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2007, Journal of High Energy Physics
A prescription is given for computing anomalous dimensions of single trace operators in SYM at strong coupling and large N using a reduced model of matrix quantum mechanics. The method involves treating some parts of the operators as "BPS condensates" which, in certain limit, have a dual description as null geodesics on the S 5. In the gauge theory, the condensate is similar to a representative of the chiral ring and it is described by a background of commuting matrices. Excitations around these condensates correspond to excitations around this background and take the form of "string bits" which are dual to the "giant magnons" of Hofman and Maldacena. In fact, the matrix model approach gives a quantum description of these string configurations and explains why the infinite momentum limit suppresses the quantum effects. This method allows, not only to derive part of the classical sigma model Hamiltonian of the dual string (in the infinite momentum limit), but also its quantum canonical structure. Therefore, it provides an alternative method of testing the AdS/CFT correspondence without the need of integrability.
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2002
Semi-classical soliton solutions for superstrings in AdS 5 × S 5 are used to predict the dimension of gauge theory operators in N = 4 SU(N) SYM theory. We discuss the possible origin of scaling violations on the gauge theory side.
It is generally accepted that the double-scaled 1D matrix model is equivalent to the c = 1 string theory with tachyon condensation. There remain however puzzles that are to be clarified in order to utilize this connection for our quest towards possible non-perturbative formulation of string theory. We discuss some of the issues that are related to the space-time interpretation of matrix models, in particular, the questions of leg poles, causality, and black hole background. Finally, a speculation about a possible connection of a deformed matrix model with the idea of Dirichret brane is presented.
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2009
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2005
We continue the program initiated in hep-th/0411200 and calculate the algebra of the flat currents for the string on AdS 5 × S 5 background in the light-cone gauge with κ symmetry fixed. We find that the algebra has a closed form and that the non-ultralocal terms come with a weight factor e φ(σ) that depends on the radial AdS 5 coordinate. Based on results in two-dimensional sigma models coupled to gravity via the dilaton field, this suggests that the algebra of transition matrices in the present case is likely to be unambigous.
Nuclear Physics B, 1999
We consider Heterotic string theories in the DLCQ. We derive that the matrix model of the Spin(32)/Z 2 Heterotic theory is the theory living on N D-strings in type I wound on a circle with no Spin(32)/Z 2 Wilson line on the circle. This is an O(N) gauge theory. We rederive the matrix model for the E 8 × E 8 Heterotic string theory, explicitly taking care of the Wilson line around the lightlike circle. The result is the same theory as for Spin(32)/Z 2 except that now there is a Wilson line on the circle. We also see that the integer N labeling the sector of the O(N) matrix model is not just the momentum around the lightlike circle, but a shifted momentum depending on the Wilson line. We discuss the aspect of level matching, GSO projections and why, from the point of view of matrix theory the E 8 ×E 8 theory, and not the Spin(32)/Z 2 , develops an 11'th dimension for strong coupling. Furthermore a matrix theory for type I is derived. This is again the O(N) theory living on the D-strings of type I. For small type I coupling the system is 0+1 dimensional quantum mechanics.
Nuclear Physics B, 1999
The Matrix String Theory, i.e. the two dimensional U(N) SYM with N = (8, 8) supersymmetry, has classical BPS solutions that interpolate between an initial and a final string configuration via a bordered Riemann surface. The Matrix String Theory amplitudes around such a classical BPS background, in the strong Yang-Mills coupling, are therefore candidates to be interpreted in a stringy way as the transition amplitude between given initial and final string configurations. In this paper we calculate these amplitudes and show that the leading contribution is proportional to the factor g −χ s , where χ is the Euler characteristic of the interpolating Riemann surface and g s is the string coupling. This is the factor one expects from perturbative string interaction theory.
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2004
The ferromagnetic integrable SU(3) spin chain provides the one loop anomalous dimension of single trace operators involving the three complex scalars of N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills. We construct the non-linear sigma model describing the continuum limit of the SU(3) spin chain. We find that this sigma model corresponds to a string moving with large angular momentum in the five-sphere in AdS_5xS^5. The energy and spectrum of fluctuations for rotating circular strings with angular momenta along three orthogonal directions of the five-sphere is reproduced as a particular case from the spin chain sigma model.
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2002
A new configuration of non-abelian D1-branes growing into D5-branes is found. This time the effect is triggered by a non-trivial electric field on the world-volume of the D1-branes and a constant RR 4-form potential. Based on the these configurations and other observations regarding non-abilean effective actions, a new action for matrix string theory in non-trivial backgrounds is conjectured. As an application we found that fundamental strings can grow into Dp-branes, in particular by placing the strings in the background of a group of near horizon D3-branes we found D5-branes. These types of configurations were found from the supergravity point of view in previous works.
Physical review, 2018
Operators dual to strings attached to giant graviton branes in AdS 5 ×S 5 can be described rather explicitly in the dual N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory. They have a bare dimension of order N so that for these operators the large N limit and the planar limit are distinct: summing only the planar diagrams will not capture the large N dynamics. Focusing on the one-loop SU (3) sector of the theory, we consider operators that are a small deformation of a 1 2 −BPS multi-giant graviton state. The diagonalization of the dilatation operator at one loop has been carried out, but explicit formulas for the operators of a good scaling dimension are only known when certain terms which were argued to be small, are neglected. In this article we include the terms which were neglected. The diagonalization is achieved by a novel mapping which replaces the problem of diagonalizing the dilatation operator with a system of bosons hopping on a lattice. The giant gravitons define the sites of this lattice and the open strings stretching between distinct giant gravitons define the hopping terms of the Hamiltonian. Using the lattice boson model, we argue that the lowest energy giant graviton states are obtained by distributing the momenta carried by the X and Y fields evenly between the giants with the condition that any particular giant carries only X or Y momenta, but not both.
Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2004
We show that solitonic solutions of the classical string action on the AdS 5 × S 5 background that carry charges (spins) of the Cartan subalgebra of the global symmetry group can be classified in terms of periodic solutions of the Neumann integrable system. We derive equations which determine the energy of these solitons as a function of spins. In the limit of large spins J, the first subleading 1/J coefficient in the expansion of the string energy is expected to be non-renormalised to all orders in the inverse string tension expansion and thus can be directly compared to the 1-loop anomalous dimensions of the corresponding composite operators in N = 4 super YM theory. We obtain a closed system of equations that determines this subleading coefficient and, therefore, the 1-loop anomalous dimensions of the dual SYM operators. We expect that an equivalent system of equations should follow from the thermodynamic limit of the algebraic Bethe ansatz for the SO(6) spin chain derived from SYM theory. We also identify a particular string solution whose classical energy exactly reproduces the one-loop anomalous dimension of a certain set of SYM operators with two independent R charges J 1 , J 2 .
String Theory in a Nutshell, 2011
It is generally accepted that the double-scaled 1D matrix model is equivalent to the c = 1 string theory with tachyon condensation. There remain however puzzles that are to be claried in order to utilize this connection for our quest towards possible non-perturbative formulation of string theory. W e discuss some of the issues that are related to the space-time interpretation of matrix models, in particular, the questions of leg poles, causality, and black hole background. Finally, a speculation about a possible connection of a deformed matrix model with the idea of Dirichret brane is presented.
Nuclear Physics B, 1997
Via compactification on a circle, the matrix model of M-theory proposed by Banks et al suggests a concrete identification between the large N limit of two-dimensional N = 8 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory and type IIA string theory. In this paper we collect evidence that supports this identification. We explicitly identify the perturbative string states and their interactions, and describe the appearance of D-particle and D-membrane states. * Here we work in string units α = 1. A derivation of (1) from matrix theory and a discussion of our normalizations is given in the appendix.
Physical Review D, 2006
In this paper we continue analysis of the Matrix theory describing the DLCQ of type IIB string theory on AdS 5 × S 5 (and/or the plane-wave) background, i.e. the Tiny Graviton Matrix Theory (TGMT) . We study and classify 1/2, 1/4 and 1/8 BPS solutions of the TGMT which are generically of the form of rotating three brane giants. These are branes whose shape are deformed three spheres and hyperboloids. In lack of a classification of such ten dimensional type IIb supergravity configurations, we focus on the dual N = 4 four dimensional 1/2, 1/4 and one 1/8 BPS operators and show that they are in one-to-one correspondence with the states of the same set of quantum numbers in TGMT. This provides further evidence in support of the Matrix theory.
We are considering the semi-classical string soliton solution of Gubser, Klebanov and Polyakov which represents highly excited states on the leading Regge trajectory, with large spin in AdS 5. A prescription relates this soliton solution with the corresponding field theory operators with many covariant derivatives, whose anomalous scaling dimension grows logarithmically with the space-time spin. We develop an iteration procedure which, in principle, allows to derive all terms in the large spin expansion of the anomalous scaling dimension of twist two operators at strong coupling. We explicitly derive the dependence of anomalous dimension on spin for all leading and next-to-leading orders. Our string theory results are consistent with the conjectured "reciprocity" relation, which has been verified to hold in perturbation theory up to five loops in N = 4 SYM. We also derive a duality relation between long and short strings.
Nuclear Physics B, 2005
Physical Review D, 2003
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 2011
We are considering the semi-classical string soliton solution of Gubser, Klebanov and Polyakov which represents highly excited states on the leading Regge trajectory, with large spin in AdS 5 . A prescription relates this soliton solution with the corresponding field theory operators with many covariant derivatives, whose anomalous scaling dimension grows logarithmically with the space-time spin. We develop an iteration procedure which, in principle, allows to derive all terms in the large spin expansion of the anomalous scaling dimension of twist two operators at strong coupling. We explicitly derive the dependence of anomalous dimension on spin for all leading and next-to-leading orders. Our string theory results are consistent with the conjectured "reciprocity" relation, which has been verified to hold in perturbation theory up to five loops in N = 4 SYM. We also derive a duality relation between long and short strings.
Arxiv preprint hep-th/9211085, 1992
We discuss the basic features of the double scaling limit of the one dimensional matrix model and its interpretation as a two dimensional string theory. Using the collective field theory formulation of the model we show how the fluctuations of the collective field can be interpreted as the massless "tachyon" of the two dimensional string in a linear dilaton background. We outline the basic physical properties of the theory and discuss the nature of the Smatrix. Finally we show that the theory admits of another interpretation in which a certain integral transform of the collective field behaves as the massless "tachyon" in the two dimensional string with a blackhole background. We show that both the classical background and the fluctuations are non-singular at the black hole singularity.
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2003
Berenstein, Maldacena, and Nastase have proposed, as a limit of the strong form of the AdS/CFT correspondence, that string theory in a particular plane wave background is dual to a certain subset of operators in the N = 4 super-Yang-Mills theory. Even though this is a priori a strong/weak coupling duality, the matrix elements of the string theory Hamiltonian, when expressed in gauge theory variables, are analytic in the 't Hooft coupling constant. This allows one to conjecture that, like the masses of excited string states, these can be recovered using perturbation theory in Yang-Mills theory.
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