Mesh generation from imaging data



First and foremost, I would like to thank my thesis advisor, Jean Gallier, for his guidance and advice throughout the entire execution of this thesis work. Jean also helped me become a lecturer at the CIS department during my last year of my PhD.

Key takeaways

  • To construct the quadrilateral mesh, new vertices (i.e., Steiner points) may be inserted along with new edges between Steiner points and/or vertices of the input triangular mesh.
  • Then, given any triangular mesh T of Ω with t triangles, the algorithm described above can convert T into a strictly convex quadrilateral mesh with at most 3t 2 +2 quadrilaterals by using at most t + 2 Steiner points, all except one of which lie within the boundary of Ω.
  • The quadrilateral mesh retains all vertices of the input triangular mesh, and it is likely to contain extra vertices (Steiner points).
  • However, the algorithm in [77] does not provide any guarantee on the shape of the triangles of M. Besides, to our best knowledge, the only known mesh simplification algorithm that provides such a guarantee requires the input surface mesh to satisfy some constraints which rule out surface meshes such as the ones arising from imaging data [36].
  • This algorithm is used by the first step of our solution for the problem of generating a surface mesh from a given 3D binary digital image (see Chapter 4).