Identifying the Historicity of the Exodus

2023, Identifying the Historicity of the Exodus


This essay is a review of the biblical account of Exodus and its possible correlation with the history of Egypt. Interpretations of Egyptian texts, ancient documents and the Pentateuch of the Bible shed new light on the stay of the People of Israel in Egypt and their epic departure led by Moses. Was the Exodus a historical event? When did it happen? In this essay, the story of Exodus and its background in the book of Genesis are critically analyzed, as well as the genealogy of Abraham's family, that of James-Israel and his descendants; the history of Egypt during the Second Intermediate Period (1780-1560 B.C.); and the archaeological findings in the Eastern Delta of Egypt, to propose a tenable (historically feasible) theory about the Israelite stay in Egypt and the Exodus, complemented by a summary of their long dwelling in the desert and the conquest of Canaan. RESUMEN Este ensayo es una revisión del relato bíblico del Éxodo y su posible correlación con la historia de Egipto. Interpretaciones de textos egipcios, antiguos documentos y el Pentateuco de la Biblia arrojan nueva luz sobre la estancia del Pueblo de Israel en Egipto y su épica salida conducida por Moisés. ¿Fue el Éxodo un evento histórico? ¿Cuándo ocurrió? En este ensayo se analiza críticamente el relato del Éxodo y sus antecedentes en el libro de