Mutirão Paulo Freire


Mutirão  Paulo  Freire  is  a  community  group  of  100  low‐income  families,  affiliated  with  the  Movimento  Sem‐Terra Leste 1, which in turn is a part of UMM ‐ the União dos Movimentos de Moradia São Paulo. As will become clear, the particular history of urban social movements in Brazil and especially in São Paulo plays an important role  in  the  framework  of  this  project.  The  families  in  the  mutirão,  originating  from  the  east  of  São  Paulo  Metropolitan region and severely lacking adequate, affordable housing, took matters into their own hands. Supported  by  USINA  and  funded  by  the  Programa  de  Mutirões  Autogeridos  of  COHAB  (São  Paulo’s  City  housing development company), they ventured in a completely self‐managed process for planning, designing, constructing and managing a proper housing complex. Throughout the process, the residents are empowered to fight for their rights, to develop personal skills and to construct a social network. Although USINA has a lot of experience in similar projects with mutirões, the lack of urbanity of this specific project can be considered as a missed opportunity for urbanizing the periphery of the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo.