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Anke Berns
Histograms and results of k-means and Ward's clustering for Hidden Room game in University of Cadiz (Spain) by DeutschUCA<br><br>The fileset contains information from three sources:<br><br>1. Histograms files:<br>* Lexical_histogram.png (histogram of lexical error ratios)<br>* Grammatical_histogram.png (histogram of grammatical error ratios)<br><br>2. K-means clustering files:<br>* elbow-lex kmeans.png (clustering by lexical aspects: error curves obtained for applying elbow method to determinate the optimal number of clusters)<br>* cube-lex kmeans.png (clustering by lexical aspects: a three-dimensional representation of clusters obtained after applying k-means method)<br>* Lexical_clusters (table) kmeans.xls (clustering by lexical aspects: centroids, standard deviations and number of instances assigned to each cluster)<br>* elbow-gram kmeans.png (clustering by grammatical aspects: error curves obtained for a...

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