Whose False Consciousness? Towards a Theology of Class-Struggle

2023, Historical Materialism 2023 Athens Conference

Given the notoriety of Marx's "opium aphorism", it shouldn't be surprising that the compatibility of Marxist and religious thought is somewhat of a neglected area: even Marxist works which deal with mysticism and religious themes are usually stripped of their theological significance in Marxist discourse. Issues regarding spirituality and religiosity are at best disregarded as relics of a false consciousness that derails any endeavors to overthrow oppressive capitalist structures. The first segment of this paper concentrates on the Marxism-Christianity "conflict thesis". I will investigate a) whether there can be a convergence of Marxist and Christian thought and b) the compatibility of Marxist and Christian praxis. One of my main arguments will focus on how the "latent metaphysics" underpinning some of the Marxist discourse rests on a conflation of historical and ontological materialism; by showing that there can be a robust Marxism that doesn't presuppose such a metaphysics, I will proceed with a brief exposition of some fundamental aspects of the conflict thesis, like the Marxist critique of organized religion. The second part of the paper will be mainly concerned with a characteristic amalgam of Christian and Marxist thought, namely the political theology of Herbert McCabe. With his works as a starting point, I'll demonstrate what I believe to be a fruitful fusion of Christianity and Marxism. With this deliberately circular hermeneutics, where on the one hand revolutionary mobilization is infused with a particular kind of religious fervor, and on the other, religious sentiment functions as a crucial incentive for political action, I intend to show that class struggle and general anti-oppressive initiatives can be of theological significance, and that mature forms of religiosity don't necessarily obstruct but can even strengthen one's commitment to a historical materialist interpretation of class struggle and systemic oppression.