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2005, Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education
19 pages
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The mass media serve as informal educators, influencing how individuals learn about various topics, including diversity. By presenting information, organizing ideas, disseminating values, creating expectations, and providing behavioral models, the media shape perceptions and actions without the consumers' conscious awareness. The paper argues for the inclusion of media literacy in education, enabling students to critically analyze the relationship between media content and social behavior while acknowledging media's complex impact on societal norms.
Consumption Comprehension Creativity Critical Thinking Citizenship Cross-cultural communication Collaboration & conflict(s) resolution Module 1. Information factory Part I. Knowledge building 15 MIL competence breakdown categories/indicators for Comprehension Students should be able to MIL added Human Right value Freedom of expression Participation 6. Evaluation (45 min) Session 4: 45 min In small groups: look at an online article and search for key criteria All class: compare and discuss 7. Training support materials (see additional section to Lesson Plans) References to other materials and resources Useful links for pedagogical animation Glossary Useful software for MIL integration in learning outcomes (online resources by country) Describe how information is constructed Understand the way mass media and social media are organized and disseminate information Make choices about one's information diet and pluralism of sources Exercise critical thinking (verifying, contextualizing, cross-referencing) Contribute information when appropriate on mass and social media Pay attention to others' opinions and exert their rights as citizens Module 1. Information factory Part I. Knowledge building 16 STAGE 2 (continued): Evaluation 45 min Consider the disaster scenario and answer following points: 1. How was information collected? 2. What were the quality criteria used? 3. How was it organised? 4. How was it communicated? Give your own rating of the article Teacher tip: Alternately, you can make the students play a news game. See My Life as a Refugee serious game: See "Be my saviour", the news game to save jobs: STAGE 3 (18-19): Building a sustainable knowledge of the information factory (citizenship & comprehension) Elections scenario: Build a campaign for a new, young candidate 3 x 45 min Freedom of expression Participation Consumption Comprehension Creativity Critical Thinking Citizenship Cross-cultural communication Collaboration & conflict(s) resolution Understand and describe the mechanisms of information disorders Respond to information disorders and debunk them (fact-checking tools) List ways of combatting disinformation Protect themselves from excessive risks of amplification and virality Promote healthy online presence through active participation Module 2. Information disorders Part I. Knowledge building 26 REACT Consumption Comprehension Creativity Critical Thinking Citizenship Cross-cultural communication Collaboration & conflict(s) resolution Module 4. Digital storytelling and media content Part I. Knowledge building 49 MIL competences breakdown categories/indicators of Comprehension and Creativity competences Students should be able to MIL added Human Right value Freedom of expression 6. Evaluation (45 min) Go to an online website for a newspaper/magazine and ask students to evaluate the text, images and the design principles (at least 2) they recognize, following the media content and design grid below (to be reused during MILAB) Areas Question Evaluation by student: Describe and assess coherence. Justify your answers Design principles Image Composition? Sound Rythm? Text Word Emphasis?
The Phenomenon of Involuntary Celibates (Incels) in Internet Meme Culture: A Reflection of Masculine Domination M.P. Aulia, I. Rosida …………………………………………………………………………………………… 4 When Technology Becomes a Policing Agent: Effects of Raids on Restaurants in Leading Crime Shows on the Youth of Pakistan M. Awais, F. Ali ................................................................................................................. 18 Development of Educational Motivation of Adults with the Help of Visual Technologies T. Byundyugova, A. Babikova, E. Kornienko …………………………………………………..…….. 28 Usage of YouTube for Academic Purpose Among University Students in Time of COVID19 A.R. Chhachhar, A.A. Chachar, N.F. Arbab ……..………………………………………….………… 38 Multimedia Brochure Taganrog – the Cultural Capital of the Don (Virtual Open-air Museum) as the Implementation of a Media Educational Project in Museum Pedagogy A. Dolgireva, T. Balina, A. Levitskaya …………………………………………………………………… 48 Enhancing Information Preservation in Social Media Text Analytics Using Advanced and Robust Pre-processing Techniques S.M. Emaduddin, R. Ullah, I. Mazahir, M.Z. Uddin ………….………………………………….. 60 Theoretical Concepts of Film Studies in Cinema Art Journal: 1945–1955 А. Fedorov, A. Levitskaya …………..……………………………………………………………………… 71 Addiction toward Smartphone on College Students, during the Contingency Derived from COVID-19 A. García-Santillán, M.E. Escalera-Chávez, V.S. Molchanova ........................................ 110 Proposing Internet-Driven Alternative Pedagogical System for Use in Teaching and Learning During and Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic A.M. Ibrahim, A.L. Gusau, S. Uba ………………………………………………………………………… 118 Subject Librarianship in Kazakhstan: Exploring Information Literacy Skills, Functions, and Practices Y. Kamilova, J. Yap ………………………………………………….…………………………………………. 132 Youth Media Consumption and Its Impact on Perception of Politics (Regional Case) A. Kazakov, A. Vilkov, N. Shestov …………..………………………………………………………….… 145 Information Resilience as a Means of Countering the Socio-Psychological Strategies of Information Wars A.E. Lebid, K.M. Vashyst, M.S. Nazarov ……………………………………………………………….. 157 How the Hatred of the Few Turns into the Enmity of Millions in the Times of Uncertainty and Danger E.A. Makarova, E.L. Makarova, I. Korovin 167 Russian Topic on BBC and Media Manipulations A. Novikov, A. Fedorov ……………………………………………………..……………………….……….. 179 Digital Competence and the Gender Gap: A Case Study of Hospitality Students D. Prabhu, J. Mallya, V. Patwardhan, A. Nayak ……………………………….……………………. 190 Reading the Message of Peace Campaign in the Global Happiness Challenge Instagram: The Digital Communication Era S.W. Sari, B. Nisa, M. Pangestu, M. Azwar …………….……………………..……………………… 197 The Image of the USSR as a Sports Power in Contemporary Russian Audiovisual Media Texts L. Seliverstova, I. Samarina A. Levitskaya …….………………………………………………………. 210 Newspapers Online Portals in India: Coverage of COVID-19 Vaccination Awareness Shalini, G. Kumar, I. Volkova, M. Kumar …………………………………………...………………… 221 The Truth Commission as a Tool for Accessing and Disseminating Information: Realization of the Right to Truth in Post-Conflict Societies A.S. Slavko, V.M. Zavhorodnia, S.I. Degtyarev, S.A. Zabikh ………………………………….… 233 Alternate Entertainment or Shifting Discourse: A Narrative Analysis of Popular Web Series in India S. Srivastav, S. Rai ……………….…………………………………..………………………..………………. 242 Media Ecology and Language Innovations (Infolexicographic Literacy) D. Syzonov ………………………………………………………………………………………..………………. 255 The Pedagogy of Multiliteracy and Multimodality through Memes G.B. Ugalingan, G.M.L. Flores, L.A.B. Garinto, M.J. Mante-Estacio …..…………………… 264 Exploring the Role of Emotional Intelligence in Advertising: A Theoretical Analysis S. Yaseen, I. Mazahir, M.S. Ramish …..………………..……………………………………………….. 272
Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Fourth Edition
In the recent Spike Jonze (2013) movie, Her, Joaquin Phoenix's character, Theodore Twombly, falls in love with his computer operating system, Samantha. In the universe of the film, this is not an outrageous occurrence-viewers learn that many people have developed close relationships with their operating systems, and many have, like Theodore, fallen in love with them. Conversely, Samantha tells Theodore that she is in love, not only with him, but also with 641 of her users. Although our 2014 world may not yet have sentient operating systems, it is not too early to adapt Shakespeare's oft-quoted line from The Tempest, "O, brave new world that has such technology in't!": such technology that the lines between who we are, what we are, and what we take in with our senses are all beginning to blur in very confusing ways.
We are living in a media-saturated world. Not only we receive information, we have become prosumers and are able to communicate with the 'world. ' This has been widely reflected in the academic texts. But is there a dark side to this 'age of information freedom?' My argument in this paper is that although we have gotten rid of one sort of tyranny and can more freely speak up, a more suppressive and widespread process of control and surveillance is underway. Worse than that, we the users seem to be comfort with that.
The Internet and Adolescent Safety: Peer Influence and Gender Difference as Potential Risk-Factors of Cyberbullying among Nigerian Secondary School Adolescents A.M. Ibrahim, P.T. Vi ....................................................................................................... 4 A Comparative Analysis of the Reportage of Covid-19 During the First and Second Wave: A Case of the Egyptian and Jordanian Newspapers M. Sabri AlAshry .............................................................................................................. 17 Social Media Use and Political Polarization: The Mediating Role of Political Engagement and Political Loyalty F. Ali, M. Awais, M. Faran ................................................................................................ 34 A Study of the Reflection of Current Russian-Cuban Relationship in the Content on the Online News of the Cuban News Agency Prensa Latina Y. Barcelay Ramírez, N.S. Gegelova, A.A. Grabelnikov ................................................... 46 Formation and Development of Digital Literacy of the Population Based on Visualization Technologies T.V. Byundyugova, A.V. Babikova, E.V. Kornienko ........................................................ 57 From Business Information Literacy to Decision-Making, Problem Solving and Innovation S.L. Capinzaiki Ottonicar, M.L. Pomim Valentim, F. Bouthillier ................................... 66 Investigating the Effect of TikTok App on the Transmission of Cultural Values in Algeria: A Case Study of Algerian Youngsters A.K. Dekhil, H. Sarnou ...................................................................................................... 77 How Universities Communicate with Public Using Facebook Page L. Eger, D. Egerová, L. Tomczyk, M. Krystoň .................................................................. 88 Communication Barriers and Process of Feedback in Social Interactions A. Hassan, M.H. Khan, D. Ziberi ..................................................................................... 100 The Role of Media and Information Literacy during COVID-19 Pandemic and Post-Pandemic Period A. Khanina, A. Zimovets, T. Maksimenko ....................................................................... 111 Media as a Source of Popular Science Information during COVID-19 Pandemic M. Kitsa ............................................................................................................................. 119 Criteria and Methods for Assessing the Effectiveness of Activities, Contributing to the Development of Students' Media Competence in the Process of Analyzing Media Manipulative Influences A. Levitskaya, A. Fedorov ................................................................................................. 129 Phenomena of Loneliness and Fear Caused by the Mass Media Threat in the Situation of COVID-19 Pandemic E.A. Makarova, E.L. Makarova, V.I. Mishchenko ........................................................... 146 Bringing Media and Information Literacy into the Margins: Introducing Media and Information Literacy at the Outskirts A.R. Manabat .................................................................................................................... 156 2 International Journal of Media and Information Literacy. 2021. 6(1) News Literacy and Content Contribution: A Survey of University Students in Pakistan B. Memon, M.I. Mirbahar, R.A. Khuhro .......................................................................... 166 International Journal of Media and Information Literacy: Five-year Anniversary A. Novikov ......................................................................................................................... 176 YouTube as a New Culture in Indonesia : The Construction of Gender Role in the Lens of the Circuit of Culture I. Rosida, M. Azwar .......................................................................................................... 182 People’s Information Security during a Pandemic and in the Post-Pandemic Period as a Systemic Phenomenon in Terms of Their Protectedness V. Sadivnychyi, M.S. Nazarov, A.E. Lebid ....................................................................... 193 Helth-Related Information Seeking During COVID-19: Testing the Comprehensive Model of Information Seeking on University Students of Pakistan H. Shaheen, F. Ali, M. Awais, M. Saeed ........................................................................... 201 The Effect of Social Media on Financial Literacy O.A. Shvaher, S.I. Degtyarev, L.G. Polyakova .................................................................. 211 Media Literacy Research During COVID-19 Pandemic: Social Network Screening L. Shevchenko, D. Syzonov, O.Pliasun, V. Shmatko ........................................................ 219 C.   , R.V. Rekha ...................................................................................................... 231 Forbidden Soviet Cinema (1951-1991): A View from the 21st сentury M. Tselykh ........................................................................................................................ 239
Communication Quarterly, 2012
Democratic foundations rest on public support and a reasonably broad distribution of knowledge. The media have traditionally been assigned responsibility for providing much of that knowledge, but they do not inform all citizens equally; and communication scholars have, thus, studied the threat represented by the knowledge gap phenomenon. This study examines several factors on which the knowledge gap perspective is based in the online environment, including knowledge about international affairs, the local community, and the Internet. Results confirm gaps in all 3 knowledge types by education and income groups, including positive relationships between several media use and knowledge measures.
Theoretical Concepts of Film Studies in Cinema Art Journal: 1969–1985 А. Fedorov …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 14 The Effect of Perception and Usability on E-reader User Satisfaction: A Case Study on Autobase Twitter @literarybase R.S. Hilaby, A. Maulidizen, M. Azwar …………………………………………………………………… 61 The Role of Social Networking Sites in Transforming the Algerian Society: From a Francophone to an Anglophone Society A. Houichi, A.K. Dekhil ………………………………………………………………………………………. 74 Motivating Factors of User Intention toward Social Television Use: Conceptual Model Development A.M. Ibrahim, H.U. Sanda, P. Vi Thi ……………………………………………………………………. 86 Crazy Girls: Female Delinquency in Pakistani Movies S. Khan, M. Saeed ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 99 National-cultural Determination of the Journalism Studies Evolution S. Korkonosenko, Z. Khubetcova …………………………………………………………………………. 106 Use of the OSINT-Technologies for Civil Society Institutions A.E. Lebid, V.V. Stepanov, M.S. Nazarov ……………………………………………………………… 114 Western Cinematography on the Pages of the Soviet Screen Magazine: 1928–1930 A. Levitskaya, E. Kornienko, A. Novikov ………………………………………………………………. 122 Exploring the Image of Indonesia in International News Media through a Comparative Analysis of Leading News Websites from the World I. Mazahir, Y.W.I. Surya, S. Yaseen, J. Ansari ……..………………………………………………… 145 Information Literacy in Learning Academic Writing O. Pechinkina, T. Vepreva …………………………………………………………………………………… 168 Digital Skills Research for Tourism and Hospitality Staff Y. Pshenichnykh, I. Novi …………………………………………………………………………………….. 178 Women, Gossip, and Film: Social and Cultural Construction on Women's Behavioral Engagement in Gossiping I. Rosida, T. Handayani ………………………………………………………………………………………. 191 Parents’ Role in the Virtual Education of Elementary Education Students During the Covid-19 Pandemic J.C. Santana, A. del R.L. Hernández, V.S. Molchanova, O.N.L. Hernández ……………… 204 Freedom оf Expression under Martial Law A.S. Slavko, V.M. Zavhorodnia, S.I. Degtyarev ………………………………………………………. 218 Social, Psychological, Professional and Academic Features of the Use of Social Media in the Activities of Higher Education Institutions Y. Slutskyi, E. Panasenko, S.Kurinna, I. Shcherbiak ………………………………………………. 228 Polish Cinema: From History to Modernity M. Tselykh ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 240 Gender Social Media Marketing: The Female Dimension in China I. Volkova, X. Chen, M. Shilina ……………………………………………………………………………. 246
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