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2020, Nonlinearity
We prove that a class of partially hyperbolic attractors introduced by Castro and Nascimento have unique equilibrium states for natural classes of potentials. We also show if the attractors are C 2 and have invariant stable and centerunstable foliations, then there is a unique equilibrium state for the geometric potential and its 1-parameter family. We do this by applying general techniques developed by Climenhaga and Thompson.
Nonlinearity, 2019
We address the problem of existence and uniqueness (finiteness) of ergodic equilibrium states for a natural class of partially hyperbolic dynamics homotopic to Anosov. We propose to study the disintegration of equilibrium states along central foliation as a tool to develop the theory of equilibrium states for partially hyperbolic dynamics.
Nonlinearity, 2017
We prove existence of finitely many ergodic equilibrium states associated to local homeomorphisms and hyperbolic potentials. In addition, if the dynamics is transitive we obtain the uniqueness of equilibrium state. Under the assumptions of uniform contraction on the fiber and non-uniformly expansion on some region of the base we also prove existence of equilibrium states for partially hyperbolic skew-products.
arXiv (Cornell University), 2022
It has long been conjectured that the classical Lorenz attractor supports a unique measure of maximal entropy. In this article, we give a positive answer to this conjecture and its higher-dimensional counterpart by considering the uniqueness of equilibrium states for Hölder continuous functions on a sectional-hyperbolic attractor Λ. We prove that in a C 1-open and dense family of vector fields (including the classical Lorenz attractor), if the point masses at singularities are not equilibrium states, then there exists a unique equilibrium state supported on Λ. In particular, there exists a unique measure of maximal entropy for the flow X|Λ.
Some of the guiding problems in partially hyperbolic systems are the following: (1) Examples, (2) Properties of invariant foliations, (3) Accessibility, (4) Ergodicity, (5) Lyapunov exponents, (6) Integrability of central foliations, (7) Transitivity and (8) Classification. Here we will survey the state of the art on these subjects, and propose related problems.
Journal of Differential Equations, 2011
We present a multidimensional flow exhibiting a Rovella-like attractor: a transitive invariant set with a non-Lorenz-like singularity accumulated by regular orbits and a multidimensional non-uniformly expanding invariant direction. Moreover, this attractor has a physical measure with full support and persists along certain submanifolds of the space of vector fields. As in the 3-dimensional Rovella-like attractor, this example is not robust. As a sub-product of the construction we obtain a new class of multidimensional non-uniformly expanding endomorphisms without any uniformly expanding direction, which is interesting by itself. Our example is a suspension (with singularities) of this multidimensional endomorphism. Contents 1. Introduction and statements of the results 1.1. Preliminary definitions and conjectures 1.2. Organization of the text Acknowledgments 2. The construction 2.1. An example of non-uniformly expanding dynamics in high dimension 2.2. The unperturbed basic dynamics 2.3. The unperturbed singular flow 2.4. Perturbing the original singular flow 3. Properties of the vector field and its unfolding 3.1. X is chaotic with multidimensional nonuniform expansion 3.2. Unfolding X. 4. Higher dimensional Benedicks-Carleson conditions 4.1. Non-flat critical or singular sets 4.2. Hyperbolic times 4.3. Existence of many hyperbolic neighborhoods versus absolutely continuous invariant probability measures 4.4. Existence of absolutely continuous probability measures 5. Periodic attractor with full basin of attraction
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 2018
We prove statistical stability for a family of Lorenz attractors with a $C^{1+\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}}$ stable foliation.
arXiv (Cornell University), 2023
We prove that if f is a C 1+ partially hyperbolic diffeomorphism satisfying certain conditions then there is a C 1-open neighborhood A of f so that every g ∈ A ∩ Diff 1+ (M) has a unique equilibrium state. CONTENTS 1. Introduction 1 2. Preliminaries 3 2.1. A criterion to the uniqueness of MME 3 2.2. Partial hyperbolic systems 6 2.3. Unstable entropy 7 3. Consequences of h u (f) − h s (f) > 0 9 4. Proof of Theorem A 12 4.1. Choosing the decomposition 12 4.2. Specification on G g 13 4.3. Obstruction of expansivity 14 4.4. The set P g has small pressure 14 4.5. Bowen's property 15 4.6. Proof of Theorem A 16 References 16
We consider quasilinear parabolic evolution equations in the situation where the set of equilibria forms a finite-dimensional C 1 -manifold which is normally hyperbolic. The existence of foliations of the stable and unstable manifolds is shown assuming merely C 1 -regularity of the underlying equation.
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 2015
We show that a partially hyperbolic C 1
arXiv (Cornell University), 2008
We describe some recent results on the dynamics of singular-hyperbolic (Lorenz-like) attractors Λ introduced in [25]: (1) there exists an invariant foliation whose leaves are forward contracted by the flow; (2) there exists a positive Lyapunov exponent at every orbit; (3) attractors in this class are expansive and so sensitive with respect to initial data; (4) they have zero volume if the flow is C 2 , or else the flow is globally hyperbolic; (5) there is a unique physical measure whose support is the whole attractor and which is the equilibrium state with respect to the centerunstable Jacobian; (6) the hitting time associated to a geometric Lorenz attractor satisfies a logarithm law; (7) the rate of large deviations for the physical measure on the ergodic basin of a geometric Lorenz attractor is exponential.
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 2004
A {\em singular hyperbolic attractor} for flows is a partially hyperbolic attractor with singularities (hyperbolic ones) and volume expanding central direction \cite{mpp1}. The geometric Lorenz attractor \cite{gw} is an example of a singular hyperbolic attractor. In this paper we study the perturbations of singular hyperbolic attractors for three-dimensional flows. It is proved that any attractor obtained from such perturbations contains
We analyze a phase-field system where the energy balance equation is linearly coupled with a nonlinear and nonlocal ODE for the order parameter χ. The latter equation is characterized by a space convolution term which models particle interaction and a singular configuration potential that forces χ to take values in (−1, 1). We prove that the corresponding dynamical system has a bounded absorbing set in a suitable phase space. Then we establish the existence of a finite-dimensional global attractor.
Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 2004
A recent problem in dynamics is to determinate whether an attractor Λ of a C r flow X is C r robust transitive or not. By attractor we mean a transitive set to which all positive orbits close to it converge. An attractor is C r robust transitive (or C r robust for short) if it exhibits a neighborhood U such that the set ∩ t>0 Y t (U) is transitive for every flow Y C r close to X. We give sufficient conditions for robustness of attractors based on the following definitions. An attractor is singular-hyperbolic if it has singularities (all hyperbolic) and is partially hyperbolic with volume expanding central direction [MPP]. An attractor is C r critically-robust if it exhibits a neighborhood U such that ∩ t>0 Y t (U) is in the closure of the closed orbits is every flow Y C r close to X. We show that on compact 3-manifolds all C r critically-robust singular-hyperbolic attractors with only one singularity are C r robust.
Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2000
We study a bifurcation of Axiom A (hyperbolic) vector fields in dimension three leading to robust strange attractors with singularities. The Axiom A vector fields involved in the bifurcation exhibit a basic set equivalent to the suspension of a three symbol subshift. The attractors arising from this kind of bifurcation are not equivalent to the geometric Lorenz attractors.
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 2012
On every compact 3-manifold, we build a non-empty open set U of Diff 1 (M ) such that, for every r ≥ 1, every C r -generic diffeomorphism f ∈ U ∩ Diff r (M ) has no topological attractors. On higher dimensional manifolds, one may require that f has neither topological attractors nor topological repellers. Our examples have finitely many quasi attractors. For flows, we may require that these quasi attractors contain singular points. Finally we discuss alternative definitions of attractors which may be better adapted to generic dynamics. * This work has been done during the stays of Li Ming and Yang Dawei at the IMB, Université de Bourgogne and we thank the IMB for its warm hospitality. M. Li is supported by a post doctoral grant of the Région Bourgogne, and D. Yang is supported by CSC of Chinese Education Ministry.
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 2010
We study ergodic properties of invariant measures for the partially hyperbolic horseshoes, introduced in Díaz et al [Destroying horseshoes via heterodimensional cycles: generating bifurcations inside homoclinic classes. Ergod. Th. & Dynam. Sys. 29 (2009), 433–474]. These maps have a one-dimensional center direction Ec, and are at the boundary of the (uniformly) hyperbolic diffeomorphisms (they are constructed bifurcating hyperbolic horseshoes via heterodimensional cycles). We prove that every ergodic measure is hyperbolic, but the set of Lyapunov exponents in the central direction has gap: all ergodic invariant measures have negative exponent, with the exception of one ergodic measure with positive exponent. As a consequence, we obtain the existence of equilibrium states for any continuous potential. We also prove that there exists a phase transition for the smooth family of potentials given by ϕt=t log ∣DF∣Ec∣.
Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2000
We study a bifurcation of Axiom A (hyperbolic) vector fields in dimension three leading to robust strange attractors with singularities. The Axiom A vector fields involved in the bifurcation exhibit a basic set equivalent to the suspension of a three symbol subshift. The attractors arising from this kind of bifurcation are not equivalent to the geometric Lorenz attractors.
We prove that a singular-hyperbolic attractor of a 3-dimensional flow is chaotic, in two strong different senses. Firstly, the flow is expansive: if two points remain close for all times, possibly with time reparametrization, then their orbits coincide. Secondly, there exists a physical (or Sinai-Ruelle-Bowen) measure supported on the attractor whose ergodic basin covers a full Lebesgue (volume) measure subset of the topological basin of attraction. Moreover this measure has absolutely continuous conditional measures along the center-unstable direction, is a $u$-Gibbs state and an equilibrium state for the logarithm of the Jacobian of the time one map of the flow along the strong-unstable direction. This extends to the class of singular-hyperbolic attractors the main elements of the ergodic theory of uniformly hyperbolic (or Axiom A) attractors for flows.
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
We state in a short way a result that improves one of the main theorems in a paper of M. Gobbino concerning the topological properties that the phase space induces in an attractor of a discrete dynamical system.
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