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1998, International Journal of Science Education
This paper reports a qualitative study of the learning environment of a Year 11 Biology class. The research was originally framed in a constructivist epistemology, but was also informed by an emancipatory interest. The main methods used for data gathering were participant observation, interviewing, and a written response survey (CES, Tobin, 1993a). It was found that, even though the students viewed the class positively, and described themselves as highly motivated to learn, the level of cognitive engagement was affected by two interrelated factors: the control the teacher had over almost all activities, and student beliefs about learning in this context. The data suggests that both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation which could lead to deep involvement in learning are constrained by a preponderance of teacher-centred methods of instruction. A model is proposed relating intrinsic and extrinsic interest to cognitive engagement. It is concluded that more activities should be used which either implicitly or explicitly reinforce positive beliefs about the need for self-direction in learning. A personal perspective has been included in this paper to indicate the non-linearity of the development of theory.
International Journal of Science Education, 1998
Ankara Universitesi Egitim Bilimleri Fakultesi Dergisi, 2007
The study focused on finding the relationship between students" proximity with constructivist principles of learning and their engagement in science lessons. Constructivist Learning Scale (CLS) by Mahmood (2004) was used to distribute students in two groups on the basis of their proximity to using constructivist learning approach for their science learning. In addition, a self-report engagement questionnaire comprising of six questions was used to record students" assessment of their own engagement at the end of each lesson while learning about "solution". The comparison of two groups showed that students exercising greater proximity to the constructivist approach toward learning had more interest, collaborated well and exceedingly involved in discussion with classfellow/teachers. Moreover, they were also more composed and meaningful in their style of writing as far as conciseness and communicability of language was concerned, as compared to students with less constructivist approach to learning.
Webology, 2021
This qualitative study examined how teachers fostered student engagement during teaching learning process. Teacher Instructional practices inculcates cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains of the students. Purpose of the study is to engage students in their learning process and enable students to perform individual and group assignment and to foster problem solving skills. This study also aims to transform Meta cognitive skills in students. and reshape teacher subject knowledge as well pedagogical content knowledge through self development and self reflection courses. The study will invigorate chemistry teachers to alter traditional teaching practices with learners centered constructivist learning environments. Directorate of Curriculum and Teacher Education This study will help to attract the attention of directorate of education to establish a constructivist environment in school. This study will also help to inform policy makers to add to the existing body of knowledge of how pedagogical decision making will contribute to the kinds of pedagogical instruction in our school context.
Problem-solving is an alternative learning strategy which is considered more effective and efficient for students engaged in the learning of Biology. This strategy has a couple of strengths in the teaching –learning process in which it makes the school learning more relevant to life and actively engages students in the learning process. This study aimed at testing the effects of the problem-solving strategy on students' learning outcome. It also aimed at testing if there was any effect of the achievement motivation on students' learning outcome. Furthermore, this study was intended to test if instructional strategy interacted with the achievement motivation on students' learning outcome. This study employed the factorial non-equivalent control group design in which109 ten grade students in the science program of Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 9 Malang were used as the subject of the study. Based on the data analysis, the conclusion of the study result was as follows: (1) there was discrepancy in the score acquired by the group receiving problem-solving (PS) and the other group instructed in direct instruction (DI). The use of problem-solving strategy was significantly better than direct instruction that yielded a significant value of (F=6.943; p=0.010); (2) the score discrepancy was noticeable between students with high achieving motivation and students with low achieving motivation. Students' motivation, either high or low impacted on the learning outcome indicated by the significant value of (F=10.999; p=0.001); (3) There was no difference in the score representing the interaction between students instructed in problem solving (PS) and students taught in direct instruction (DI) based on the high or low extent of motivation students had that was indicated by the significant value of (F= 0.010; p=0.922). Ho was then accepted and it was concluded that there was not a significant difference in the average score of the interaction between the instructional strategies and the extent of achievement. In other words, the effect of the interaction between the instructional strategies and the extent of the achievement on the average score of students' learning outcome was not evidently different. INTRODUCTION The advance of science and technology constantly demands human adjustment to the changes resulted by conducting a wide range of innovations in every aspect including the education. The developments are progressively made in terms of the theories and concepts that they are increasingly effective and appropriate to come up with a quality modern learning.Shambaugh & Magliaro (2006) argued that the current learning process consists of five elements, namely: (1) organizing knowledge in memory, (2) solving problems, (3) developing learners, (4) learning how to learn, dan (5) living and learning in the world. The concept implies that learning should by all means result in a capacity to resolve problems and be aimed at the interest of living in the future instead of meeting the school interest. One of the cases found by Malik (2010) concerning the learning of science is that many students taught in traditional manner acquired a science concept for mastery as it is rather than for knowing how to apply it in such a way that it might benefit them in a real life setting. As a result, the
IJMRAP, 2024
This study investigated the relationship between pedagogical approaches employed by the teacher and student learning engagement in science, addressing the critical need for enhanced student involvement in science education. Engaging students effectively was vital for improving their understanding and retention of scientific concepts; however, many students reported feeling disconnected from their science classes. Quantitative research design was employed in this study, which then utilized purposive sampling from three program participants at Bukidnon State University: The Bachelor of Science in Education (BSE) majoring in Science, the Bachelor of Science in Environmental Sciences, and the Bachelor of Science in Biology. Data were collected through two research-patterned instruments assessing pedagogical strategies and student engagement, employing a 4-point scale for responses. Descriptive and correlational analyses were conducted to explore the implementation of teaching methods and their impact on student engagement levels. Results revealed that teachers exhibited a strong commitment to effective pedagogical practices with the overall mean of 3.69, while students demonstrated high levels of engagement across behavioral (3.48), affective (3.58), and cognitive (3.45) dimensions. A significant positive correlation was found between pedagogical approaches and student engagement (r = .707, p < .001), indicating that diverse and effective teaching strategies fostered higher student participation and emotional investment in their learning. These findings underscored the importance of innovative teaching methods in enhancing student engagement, suggesting that tailored pedagogical practices could lead to improved academic outcomes and foster a lasting appreciation for scientific inquiry among students.
Journal of Education and Learning, 2012
The research analyses the impact of a teacher's motivation strategies on the engagement of her students' based on their preferred motivation type. We propose an innovative framework that combines motivation strategies used by teachers aligned to a continuum of student engagement (Schlechty, 2011). Using student and teacher voice to analyze perceptions about their own motivation type and the intersection/influence of these factors, we report how these may impact on the development and support of authentic student engagement. A qualitative research framework is used to collect data from one class of year five and six students and their teacher. The teacher used intrinsic motivation strategies to engage her students who exhibited a preference for intrinsic or integrated regulated motivation and were authentically engaged in response. Students who preferred extrinsic motivation also showed ritual and retreatist forms of engagement, while students demonstrating both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation varied from authentic, ritual, retreatist and rebellious engagement . The findings reinforce the understanding that if teachers meet students' needs for competence, relatedness and autonomy then students will become more self determined and thereby authentically engaged in their learning.
Research Papers in Education, 2020
Given the importance of student engagement for students' current and future success, it is essential to explore how teachers can foster student engagement within lessons. This study relied on classroom observations to describe how teachers applied Self-Determination Theory (SDT) related (de)motivating teaching behaviours to foster students' engagement. Results from 120 observed lessons of 43 teachers indicated there were distinct relations between motivating teaching behaviours and student engagement. Most striking regarding the use of motivating teaching behaviours were the higher levels of relatedness support and guidance during activities in lessons in which students showed the highest levels of engagement. Conversely, in lessons where students were least engaged, teachers showed higher levels of chaotic teaching behaviours. Analyses of behaviours within lowly and highly engaging lessons showed that teachers in highly engaging lessons were observed to start with high levels of enthusiasm and after about ten to fifteen minutes focused on activating their students by offering room for experimenting and support while students worked on assignments. In contrast, teachers in lowly engaging lessons seemed to have a tendency to employ demotivating teaching behaviour at the start of the lesson. Implications and directions for future research are discussed.
Phi Delta Kappan
The ABCs of student engagement Teachers can increase all-important student engagement by being aware of its affective, behavioral, and cognitive dimensions. T he principal of a large, urban middle school enters Ms. Cecil's 7th-grade classroom during a social studies lesson. One by one, students read a paragraph aloud from the textbook. Between readers, Ms. Cecil asks literal recall questions to random students. If students don't answer accurately, Ms. Cecil reprimands them for not paying attention. At the end of the chapter, students dutifully get out a piece of paper, each writing her/his name and the date neatly in the right-hand corner of the page. One student asks his neighbor for a piece of paper, and Ms. Cecil quickly calls him to her desk where she scolds him for not being prepared and for talking without permission. Ms. Cecil directs students to follow their routine and complete the comprehension questions at the end of the chapter. She encourages them to cover their...
As lecturers we often go to classes to present lectures without knowing exactly what our students want, what their problems are, and what academic, social and emotional support they need. One way of getting to know students better is to engage them in various aspects of their academic life. There are different ways of looking at student engagement. Student engagement can be linked to students’ enthusiasm and motivation to learn. On the other hand, the lecturers can devise various strategies to stimulate students’ enthusiasm in their classrooms. Hence it is important for lecturers to actively engage students in various aspects of their academic life. Engagement can take the form of intellectual, emotional, behavioural, physical, social and cultural engagement. This study is undertaken to examine student teachers’ perceptions of their various educational experiences. The target population for the study are second and third-year education students at an institution of higher learning i...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020
Motivation consists of both internal and external encouragement. It affects student learning activities. This study aims to determine the relation correlation between motivation and environmental-based biology learning activities in senior high schools in Pidie District, Aceh, Indonesia. The research method was quantitative; specifically, a quasi-experimental design. The study was conducted. For three months, from September to November 2018. The subjects were 99 students in three high schools in Pidie district, Aceh, Indonesia The instruments used in this study where a student learning motivation questionnaire and an observation sheet of student learning activities. The parameters measured were the level of motivation and the student learning activities. Data analysis involved the Pearson correlation determine the level of relation between learning motivation and environmental-based biology learning activities. The results showed that the relationship between learning motivation (X1...
During their years of schooling, students develop perceptions about learning and teaching, including the ways in which teachers impact on their learning experiences. This paper presents student perceptions of teacher pedagogy as interpreted from a study focusing on students' experience of Year 7 science. A single science class of 11 to 12 year old students and their teacher were monitored for the whole school year, employing participant observation, and interviews with focus groups of students, their teacher and other key members of the school. Analysis focused on how students perceived the role of the teacher's pedagogy in constructing a learning environment that they considered conducive to engagement with science learning. Two areas of the teacher's pedagogy are explored from the student perspective of how these affect their learning: instructional pedagogy and relational pedagogy. Instructional pedagogy captures the way the instructional dialogue developed by the teacher drew the students into the learning process and enabled them to 'understand' science. How the teacher developed a relationship with the students is captured as relational pedagogy, where students said that they learned better when teachers were passionate in their approach to teaching, provided a supportive learning environment and made them feel comfortable. The ways in which the findings support the direction for the middle years and science education are considered.
International Journal of Science Education, 2016
Self-Determination Theory and Flow Theory propose that perceived autonomy fosters the positive qualities of motivation and flowexperience. Autonomy-support can help to maintain students' motivation in very interesting learning activities and may lead to an increase in the positive qualities of motivation in less interesting learning activities. This paper investigates whether autonomy-supportive or controlling teaching behaviour influence students' motivation and flow-experience in biology class. In study 1, 158 students of grade six worked on the adaptations of Harvest Mice (Micromys minutus) with living animals. The 153 sixth graders of study 2 dealt with the same content but instead worked with short films on laptops. Previous studies have shown that students perceive film sequences as less interesting than working with living animals. Students' intrinsic motivation and flow-experience were measured at the end of the first and the third lesson. In study 1, autonomy-supportive teaching behaviour led to significant differences in students' intrinsic motivation and flowexperience when compared to controlling teaching behaviour. In study 2, motivation and flow-experience were not always in line with theory. The positive effects of autonomy-supportive and the non-beneficial effects of the controlling teaching behaviour seem to be dependent on the interestingness of the teaching material.
The relationship between university students' motivation and their learning environment is the focus of this article. Foilowing self-determination theory (SDT) and the theory of interest, it is proposed that perceived support of basic psychological needs (support of autonomy, competence and social reiatedness). as weli as aspects of a constructivist learning environment (teachers' interest, reievance of contents, and quaiity of instruction, as well as transparency and fit of requirements) are associated with self-determined motivation and with study interest. The responses of a sample of undergraduate students in psychology {N = 123) to measures of these variables were analysed. The students were asked about their motivation to learn, their interest in psychology and about the perceived learning environment in psychoiogy. The results showed that most of the students were motivated on an intrinsic and identified level, and displayed high study interest. Study interest, intrin...
The Educator Journal
Motivation is a theoretical construct used to explain the initiations, direction, intensity, persistence and quantity of behaviour. It is an important determinant of learning and its outcomes, as expressed in academic performances. The proper study of motivational factors is a prerequisite for students’ effective motivation toward learning. So, a teacher should accept the effect of motivation in the instructional process and should keep knowledge of factors influencing motivation during the learning process. Hence, this study evaluates the factors affecting biology lesson motivation in secondary level students under quantitative research design. The sample of the study was randomly selected 200 students (51.5% girls and 48.5% boys) from grades nine and ten from five government-managed secondary schools. The research data was collected using a questionnaire developed by Glynn and Koballa (2006) as a science lesson motivation questionnaire and adapted by Ekici (2009) as a biology less...
Education Research International
Literature confirms that students’ engagement in biology is necessary predictor of their learning outcomes. However, how to do so is less certain. Therefore, this study investigated whether students taught biology using Cooperative Mastery Learning (CML) had different perceptions of learning environment and engagement when compared to those taught using Conventional Teaching Methods (CTM). A sample of 298 students (151 male and 147 female) in 7 intact biology classes was used. A modified What Is Happening In this Class (WIHIC) and Student Engagement Questionnaire (SEQ) were used to collect data. Data were mainly analyzed using the multivariate analysis of variance and simple correlation analysis. The findings indicated a statistically significant difference for all WIHIC and SEQ scales with students in CML scoring higher than students in CTM classes. Students’ perceptions of WIHIC scales were statistically significantly associated with SEQ scales. The findings provide important info...
South African Journal of Psychology, 2000
The relationship between university students, motivation and their learning environment is the focus of this article. Foilowing self-determination theory (SDT) and the theory of interest, it is proposed that perceived support of basic psychological needs (support of autonomy, competence and social reiatedness). as weli as aspects of a constructivist learning environment (teachers' interest, reievance of contents, and quaiity of instruc-
Interactive-engagement versus traditional methods: A six-thousand-student survey of mechanics test data for introductory physics courses.
Especially during the first year in university absenteeism can have detrimental effects on grades, and I have witnessed this while teaching large undergraduate Biology classes. According to pedagogical literature altering teaching methods from lecturing toward engaging teaching, which applies various active teaching methods in the university classroom, can enhance learning, student participation, decrease absenteeism, and improve critical thinking and problem solving skills. In this research study, I used a combination of active learning activities and engaging teaching to prevent absenteeism, in an attempt to improve grades, and to enhance interest in Biology among students in large first year Introductory Biology classes. Results show that students were less absent from the class that used engaging teaching methods. Also, the conceptual understanding test showed a significant difference in pre- and post-test grades between the classes, the engagement class having the highest impro...
British Journal of Educational Studies, 2014
This paper examines the concept of learner dispositions empirically and theoretically based on two related studies: one undertaken in the United Kingdom exploring students learning power, identity and their engagement in learning; and one undertaken in Australia, which explored the relationship between learning power and Dweckian self-theories. Three different measures of dispositions are used. Two of theselearning power and self-theoriesapproach dispositions as malleable but relatively slow to change attributes, while the third considers dispositions as potentially more contextually responsive. The two studies had the measure of learning power in common, enabling a statistical as well as a theoretical comparison between the two studies' models of learning dispositions and their contribution to the notion of engagement. The implications of these related studies are that, in order to foster deep engagement in learning, pedagogical attention needs to be paid to the formation of learning identity and the development of learning dispositions in the process of knowledge construction. While the different approaches to conceptualising dispositions were broadly compatible, each provided a different insight into this complex concept and suggests different but related pedagogical strategies for building engagement. The paper concludes with an exploration of the implications for dispositional research of autopoetic theory as an integrating conceptual framework.
This study had two main purposes: (1) to investigate to what extent students perceive their science teacher as supportive and determine the level of students’ motivation toward and engagement in science and (2) to examine the relationship among teacher support, students’ motivation, and student engagement in science. Student motivation was considered as task-value and academic self-concept while student engagement included aspects of agentic, behavioral, emotional, and cognitive engagement. In the study, survey method was used and the data were collected though previously validated self-report questionnaires. Valid data were obtained from 1006 students from grade 6 (35%), 7 (34%), and 8 (%31), who enrolled in one of 9 public middle schools located in Erzurum. 48% of the participants were girls and 52% were boy. The average age of the students was 12.75 (SD= 1.01). With the purpose of examining the levels of teacher support, student motivation, and student engagement, descriptive statistics were conducted. Participants reported high levels of science teacher support (M= 4.69 over 6, SD= 1.25). Moreover, students reported high levels of motivation (mean for self-concept was 4.17 over 5 and mean for task-value was 5.89 over 7) and engagement (means for sub-scales ranged from 2.89 to 3.41 over 4). In order to examine the relationships among aforementioned variables, a path analysis using LISREL 8.80 programme was conducted. Analysis results showed that teacher support statistically significantly and positively predicted task-value and academic self-concept. Furthermore, students’ who reported high levels of task-value and academic self-concept showed higher levels in all engagement aspects (i.e., agentic, behavioral, emotional, and cognitive). Accordingly, it is important for science teachers to listen students, behave fairly, and help student to solve their problems in order to motivate their students’ science learning and increase their engagement in science class.
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