
Generally speaking, one may discern a deeper meaning to Torah passages than the simple stories they seem to tell. Most Jews are familiar with such a style of Torah interpretation. We have studied Passover’s miraculous escape from Egypt, for example, at our sederim, applying symbolic meanings to matzah, and bitter herbs. And, we are known for creating masterpieces of explanatory literature amplifying the messages of all-too-often cryptic Torah text, called “midrashim.” Additionally, our sages have bequeathed countless tracts, ranging from the Talmud to personal writings which illuminate the words canonized in our Torah. Most dramatic as a wellspring of spiritual endeavor, delving into Torah to reach its most ethereal plane, is Kabbalah, the practice of elevating one’s self to receive Adonai’s mediated Presence through special meditations. Commentary from the great Kabbalists have included the Zohar which perceives our Creator in the act of Union with His own spiritual “Bride”–His beloved aspect of Goodness and beauty.