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In this paper we proposed A Tri shaped printed patch antenna for UWB applications. This antenna consists of a rectangular patch with circle and triangle slots on the top face and a partial ground at the rear end. The antenna is fabricated with substrate FR-4 epoxy dielectric with relative permittivity of 4.3. Investigations based on simulations and experiments are conducted. The simulation is performed using CST Microwave studio. The proposed antenna is successfully implemented and the simulated results show reasonable agreement with the measured results. In this design, a 4.94GHz to 10.4 GHz frequency range for S 11 ≤-10 dB is obtained, VSWR ≤ 2. This paper presents return loss, E-field distribution, H-field distribution, radiation pattern, input impedance and VSWR.
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2016
The aim of this paper is to design and simulation the Microstrip Patch Antenna which covers the Ultra Wide Band 3.1 to 10.6 GHz. This paper covers study of basics and fundamentals of Microstrip patch antenna. The various parameters of the antenna are the dimensions of the patch and ground planes and the separation between them and this antenna is fabricated using an h=1.6mm thick FR4 substrate (ε r =4.4), which occupies a coverage area of 26.6 Ws x 29.3 Ls mm 2 .This is a simulation based study. The design and simulation of the antenna is carried out using CST microwave Studio simulation software. This design is Extended Circular Planar Microstrip Patch Antenna that uses defected ground plane which covers the entire UWB range. Return loss curve, antenna gains and the Far field results are shown for designed antenna. The proposed antenna has return loss of-70db at 3.8 GHz frequency with VSWR=1.0006835, impedance bandwidth of approx. 9 GHz from 3 GHz to 12 GHz at UWB range.
Due to the rapid development in the field of wireless communications there is an increasing demand for higher data rate and large bandwidth. The emerging Ultra Wideband (UWB) is a promising technology as it can accommodate higher data over a large bandwidth. The design of an antenna for UWB system is a challenging task. Many antennas have been designed for UWB with acceptable performance. A suitable UWB antenna should operate over entire UWB allocated by FCC (3.1-10.6 GHz), it should have linear phase, low dispersion and VSWR ≤ 2 throughout the entire band. Feeding the antenna also affect the response of antenna. There are different feeding techniques that have been discussed in this paper. According to the feeding techniques the patch antenna for UWB have been categorized and their results have been concluded which represents comparative analysis of their return loss and other basic parameters. This paper focuses on different UWB antennas, their geometries and design parameters. St...
Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering
Ultra-wideband (UWB) patch antenna for Ku/K band applications is presented. In this paper, a microstrip line feed has been modified to an elliptical gradient structure, and the conventional radiator patch has been developed through the use of the symmetrically circular slots. These modifications have been used to improve the performance of the antenna significantly. Upper and lower frequency ranges achieve UWB antenna performances start from 11.57 GHz to 21.45 GHz. Proposed antenna exhibits good impedance matching, which makes it convenient to work in various applications. Besides that, the reflection coefficient is reduced attained to-31.81 dB over the operating band. The antenna is developed and analyzed using the commercially available software FEKO simulator based on the method of moments (MoM). Other parameters results such as sidelobe level (SLL) and beamwidth (half power-3 dB) are added and discussed significantly. The proposed design is fabricated and tested experimentally, and the results show that a satisfying agreement with the simulation results.
In this paper a printed microstrip patch antenna for ultra wideband application (UWB) is proposed. The proposed antenna consists of a beveled rectangular patch and partial ground plane, which is etched onto Rogers TMM6 (tm) substrate, with an overall dimension of 31mm × 32mm × 1.27mm. Simulated results indicate that the antenna achieved an UWB impedance bandwidth (S11<-10dB) ranges from 3.0GHz to11.58GHz. The proposed antenna exhibits a good voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) performance and its E- and H-plane radiation patterns are stable over the UWB frequency range. The simulation was done using Ansoft High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS) software.
American Journal of Electromagnetics and Applications, 2015
This paper presents the design of an ultra-wide band (UWB) circular patch antenna with microstrip line feed and optimization of various antenna parameters. The antenna with dimension of (33 x 30 x 1.5) mm 3 is fabricated on FR-4 epoxy substrate having permittivity constant r =4.3, loss tangent tanδ=0.002. The designed antenna has the capability of operating in the bands (2.7-4) GHz, (6.8-12.5) GHz and (14.6-18) GHz. The antenna performance was modified by inserting a slot in the ground plane to achieve impedance bandwidth (S 11-10dB) in (2.7-20) GHz. The modified antenna was fabricated and tested using the vector network analyzer. The simulated and measured results are presented and compared. The feed line used has characteristic impedance of 50Ω.
Designing the UWB antenna can be one of the most challenging of these issues. UWB antennas must cover an extremely wide band, 3.1 GHz to 10.6 GHz for the indoor and handheld UWB applications, have electrically small size, and hold a reasonable impedance match over the band for high efficiency. One of the printed antennas which has large attention recently is Printed monopole antenna. They offer large band width and are more attractive for wireless communication applications. The large ground plane used for the conventional Printed monopole is the main limitation. However, the move towards the truncated ground plane has made the antenna low profile and suitable for integration into circuit board as terminal antennas. This paper focuses on Printed Circular Monopole antenna design and analysis. Studies have been undertaken covering the microstrip antenna theory. All the types of antenna were simulated and analyzed by using IE3D software. The performance of those antenna are further compared on the basis of parameters like return loss, VSWR, gain etc. From experimental demonstration it is clear that, one can improve the bandwidth of Printed Monopole antenna by inserting the transitions in micro-strip feed line and design can be used as UWB antenna.
International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology IJRASET, 2020
The structure of rectangular monopole antenna of compact size is presented. The antenna consists of a rectangular patch with inset feed, so that the impedance matching is improved. In addition, rectangular shaped slots are introduced to patch to change the surface current paths to spread more uniformly and thus bandwidth of the proposed design is enhanced. Furthermore parasitic elements are added to design structure. The antenna is compact having size of 17.5 × 21.5 mm. The partial ground plane has been modified with a centre notch and edge trimming. The antenna operates over frequency range from 3.51 GHz to 14.14 GHz having bandwidth of 10.63 GHz.
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2020
A printed monopole patch Ultra Wide Band (UWB) antenna for use in UWB application is proposed in this paper. The proposed antenna consists of a patch with appropriate dimensions on one side of a dielectric substrate, and a partial ground plane on the other side of the substrate. The techniques that used to enhance the bandwidth are the partial ground plane, feed point position and adjusted feed gap. The substrate that is used in the proposed antenna is Fr4 epoxy, the optimum dimensions of the antenna are 40mm×28mm×1.5mm this antenna designed by HFSS program. The band achieved by the proposed antenna is from 3.6GHz to 15GHz. This antenna is fabricated in the ministry of science and technology Baghdad-Iraq and a good agreement between simulation and measured S11 is achieved.
Juni Khyat, 2020
As the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has approved the license free use (for short range & low power) of Ultra-Wide Band (3.1 GHz to 10.6 GHz) on 14 th February, 2002, the UWB applications has shown the myriad of challenges and opportunities to researchers for designing of antennas for UWB applications. There are several challenges in designing of UWB Patch antenna. The first and primary requirement is that the proposed antenna should operate in specified UWB frequency band i.e. 3.1 GHz to 10.6 GHz completely. In addition to this it should have good radiation properties with time domain performance for entire proposed frequency band. The shape and geometry of the radiating patch and ground plane is the major concern for planar UWB antenna designs. Various methods like slotted patch, slotted ground, partial ground, modified feed, truncated corner patch, etc. have been used for increasing the bandwidth of patch antenna There are already several wireless standards which operate in the band of 3.1 to 10.6 GHz. These wireless standards includes WiMax (3.3-3.85 GHz), WLAN (5.15-5.85 GHz) and a portion of X band (8-12 GHz). SIW technology is utilized in microstrip patch antennas to increase gain and to improve the directivity of the structure.
The proposed antenna achieves an impedance bandwidth of 8.9GHz (2.3-11.2GHz) with VSWR< 2 for over the entire bandwidth. Good return loss and radiation pattern characteristics are obtained in the frequency band of interest. The proposed antenna is designed on low cost FR-4 substrate fed by a 50-Ω microstrip line. The simulation was performed in High Frequency Structure Simulator Software (HFSS).
For the purpose of wideband operations, partial grounded substrate patch antenna is investigated. The antenna consisted of a parabolic planar monopole printed on a thin dielectric FR4 epoxy substrate of ε r = 4.4 permittivity and is fed through a partial grounded substrate mi-crostrip line. Various prototypes with different parabolic contours equations and the same length are analysed using Ansoft HFSS electromagnetic simulator based on the finite element method and measured using a vector network analyser Anritsu 37369C (40MHz to 40 GHz) where the calibration plane is the SMA connector jack used to connect the antenna. The best simulated and measured results where obtained for a parabolic planar patch monopole antenna defined by the geometrical equation y = 0.044x 2 . These results concord and proved the ultra wide band behaviour of this design. Nevertheless, the bandwidth is ranging from 3.5 GHz to 16 GHz for a V SW R < 2. It includes the wireless local area (WLAN) band such as...
In this paper, coplanar monopole Compact Ultra Wideband (UWB) patch antenna is proposed. It consisted of rectangular shaped patch of Lx = 16mm by Ly = 12:5mm dimensions with two squares profiles into its two corners. Simulated and measured prototype is printed on a partial grounded FR4 epoxy substrate of 30mm by 30mm dimensions. Both of inserted square geometrical shapes provide different electric lengths with variations which are adjusted to enhance the impedance bandwidth and reduce the VSWR between the main resonance frequencies of the rectangular patch. The excitation is launched through a 50Ω microstrip feed line. Design and performances are analysed using Ansoft HFSS electromagnetic simulator based on the finite element method and measured using a vector network analyser where the calibration plane is the SMA connector jack used to connect the antenna. Various prototypes are simulated and measured in order to view the correlation parameter between the impedance bandwidth and the both square geometries. The best antenna simulated and measured results correspond to a prototype with two squares forms of 2.5mm radius. Nevertheless, the bandwidth is ranging from 3 GHz to 4 GHz for S11 < 10 dB.
ITM Web of Conferences
Microstrip patch antennas is one of the most used antennas for wireless communication. Its key features include a limited bandwidth, low cost, and ease of manufacture. This paper describes about the design of microstrip patch antenna over the frequency range of 3.1 GHz to 10.6 GHz for UWB applications. The substrate material chosen is FR4, having a loss tangent of 0.02, dielectric constant of 4.4, and substrate thickness of 1.59 mm. This work presents design of microstrip antenna with hexagonal shaped radiating patch. An antenna is modelled and analysed using HFSS 2021 R2 software. The antenna structure provides return loss which is less than -10 dB and a VSWR less than 2 over the specified frequency range. The simulated results of proposed hexagonal shaped microstrip patch antenna provides a peak gain of 5.32 dB with radiation efficiency of 90.88%. The planned antennas can be used for UWB applications.
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 2024
This article presents a review of several microstrip patch antennas for 3.5 GHz wireless applications. Different substrate materials, FR-4 (loss), FR-4 Epoxy, Rogers RT/droid 5880, TLC-30, and Rogers RT/droid 5880 LZ, are used. In recent years, wireless antenna applications have increased, including biomedical appliances, internet of things (IoT) terminals, edge devices, radars, mobile phones, and many more. In this work, several articles were reviewed and investigated, and several microstrip patch antennas with a resonance frequency of 3.5 GHz were designed using different substrate materials and shapes. This article also discussed the geometric shapes of antennas, antenna properties, sizes of substrate materials, loss tangent, thickness, return loss, bandwidth, voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR), gain, efficiency, and directivity. Several software is used for design and simulation, including computer simulation technology (CST), highfrequency simulation frequency (HFSS), and advanced design system (ADS), FEKO, and MATLAB. The main goal of this paper is to talk about different wireless application papers that work in the S-band at a frequency of 3.5 GHz and have been published in various international journals and conferences.
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2019
In this article, a novel design of a planar antenna with modified patch and defective ground plane for UWB applications is presented. The optimum dimension of the antenna is 20 × 25 × 1.5 mm 3 and it is fabricated on commercially available low-cost FR-4 substrate having relative permittivity (ε r = 4.3) and relative permeability (μ r = 1) with a loss tangent of 0.025. The impedance bandwidth of the proposed antenna (magnitude of S11 [S11 < −10 dB]) is 110% (3.1-10.8 GHz). The peak gain and the peak radiation efficiency of the proposed antenna is 5.1 dB and 89%, respectively, in the proposed band of operation. Simulated and measured results of the proposed antenna are in good agreement. The proposed antenna is suitable for ultra-wideband applications, 3.5/5.5 GHz WiMAX band, 5.2/5.8 GHz WLAN band, 4/6 GHz satellite communication, and various other wireless communication applications. K E Y W O R D S defective ground plane, modified patch, parasitic rectangular slot, ultrawideband applications 1 | INTRODUCTION The law passed by the Federal Communication Commission (FCC)'s in February 2002, gave approval to the use of the ultra-wideband (UWB) technology for commercial wireless communication. For the commercial applications, the UWB bandwidth was specified to be 3.1-10.6 GHz. This FCC approval in 2002 motivated researchers in both industrial and academic setups to design compact antennas for UWB applications. In the last few years, many new shapes has been proposed for UWB applications, such as semi-circular slotted patch, curved slot in the patch, reconstructed ground plane. 1-3 By simply adding a folded strip in the planar monopole antenna, dual UWB band characteristics have been reported. 4 2 | ANTENNA DESIGN AND PARAMETER STUDY The proposed compact antenna is fabricated on a Forgotten Realms (FR-4) substrate with ε r = 4.3, μ r = 1 with a loss
Procedia Technology, 2013
One of major challenges in antenna design for modern wireless communication system is to construct a single antenna that can serve a non-contagious frequency allocation using various wireless technologies. In this paper, a wideband antenna design approach is proposed to produce a single antenna that can be used by various wireless technologies using different frequencies from 2.3 to 6.0 GHz, covering WiFi frequencies at 2.4-2.48 GHz, 5,15-5,35 GHz and 5,725-5,825 GHz, as well as WiMax frequencies at 2.3-2.4 GHz, 2.495-2.695 GHz, 3.3-3.8 GHz, and 5.25-5.85 GHz. The antenna construction consist of a truncated circular patch with a coplanar waveguide (CPW)-fed line, printed on an 0.8 mm thick of FR4 epoxy dielectric substrate with permittivity ε r =4.3. Comparation of return loss, VSWR, gain, and radiation pattern between simulation and measurement results appears in close aggrements. Return loss of 9.54 dB or VSWR of 2 can be achieved for the desired 2.3 to 6 GHz frequency band from measurement results. The antenna gain increases almost linearly from 0 dB at 2.3 GHz to around 4.5 dB at 6 GHz. The antenna radiation pattern is found to have an apple-like pattern, which is bidirectional pattern in x-y plane and circular pattern in x-z plane.
The Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (IJEECS), 2023
The design, simulation, and analysis of a 3.5 GHz rectangular microstrip patch antenna (RMPA) have been carried out for this research article. The substrate material employed for the design is a lossy form of FR-4, which has a thickness of 0.5 mm, a dielectric permittivity of 4.3, and a loss tangent of 0.0005, respectively. The antenna receives power through a feeding line with an impedance of 50 Ω. The simulation was ultimately finished off with the help of some computer simulation tools. Following completion of the simulation, the findings revealed a directivity gain of 6.05 dBi, a voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) of 1.0607, and a bandwidth of 144.1 MHz. The return loss was determined to be-30.611 dB. The suggested antenna's primary purpose was to attain a standard value for the VSWR while lowering the return loss. This antenna improves directivity gain and bandwidth and has applications in radars, mobile phones, and wireless local area networks (WLANs). The results of this proposed antenna were superior to those of a variety of studies that had been published in the past.
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 2019
Within the path of the closing multi decade, there may be a quick development being advanced of far off correspondence applications. The presentation of all such some distance flung frameworks is based totally upon the plan of the radio twine. Small scale strip radio wires are desired for more part of their programs and elements of interest. This paper shows the form and duplicate of spherical square restoration smaller scale strip reception equipment. the general reception equipment is planned and reenacted in microwave tool immoderate Frequency form Simulator (HFSS). The substrate utilized in this setup is FR4 and substrate is carried out with ε_r = 4.4. The proposed reception gadget is utilized for extraordinary far off correspondence applications. Addition, go back misfortune and information switch functionality are the exhibition parameter of proposed radio twine. The proposed recieving wire is broke down at thunderous recurrence of 4.4 GHz. the arrival misfortune is - 30.2 db ...
International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology, 2017
This paper covers the analysis and design of E-shaped Microstrip patch antenna using Rogers RT/ Duroid substrate with a dielectric constant 2.2 and a thickness of 3.2mm and FR4_epoxy substrate having a dielectric constant of 4.4 and thickness of 3.2mm.The simulation process has been done through HFSS(HIGH FREQUENCY STRUCTURAL SIMULATOR). The radiation characteristics of the simulated antennas are obtained and compared with that of designed microstrip patch antenna operating at 5.25 GHz and 5.8 GHz in terms of return loss, VSWR, Gain, Directivity, E-plane and H-plane radiation patterns, Bandwidth and terminal impedance. The performance characteristics of E-shaped Microstrip patch antenna using FR4_epoxy substrate are much improved compared to Rogers RT/ Duroid substrate antenna.
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 2023
The paper gives a detailed study of how to design a microstrip patch antenna array for UWB applications by using the FR-4 substrate material. The rectangular antenna array is designed with the planar ground. The designed antenna is a rectangular shape, compact and planar for the UWB applications. The size of the antenna is 20.50×15.22 mm (width and length), which resonated at a return loss-14 dB,-31.23 dB and-33.36 dB and the input impedance is 50 ohms. We used the box dimensions are 40 mm × 40 mm for single, 80 mm × 70 mm for 1×2 array and 100 mm × 40 mm for 1×4 array antenna. For the simulation work SONNET software is used, SONNET software is a planar 3D electromagnetic simulator and all the simulated results are shown by the graph.
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