. If there are any legal implications for cyberwarfare, there are very few. Any reasonable anticipation of reprisal after an initial cyberattack by a nation-state upon another is minimum. The problem of attributing a cyberattack to a source remains an enormous challenge for cyberdiplomacy, leading to critics who do not see cyberwarfare as a standalone danger to national security. Regardless of the critics, the Department of Defense (DoD) has established cyber operations as weaponized entities in its Law of War Manual, and there are historical examples that prove cyberwarfare can act as a dangerous weapon against critical infrastructure and exposed populations. If there continues to be a deficiency of understanding on the part of essential decisionmakers regarding the nature of cyberspace in policy, and a sustained escalation of nation-state on nation-state cyberattacks, without proper rules of engagement in this space with universal axioms of proportionality, the international community could end up in error with an unwanted conventional or nuclear war.
Comparative Strategy, 2019
Society has become dependent on cyber systems across the full range of human activities, including commerce, finance, health care, energy, entertainment, communications, and national defense. "The globally-interconnected digital information and communications infrastructure known as 'cyberspace' underpins almost every facet of modern society and provides critical support for the U.S. economy, civil infrastructure, public safety, and national security." 1 The U.S. is especially vulnerable to cyber insecurity because it depends on cyber systems more heavily than most other states. But cyber insecurity is a worldwide problem, potentially affecting all cyber systems and their dependent infrastructure. Cyber insecurity can result from the vulnerabilities of cyber systems, including flaws or weaknesses in both hardware and software, and from the conduct of states, groups, and individuals with access to them. It takes the forms of cyber warfare, espionage, crime, attacks on cyber infrastructure, and exploitation of cyber systems. Virtually all aspects of cyber insecurity have a transnational component, affecting users of cyber systems throughout the world. Nonetheless, current U.S. efforts to deter cyberattacks and exploitation-though formally advocating international cooperation-are based almost exclusively on unilateral measures. 2 Whether cyberdeterrence through these methods can provide an adequate level of cyber security for U.S. users is, in the view of the NRC Committee on Deterring Cyberattacks (hereinafter "Committee"), an open question. Proposals for the U.S. to consider additional, unilateral measures to deter cyberattacks through prevention and retaliation have been presented to the NRC Committee for 1 The White House, "Cyberspace Policy Review: Assuring a Trusted and Resilient Information and Communications Infrastructure," May 2009, iii. 2 A recent example is the comprehensive and influential "Securing Cyberspace for the 44 th Presidency," A Report of the CSIS Commission on Cybersecurity for the 44 th Presidency (Washington, D.C. 2008), which contains numerous, sweeping recommendations to restructure government agencies and adopt national programs to secure various aspects of the U.S. cyber infrastructure, while proposing virtually no program of international engagement. This follows from the Report's premise that the activities of foreign states are the source of cyber insecurity in the U.S. (p.11): "Foreign opponents, through a combination of skill, luck, and perseverance, have been able to penetrate poorly protected U.S. computer networks and collect immense quantities of valuable information."
Cherian Samuel & Munish Sharma (eds.), Securing cyberspace. International and Asian perspectives (Pentagon Press, New Delhi 2016) pp. 95-105., 2016
Predicting the future is hardly possible, but stating that cyber aggression – be it espionage, sabotage or even warfare – will be a continuing threat to international security and stability in the coming years seems a safe forecast. This chapter deals with the question of how states can cope with this forecast from a foreign policy perspective, focussing on cyber aggression conducted or sponsored by state actors. Defence and deterrence, which could be labelled passive deterrence and active deterrence as well, are probably the most ‘obvious’ counter-measures to international cyber aggression that a state could implement. This chapter especially analyses why defence and deterrence look like promising policies, but in practice face some difficulties in the cyber realm. Diplomatic efforts to create Confidence Building Measures (CBMs) and international accepted norms regarding cyberthreats could be more effective in actively addressing the core problems of international cyber aggression, but are little successful so far. The chapter argues that such multilateral diplomatic efforts are crucial for long-term cybersecurity and stability. Instead of an on-going ‘cyber arms race’, efforts could better be focussed on building mutual confidence and respect as well.
of the Thesis Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts (in Global Policy) May 2018 Research into the international agreements that increase cooperation over cybersecurity challenges is severely lacking. This is a necessary next step for bridging diplomatic challenges over cybersecurity. This work aspires to be push the bounds of research into these agreements and offer a tool that future researchers can rely on. For this research I created, and made publicly available, the International Cybersecurity Cooperation Dataset (ICCD), which contains over 350 international cybersecurity agreements and pertinent metadata. Each agreement is marked per which subtopics within cybersecurity related agreements it covers. These typologies are: Discussion and Dialogue Research Confidence Building Measures Incident Response Crime Capacity Building Activity Limiting Defense Terrorism Drawing on ICCD and R for summary statistics and significance tests, as well as some quantitative insights, this research explores the relationship between different agreements, organizations, and other possibly related factors. The most significant takeaways from this research are: Dr. Seth Singleton -Professor Singleton has a robust academic background, having served as the dean of institutions in the US and Vietnam, and having taught at a much broader range of institutions spanning everywhere from Tanzania, to Russia, and more. Beyond his teaching, he has held grants from the National Council on Soviet and East European Research, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Fulbright program, and more. Professor Singleton graciously accepted to serve as my committee chair. As a long time security studies expert with a deep familiarity of nuclear arms control and U.S.-Soviet relations, his willingness to approach the new age security challenge of cyber security and serve as the head of my thesis committee was much appreciated. Our collaboration over this project was a bit of a 'melding of generations', applying conventional wisdom, knowledge, and experience to the dynamic and novel topic of cybersecurity as an international security concern. He guided this manuscript through multiple iterations and helped take what was originally a fledgling idea and frame it as a practical research project that can offer actionable results for policy makers. Without his attentive guidance and support, ICCD and this research would not have been possible. Dr. Frank Appunn -Dr. Appunn is an educator on computer security and information technology at Thomas College. He is also a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) and is highly active in the security community, volunteering his time at public/private partnerships actively contributing within the security community towards helping tackle some of the nation's most daunting cybersecurity challenges. His interdisciplinary and cross-institutional role in this project is exemplary of the exact types of v solutions that are needed to amply address cybersecurity as an international security concern moving forward. His oversight and technical fluency provided this research with a technical attunement that many similar projects all too often lack. Kenneth Hillas -Professor Hillas is an accomplished, now retired, Senior Foreign Service officer. He has previously worked on special assignments involving conflict resolution, as well as having served in Prague, Moscow, Rome, Pretoria, Warsaw, and Washington; among many places. Beyond his career in the State Department he has taught courses on foreign policy at the National War College and continues to teach at the University of Maine.
Strategic Studies Quarterly, 2011
What is the strategic purpose of cyberpower? All too many works on cyberspace and cyberpower are focused on the technical, tactical, and operational aspects of operating in the cyber domain. These are undoubtedly important topics, but very few address the strategic purpose of cyberpower for the ends of policy. Understanding its strategic purpose is important if policy makers, senior commanders, and strategists are to make informed judgments about its use. Cyberpower does indeed have strategic purpose relevant to achieving policy objectives. This strategic purpose revolves around the ability in peace and war to manipulate perceptions of the strategic environment to one's advantage while at the same time degrading the ability of an adversary to comprehend that same environment. While it is proper to pay attention to the technological, tactical, and operational implications, challenges, and opportunities of cyberspace, this article concerns itself with its use-"the ability to use cyberspace to create advantages and influence events in all the operational environments and across the instruments of power"-for achieving the policy objectives of the nation. 1 Transforming the effects of cyberpower into policy objectives is the art and science of strategy, defined as "managing context for continuing advantage according to policy" (emphasis in original). 2 The definition provides the overall strategic impetus for the use of cyberpower. To fully understand the power of cyber, one must acknowledge the character of cyber-power and cyberspace. The linkage between strategic context, strategy, and
s the Department of Defense (DOD) formulates strategy and doctrine for operating in cyberspace, it is vital to understand the domain and how it relates to the traditional domains of land, sea, air, and space. While cyberspace has distinct technologies and methods, it shares many characteristics with the traditional domains, and some of the conventional wisdom about how cyberspace differs from them does not hold up under examination. These similarities are especially relevant when it comes to strategies for deterrence. Just as any attempt to develop a single deterrence strategy for all undesirable activity across the traditional domains would be fraught with difficulty, so too for cyberspace. Yet this is how many authors have approached the topic of deterrence in cyberspace. Instead, by focusing on particular cyber weapons that are amenable to deterrence or drawing
This paper will try to answer this question, posed by the title. But, we want to start with the idea that cyber-warfare may be construed to be more than it is. The psychological effects of cyber-warfare may be greater than the real issue, particularly as its interpreted by the media. Another question that comes up is how do we begin to examine a question of law, where little information exists? Now that we’re in the 21st century, it’s long overdue to fully examine this issue. Although, more than a decade has passed since discussion of this issue began, there are still many questions. What if this thought, this idea, is being “psychologically built” into the minds of people; manipulation? What happens when it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy?
European Security, 2015
Some 30 years since the release of the Hollywood blockbuster War Games, the possibility that hackers might break into nuclear command and control facilities, compromise early warning or firing systems, or even cause the launch of a nuclear weapon has become disturbingly real. While this challenge will impact all nuclear-armed states, it appears particularly acute for the USA and Russia given their large, diverse, and highly alerted nuclear forces. The fact that east-west relations have deteriorated to a nadir perhaps not seen since the 1980s, strategic instability has increasedparticularly in the wake of the Ukraine and now Syria crisesand that the nuclear arms reductions agenda appears to have reached a standstill makes this challenge particularly pressing. In this discouraging milieu, new cyberthreats are both exacerbating the already strained US-Russia strategic balanceparticularly the perceived safety and security of nuclear forcesand at the same time creating new vulnerabilities and problems that might be exploited by a third party. Taken together, these dynamics add another major complication for current arms control agreements and possible future nuclear cuts, and also seem likely to increase the possibility of accidents, miscalculation, and potential unauthorised nuclear use, especially given the large number of nuclear weapons that remain on "hair-trigger" alert.
In spite of absence of war declaration or any conclusive evidence of the attacker, some scholars refer the cyber-attack on Estonia in 2007 as the first cyber-war and Estonia accused Russia that was behind it. No doubt that our increasing reliance on the networked systems is creating a high security risk through the cyber domain on the states (critical infrastructure, military), industry (economy, companies) and individuals (privacy, safety) that interconnected globally in cyberspace. To make it worse than nuclear or conventional weapons, cyber weapons are easy to access, inexpensive, difficult to track and identified and evolving much faster than its laws and legal policies nationally and internationally. In this paper, I will try to identify the conceptual and technical challenges between Conventional Deterrence (nuclear and conventional weapons) and Cyber Deterrence (cyber weapons offensive/defensive) and showing limited cyber deterrence effectiveness comparing to the conventional deterrence. Despite its huge anticipated impact on the future of cyber weapons/wars, this short essay will not examine the influence of artificial intelligence and internet of things on the future of cyber weapons/wars.
This article relates US efforts to develop strategic ‘cyber deterrence’ as a means to deter adversarial actions in and through global cyberspace. Thus far, interests-based cyber deterrence theory has failed to translate into effective US policy and strategy, due to a divergence between the operational idiosyncrasies of cyberspace and an over-reliance on Cold War models of deterrence. Even whilst explicit cyber deterrence strategy falters, the US is pursuing a norms-based approach to cyber strategy generally, and hopes to derive deterrent effects from its attempts to broker international agreements pertaining to the ‘rules of the road’ for the proper and productive use of cyberspace. The US is not the only norm entrepreneur in this policy space, however, and this article examines how a range of other state and non-state actors are complicating efforts to develop normative regimes that might reduce risks to and from cyberspace. The article concludes that a norms-based approach to cyber deterrence might engender deterrent effects at the state level but is unlikely to do so in the case of ‘rogue’ states and many non-state actors. States will continue, therefore, to develop punitive deterrence capabilities to respond to these actors.
Information has always been a key element of national power and influence. However, now enabled by modern digital technologies, worldwide communications and information networks have fundamentally reshaped patterns of international trade, finance, and global intercourse, affecting not only economic but also political and social relationships as well. Under these circumstances, few countries, even those with authoritarian systems, can or choose to retain the closed autarchic economies as they did in the past because of economic and financial interdependencies. Moreover, new actors, many of them entities other than states, now play important roles in the international system and interact in novel ways. As a consequence, these forces have helped to refashion international relations after the collapse of the bipolar structure and in the wake of the Cold War. Because they possess particular strengths and weaknesses, we now clearly recognize that modern digital information systems (what are commonly called "cyber systems") are powerful tools and weapons on the one hand as well as sources of great potential vulnerability on the other, affecting not only our economic and social patterns, but also our national security. Digital information-and the cyber infrastructure that processes and carries it-has its own special characteristics; and these qualities are sufficiently different than those of analogue information that many consider "cyber" to be a distinct medium or domain. Considering both the benefits and vulnerabilities of our cyber dependency, together these factors have created a powerful interest in better securing our information and the cyber infrastructures through which it is processed and transmitted. As part of an overall strategy to protect our information resources and cyber capabilities, applying the lessons and tools of deterrence to the cyber domain merits attention as one important component of a comprehensive security strategy.
Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, 2000
How should the United States organize itself to deal with the threat of cyberaggression? The initial effort of the Obama Administration, released in May 2009, focuses attention on the organizational and bureaucratic decisionmaking infrastructure necessary for cybersecurity and provides some general guidelines about goals and means. It does not address the more fundamental question of strategic approach. This article suggests the time has come to resolve the core issue of what organizing principle should drive national cybersecurity policy. Specifically, we argue that an offense-defense strategic framework must be adopted to think about and organize against cyber threats in the 21 st century. This means that the United States must set aside deterrence-the dominant strategic anchor of the past fifty-plus years-and adopt a full war-fighting posture. What has worked in the nuclear realm, and remains relevant for homeland security against WMD terrorism, will not work in cyberspace.
Jonah Feldman Ming Chow COMP-116 6 December 2017 The Internet’s Security Dilemma: Why Cyber-Weapons Beget Instability Abstract This paper analyzes interstate cyberwarfare through the lens of Robert Jervis’s offense/defense paradigm. In this paradigm, two factors are important in determining technology’s impact on global stability: whether a technology favors offensive or defensive strategy, and whether offensive technology can be distinguished from defensive technology. This paper argues that cybersecurity exemplifies Jervis’s “third world,” where offense has the advantage while offensive and defensive technologies are easily distinguishable. The case for offense/defense distinguishability is straightforward: defensive tactics like encryption, firewalls, and air gapping have little offensive utility. Thus, this paper will focus primarily on cybersecurity’s offensive advantages and its implications for the international system.
Text of Presentation to Einstein Forum, Berlin, 15 Nov 2005. Changes in the nature of warfare, military technology, and the global strategic environment pose new challenges for arms control. The article critically examines new forms of strategic warfare, cyber-war, so-called “precision” conventional warfare, global conventional strike weapons, and less-lethal weaponry.
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