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Canadian Family Physician
3 pages
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La traduction en français de cet article se trouve à dans la table des matières du numéro d'avril 2021 à la page e91.
These abstracts have been peer reviewed | Ces résumés ont fait l'objet d'une révision par des pairs
Canadian family physician Médecin de famille canadien, 2010
OBJECTIVE To provide a picture of the unique role and competencies of family practice registered nurses (FP-RNs). DESIGN Case-study approach using interviews and focus groups.
The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 2014
The Future of Family Medicine (FFM) project has helped shape and direct the evolution of primary care medicine over the past decade. Pisacano Scholars, a group of leaders in family medicine supported by the American Board of Family Medicine, gathered for a 2-day symposium in April 2013 to explore the history of the FFM project and outline a vision for the next phase of this work-FFM version 2.0 (v2.0). After learning about the original FFM project (FFM v1.0), the group held interactive discussions using the World Café approach to conversational leadership. This commentary summarizes the discussions and highlights major themes relevant to FFM v2.0 identified by the group. The group endorsed the FFM v1.0 recommendations as still relevant and marveled at the progress made toward achieving many of those goals. Most elements of FFM v1.0 have moved forward, and some have been incorporated into policy blueprints for reform. Now is the time to refocus attention on facets of FFM v1.0 not yet realized and to identify key aspects missing from FFM v1.0. The Pisacano Scholars are committed to moving the FFM goals forward and hope that this expression of the group's vision will help to do so. (J Am Board Fam Med 2014;27:142-150.)
Canadian family physician Médecin de famille canadien, 2004
I n discussing the optional third year in family med- icine training, Dr Danielle Saucier has proposed in her editorial 1 a universal third year for all residents. I believe this plan will spell disaster for family medicine in Canada. Ben Chan's 2 analysis of physician shortages developing in the late 1990s showed that the largest factor in this decline was the additional years of training after elimination of the rotating internship. Th is 1-year cohort is a permanent loss to the physician work force. Adding another year will further compound this shortage. It requires a truly dedicated physician to go into a family medicine program for 3 years when another 1 or 2 years will earn specialist certifi cation, with its higher income and perceived status. Th is will further decrease the number of applicants to family medicine. We will be left with a shrinking elite group of highly trained family physicians, many with special interests and less interest in daily comprehensive care to serve a growing and aging population. Just as the method of introduction of the current 2year program caused numerous systemic problems, so we predict similar serious imbalances would develop subsequent to adding a third year to training.
Canadian family physician Médecin de famille canadien, 2014
PROBLEM BEING ADDRESSED Research is not new to family medicine, yet it is pursued less than in other clinical disciplines. We need to establish a critical mass of family medicine researchers. OBJECTIVE OF PROGRAM To establish a depar tmental research organization using a strategy implemented in 1995 by the Department of Family and Community Medicine at the University of Toronto. MAIN COMPONENTS OF PROGRAM We set out to establish a critical mass of researchers. Applicants were required to complete credible and feasible 3-to 5-year research plans and to have formal support from their clinical chiefs. Once selected, researchers were supported for 40% of their time. Support was provided for 3 years and was renewable according to progress on their research plans. Researchers were expected to publish on average two papers yearly and be involved as principal investigator or co-principal investigator on at least one successful grant after the first 3 years. Since implementation in 1996, funded researchers have become principal investigators in 80% of the grants in which they are involved compared with 20% before the support program. Nine of 15 Medical Research Council grants held by family physicians in Canada have department members as principal investigators. Faculty-supported researchers contributed more than 200 peer-reviewed publications to the literature between 1996 and 2000. CONCLUSION Four years of experience allows for early assessment of the first step taken to build a thriving family medicine research organization using limited departmental resources. PROBLÈME À RÉGLER La recherche n'est pas une nouveauté en médecine familiale mais, par rapport aux autres disciplines cliniques, elle se fait dans une moindre mesure. Il faut établir une masse critique de chercheurs en médecine familiale. OBJECTIF DU PROGRAMME Établir une organisation de recherche départementale en s'inspirant d'une stratégie mise en oeuvre en 1995 par le Département de médecine familiale et communautaire de l'University of Toronto. PRINCIPALES COMPOSANTES DU PROGRAMME Nous nous sommes fixé pour objectif d'établir une masse critique de chercheurs. Les requérants étaient appelés à produire des plans de recherche d'une durée de trois à cinq ans qui soient complets et crédibles. Ils devaient avoir l'aval de leur directeur clinique. Le temps des candidats choisis était financé dans une proportion de 40%. Le soutien était offert sur trois ans et renouvelable en fonction des progrès réalisés dans leur projet de recherche. Les chercheurs devaient publier en moyenne deux communications par année et être reconnus comme principaux chercheurs, à titre individuel ou conjoint, dans le contexte de l'obtention d'au moins une subvention après les trois premières années. Depuis son implantation, en 1996, les chercheurs subventionnés sont devenus les principaux investigateurs dans 80% des subventions de projets auxquels ils participaient par rapport à 20% avant l'instauration du programme. Des 15 subventions du Conseil de recherches médicales accordées à des médecins de famille au Canada, neuf comptent comme principaux chercheurs des membres du Département. Les recherches financées par la Faculté se sont traduites par plus de 200 articles évalués par des pairs publiés dans des ouvrages scientifiques entre 1996 et 2000. CONCLUSION Après quatre ans de fonctionnement, il est possible de procéder à une première évaluation de l'étape initiale prise pour bâtir une organisation productive de recherche en médecine familiale à même les ressources limitées du Département. This article has been peer reviewed. Cet article a fait l'objet d'une évaluation externe.
CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l'Association medicale canadienne, 1992
Since 1988 in Quebec the completion of a residency training program in family medicine or a specialty and of a comprehensive examination has been necessary to obtain a licence. An objective, structured clinical examination (OSCE) was designed by the Corporation professionnelle des médecins du Québec and Quebec's four medical schools to evaluate the clinical competence of newly trained family physicians. The certification examination of the College of Family Physicians of Canada was added to the OSCE. More than 500 candidates have been assessed: 262 in the spring of 1990, 42 in the fall of 1990 and 235 in the spring of 1991. The spring session occurs in four centres, three offering it in French and one in English, and the fall session takes place in one bilingual centre. In each centre 25 standardized patients and 25 examiners are required on each day of the 2-day OSCE. The scores obtained by the candidates who completed the OSCE in the first three sessions showed a normal distri...
The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 2010
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Revista Brasileira de Medicina de Família e Comunidade, 2007
Family Systems Medicine, 1985
Canadian family physician Medecin de famille canadien, 2016
Canadian family physician Médecin de famille canadien, 2012
The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 2010
Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine : JABFM
Canadian family physician Médecin de famille canadien, 2002
Healthcare Policy | Politiques de Santé, 2012
Revista De Saude Publica, 2022
Annals of family medicine, 2015
The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 2007
Canadian family physician Medecin de famille canadien, 2016
Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences, 2011