Banks and their world view contexts



2. Greed, arbitrage, and decency in action 2.1. Greed-the original sin! 2.2. An overview of wealth and the afterlife during the first centuries AD 3. Scholasticism-guiding individuals to proper use of their free will 4. The most prominent banks-watched by the scholastics 4.1. Medici 4.2. Fugger 5. Mercantilism-the origins of political economy and, consequently, of economic policy 5.1. The glory and decline of merchant banks 6. Neoliberalim started with the Austrian School 6.1. Modernism and crumbling empires 6.2. The context in which the Austrian school developed 6.3. The Vienna circle as the birthplace of neoliberalism 6.4. A brief review of some neoliberal activist texts 6.5. The practice of neoliberalism-deregulation 6.6. A bank under neoliberalism 7. Instead of a conclusion 7.1. The relevance of worldviews 7.2. The issue of the nature of banks 7.3. Arbitrage in space and time 7.4. Can the corporatist view help? 7.5. Recapitulation 7.6. With such increasing complexity and contradictionwhat kind of banking do we need for the future?