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2020, DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology
The main aim of the study was to explore the factors influencing digital reading behavior of students. A survey with stratified random sample of 588 postgraduate students from the teaching departments of the universities in Kerala was used to conduct the study. The analysis revealed that majority of the students opined that with the availability of laptop, mobile phone and the Internet, their digital reading increases. There exists significant gender difference in the opinion of the students about the features like save, download, search, find and bookmark that helped them to read digitally. About half of the students mentioned that the factors like font size, text layout, type face and background colour are highly influencing while reading digitally. The students also responded that digital reading increases their selective reading, superficial reading, interactive reading, and decreases their in-depth reading, concentrated reading and sustained attention. Male students have signif...
Nowadays, people are familiar with the function of the digital text as the medium for learning education, it is helpful for learning. This study aimed to understand the use of digital text as digital reading and to understand the student's perception of digital reading. The study used a descriptive study. It involved the students of the English Language Education Department of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang, the academic year 2020/2021. 70 students with ages ranged from 18 to 22 years old filled the questionnaire and 10 students were selected to be the interviewee. They understand the use of digital text as a digital reading on their mobile phone. From the analysis, they knew by themselves how to read the digital text. They considered using digital text for learning as a good to gain information faster. Based on the findings, it is suggested that a combination the printed text and digital text is suggested rather than one medium. Besides, the teacher is available to use both to interact with their student and improve the method of learning.
Asian Journal of Information Science and Technology, 2018
This paper examines the impact of ICT on the reading habits of the students of Tumkur University. The survey was conducted using a well design and structured questionnaire. A total of 440 postgraduate students of faculty of Arts, Science and Commerce were chosen. The result of this study showed that most of the students are female (61.6%) and most of them (72.3%) are from rural areas. The study found that students read books daily at home (69.5%) followed by classroom (51.1%). The students strongly agreed that the print books are costlier than Internet sources (32.3%). The study results also indicated that students are accessed Internet every day and the students used ICT in support of their academic work. The study recommends that the university authorities in to provide more ICT facilities to all the postgraduate students. It is also necessary to conduct more ICT based learning programmes to the students.
Language and Language Teaching Journal, 2017
This research aims to explore the current reading habits of university students. Moreover, it aims to determine the effects of widespread use of the internet and other digital resources in reading habits and to give some possible recommendation to improve students' reading habits in the digital era. The research design was descriptive survey research. The instrument of the research was questionnaire, which is based on Akarsu and Dariyemez (2014) and Chauhan and Lal (2012). The participants of the research were 320 students studying in six majors in Faculty of Teachers Training and Education at Borneo University. They were selected through the cluster random sampling. The questionnaire involved six categories, namely demographic information, frequency of items read, contents of online reading, online activities, content first clicked when online, and techniques to develop reading habits. All research data was analyzed using SPSS Statistics 22 program.
ABSTRACTThis research is a survey research in line with finding out the dominant perceptions of UPT students of SMA Negeri 7 Ogan Ilir towards Digital Text Reading. The samples of the research were 87 students, 44 tenth graders and 43 eleventh graders. The researchers used collect the data. To analyze the data, the researchers used percentage analysis. The results showed that the students had positive perception towards digital text reading in their daily life. They often learn and do assignment using digital media because it gives positive experience,motivation and improve reading comprehension achievement. In conclusion, It is comfortable, flexible and helpful to search relevant additional text to study
Keywords This research study aims at investigating at which level the variables of academic and recreational digital reading attitude, technology attitude, and possession of social media account and mobile devices predict the classification of students as those who perform more academic digital reading and who perform less academic digital reading. The participants of the research are 259 students (120 male, 139 female) within the age range of 13-15 who were attending the 8th-grade of 3 state secondary schools in the city center of Düzce. In accordance with the purpose, the Logistic Regression Analysis (LRA) was preferred. It was seen in the regression model that variables of academic digital reading attitude and technology tendency are significant predictive variables in estimating the academic digital reading group membership of the students of 13-15 age group. It was also found in the model that recreational digital reading attitude, negativity of technology, contribution and importance of technology, technology for all, possession of online mobile devices, possession of an active social media account and gender variables are not significant predictors of students performing less or more digital reading. It can be argued based on the research results that supporting the academic digital reading attitude and technology tendency together may provide more qualified attainments regarding the purpose of online reading for learning.
Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 2022
Humankind always has an effort to produce information and code (write) it in order to keep the information permanent. While information has been produced before the invention of computer was subjected to the process of reading on the basis of tactual materials (such as clay, rock, papyrus, paper); whereas together with the spread of computers and internet, information has begun to be produced in the electronic environment and offered to readers in this environment. The purpose of this study was to investigate high school students' habit of reading printed and e-books comparatively within the context of certain variables. In line with this purpose, semi-structured interview technique which is among qualitative data collection techniques, was used in the study. Target population of the study consisted of fourth-grade high school students having education in a city center of Central Anatolia in the 2019-2020 academic year. In this context 51 students were included in the study survey. In order to collect the study data, face-to-face interviews were conducted with students using a semi-structured interview form which was developed by the researchers and the data acquired were recorded in both written and audial forms. At the end of interviews, the data were analyzed via content analysis method and various concepts and correlations were analyzed in line with the purpose of study. According to the results of the research, it was concluded that while most of high school students preferred to read from the printed book, they generally have low-level book reading and also the readers.
International Journal Of Humanities Education and Social Sciences (IJHESS), 2021
This study aims to see whether there is an effect of using a digital book on the reading ability of students in class X SMA Negeri 2 Rantau Selatan. This study uses a quantitative approach with a quasi-experimental method. The population in this study were all class X-MIA SMA Negeri 2 Rantau Selatan and the sample was taken by 72 students with simple random sampling technique. The data technique used a written test in the form of an essay, the instruments used were pretest and posttest. Based on the t-test analysis using SPSS version 22 for windows, it is found that the value of t count< t table (1.241< 1.667). This shows that the ability to overcome students' reading skills by using digital books is better than students who use conventional learning models. Therefore, learning using a digital book can be used in implementing English learning at SMA Negeri 2 Rantau Selatan for the 2020/2021 school year.
TESOL International Journal, 2021
The development of technology has transformed the lifestyle of the people at the global level. With technological development, the social networking sites and apps have also developed a lot. That has brought a significant transformation in the methods of communication. Various studies have been conducted to identify their impacts on the reading habits of the individuals/ students. The study aimed to explore the application of the technology and social networking sites by the students of Pakistan. This study adopted a mixed- methods research approach. The data was collected from the first-year undergraduate students of Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro, Sindh Pakistan. For the quantitative analysis, the descriptive statistics were applied including 366 students (male and female), 281 were male students and 85 female students. The qualitative data was conducted with 20 students and the responses were examined through content analysis. The findings revealed that the majority of students had prior access to smartphones than desktops, laptops and tablets. However, some students had no internet experience. For academic reading, most of the students preferred electronic books and there was no preference of formats for leisure reading. Most of the students use Social Networking sites for fun. Additionally, the findings also suggested the problems faced by the students related to searching online reading TESOL International Journal Volume 16 Issue 1 2021 TESOL International Journal Volume 16 Issue 1 | ISSN: 2094-3938 materials due to lack of technical skills. The findings of this study may help to understand the students’ reading habits and preferences in terms of using technology. Thus, blended teaching methods should be implemented by the teachers and encouraged students to use technology for their reading purposes.
Webology, 2012
Reading in the 21st-century networked society is no longer confined to the print reading. The scope of the reading has extended to the Internet sources that changed the traditional reading culture of the readers. The present study was conducted to identify the impact of Internet surfing on reading practices and choices of the net generation college students. The survey method was applied to conduct the study and a questionnaire was used as a data collection tool. A sample of 676 students was selected from different strata based on gender, region and faculty in the degree colleges of the Kashmir region, Jammu and Kashmir state, India. In the sample size only 302 confirmed themselves as the e-readers and their responses were analyzed. Results reveal that the reading behavior of the online readers is in transition as the Internet surfing has increased non-sequential reading, interactive reading, superficial reading, and extensive reading and at the same rates is responsible for decreasing concentrated and in-depth reading. Plus, the Internet surfing has increased reading of the news & views, general knowledge, selected fields, sexual content, spiritual/religious text and has decreased reading of literature. To validate the results, the findings were correlated with earlier studies and hypotheses were formed and tested using the Chi-square test. However, the students have not experienced any electronic reading device like kindle (of Amazon) or iPod (of Apple) during browsing the electronic sources and it could be the future area of research.
Linguistics Initiative
This research attempts to determine whether digital reading has the same effect as traditional reading on students’ reading skill and to explain the lecturers and the students’ perceptions of digital reading. The writer applied mixed-method research. Sixty students participated as a research sample. Ten lecturers were also involved in this research. The instruments of this research were reading tests, questionnaires, and structured interviews. Reading tests were analyzed by using SPSS 22.0. The questionnaires were analyzed quantitatively using Microsoft Excel, and the structured interview was analyzed qualitatively. The writer found that digital and traditional reading does not affect students’ reading skills. It was evidenced by the t-test value being higher than the alpha (0.40 > 0.05). In contrast to many lecturers’ opinions, students do not prefer digital reading because they need more explanations from their lecturer. Meanwhile, the lecturers revealed that digital reading is...
Research on Information Science and Public Libraries, 2016
Purpose: In the digital age, web applications work as machines that swallow time rapidly. A new generation tendency to use these tools for entertaining and information gathering has changed their habits in type of selected materials and reading practices. In other words, although users currently receive information from the Internet, they have increasingly become superficial readers who have a little interest to read deeply in digital format. This unwillingness not only changes reading habits of young adults, but also transforms their web browsing and information processing. The present study aims to investigate the effect of digital environment on users’ reading habits. Methodology: We used a case study approach and survey method was used. In this research, a questionnaire was used as a data collecting method. The research population included all undergraduate students in all disciplines (=1000) who study in “Toos Institute of Higher Education”. 100 students were selected as a samp...
Reading habit is necessary and most essentialfeature for generating the well-read society in this world. It outlines the activities of person and it useful them to develop the good thinking techniques and producing new information. This paper attempts to consider the reading habits by the students ofKarnatakScience College, Dharwad, Karnatakaand find out the trends in their reading habit. The paper aims to find out the outcomes of widespread use of the internet and other substitute multimedia resources in reading habits and in order to have a broad overview of the present reading habits.
In Pakistan, the use of electronic gadgets like Ipad, smartphones, laptops, etc. is on the rise. With the exponential growth and availability of digital reading contents, it is also a matter of concern that how readers interact with digital contents? And whether they are aware of features associated with electronic reading devices? The current study aims to examine the level of students’ digital information literacy skills and to understand the status of their interaction with digital contents. A survey was conducted using a questionnaire as a data collection tool. The data were collected from the students of the Higher Education Commission (HEC) recognized large and medium-sized universities of Lahore. Findings highlight the student’s self-perceived digital information literacy skills and the usage patterns of different techniques/functions associated with on-screen reading
It is without a doubt that reading is a twofold process which allows cognitive processing of information as well as aesthetic appreciation. However, due to the emergence of new media of information and communication technology (ICT) as well as the evolution of electronic devices, student's reading behaviour has changed. The use of ICT is considered as a recent catalyst to bring changes and new information in teaching and learning approaches [1]. Nevertheless, as claimed by some researchers, the introduction of ICT will enable its users particularly university students to get, communicate and manage information at their own pace. Therefore, this study attempted to investigate students' reading habit and engagement with digital contents as well as to ascertain their practices while using electronic media for reading exercise. Quantitative data were collected through valid survey questionnaires which were distributed to 61 respondents from Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Raub Campus, Malaysia. The results revealed students' preferences in using electronic media and how ICT has presented possibilities for students' reading habit to develop. This study has shed light on possible factors contributing to deficiencies in reading and reasoning. Given the importance of digital literacy, this study is anticipated to benefit future research to provide possible ways to enhance online reading and later critical digital reading skills.
In recent years, more focus has been put on the role of students in the language learning process, provided that language learning is predominantly a learning practice. The wishes and desires of students should also be taken into account in order to ensure successful language learning and teaching. Reading can be found in a major field where the interests of students affect their learning. In any formal or higher learning background, reading is viewed as the most important academic language skills for both second-and foreign-language students. It is by reading that these students learn new knowledge and become capable of synthesizing, analyzing and understanding in order to learn more about their subject matter. Effective reading is necessary for the progress of the learning of a foreign language. Students could read a wide variety of textbooks and associated content at the tertiary level. The lack of sufficient reading habit is also bound to obstruct students’ development towards mastery of a foreign language. The aim of this paper was to examine the reading habits of students, to see what reading benefits can offer to an attitude of individual, and to explore the effect of time on reading on the screen. Through a comprehensive analysis of available literature as well as a mixed-method approach, the researchers surveyed 59 students and was able to better understand reading in our current “digital age”. This research concluded that reading is indeed useful, that it is on the decline, and that time on the screen is on the rise. In addition, this research has found trends that can help educators to embrace this growing imbalance, such as establishing screen-time limits, developing a so-called “book-consciousness” in the classroom, and promoting access to the online library and a more varied collection for students to pick books from. Keywords: Reading habits, Indonesian college students, Reading habits and attitude, Digital Age.
Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal), 2019
Purpose: The study was carried out with an aim to understand the mobile reading behaviour among the millennials of the state of Tripura. Methodology: The questionnaire having 35 questions was administered to 120 under graduate students of different departments from Govt. Degree College, Khumulwng and Ramakrishna Mahavidyalay. Out of 120 students, 82 have responded from Govt. Degree College, Khumulwng and the response rate is 68%. Out of 120 students, 80 have responded from Ramakrishna Mahavidyalay and the response rate is 66.66%. Results: The study revealed that highest number of respondents from Govt. Degree College, Khumulwng belongs to Female 53 (64.63%) and from Ramkrishna Mahavidyalaya belongs to male category 64 (80.00%). maximum respondents from both the colleges belong to rural area. Maximum respondents from both the colleges use phone for 1-3 and 3 -5 hours in a day. From Govt. Degree College, Khumulwng maximum respondents 67 (81.71%) use of phone for reading and Ramakrishna Mahavidyalaya maximu Rajesh Chandra Das MLIS, Tripura University Mithu Anjali Gayan ORCID: 0002-8787-9673 ResearcherID: J-1741-2016 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Library and Information Science, Tripura University, 8794299657 Samendra Debbarma MLIS, Tripura University respondents (68.75%) use of phone for reading. From Govt. Degree College, Khumulwng maximum respondents 45 (54.88%) read daily 30-60 minutes in their phone and Ramkrishna Mahavidyalaya maximum respondents 35 (43.75%) are daily 30-60 minutes reading in their phone. Maximum respondents from both the colleges read news in their phones. Maximum respondents accepted the fact that they read more after they have become mobile readers. Maximum respondents look for word meanings in their phones, uses dictionary app and prefer English language for mobile reading. From Govt Degree College, Khumulwng 43.9% respondents are aware of Ebook and from Ramakrishna Mahavidyalaya respondents 76.25% are aware of E-book. From Govt. Degree College, Khumulwng 58.54% respondents have never used any E-book and from Ramkrishna Mahavidyalaya 65% respondents have never used any E-book followed by 35% used E-book. Maximum respondents from both the colleges want E- book services from their respected libraries. Implications: The knowledge acquired through this study should contribute to better understanding of the phenomena of reading habits, mobile reading habits and attitude towards it in Tripura. Keywords: Reading Habit, Mobile Reading Habit, E- learning, Govt. Degree College, Khumulung, Ramakrishna Mahavidyalaya, Kailashahar, Tripura.
IDEAS: Journal on English Language Teaching and Learning, Linguistics and Literature
Digital Reading is one of the options in the context of online learning to stop the Covid-19 virus from spreading since the Covid-19 pandemic has forced schools and colleges to close. The purpose of this study is to describe how students perceptions about learning English using digital reading when the Covid-19 pandemic is occurring. This study employed a descriptive quantitative methodology. 40 of 6th semester students from English Education Study Program, Guide and Counseling Study Program and Early Childhood Teacher Training Study Program of Universitas Muhammadiyah Palopo, Indonesia were participants. To get data, a questionnaire about student perceptions of the practicality of digital reading was issued as a Google form. According to the study's findings, the majority of students are enthusiastic about the use of digital reading. it is thought to be more helpful and effective in supporting learning activity.
International Journal of Education Research and Development
Reading is crucial to the process of learning a language. Students can use digital technology to support reading activities in today's modern culture. As a result of students' need for information in the digital age, digital text is now virtually everywhere. This study investigated EFL students reading preferences (digital or printed). The participants of this study were 102 EFL students from private universities in South Sumatera. The data was collected through 20 items of questionnaire distributed through google form. Based on the result of the study, it could be concluded that first, most participants enjoy reading. They read for a variety of purposes, including to get the knowledge, to get information, to get the entertainment, and for other purposes. The second, the participants prefer reading digital texts. The practicality of the digital texts is the primary motivating factor why they chose it. They acknowledged that they do not need to hold thick texts or books whil...
In this era of Information and Communication Technology (ICT,) it has been anticipated that electronic books will gain huge interest among students where access to the World Wide Web is not impossible. Furthermore its flexibility of portability is simply amazing as the students will only need the electronic gadget to download as many books as they want. However, there are still students who prefer to have printed materials as their reading tools. This paper presents the findings of 58 undergraduate of Institut Teknologi Brunei's experiences and perceptions towards their reading preferences. This is a quantitative study. Questionnaires were designed and distributed to the undergraduates in order to achieve the purpose of this research. The findings clearly revealed that the respondents now prefer reading more using their digital gadgets like iPad, iPhone, other tablets and laptop mainly because of its portability, affordability and search ability. A vast majority of the respondents indicated that the only print materials they read mostly are textbooks and story books. Hence the future of reading in this era of ICT seems to skew towards the screen than the print.
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Languages and Arts (ICLA 2018), 2019
This study aimed to explain the cultural behavior of reading junior high school students in the internet era based on gender variables. The study was designed with a quantitative approach. The study population was high school students in four districts / cities in South Sulawesi and West Sulawesi, namely Makassar City, Soppeng Regency, Tana Toraja Regency, and Majene Regency. Data collection was done using a questionnaire. Analysis of research data was carried out through descriptive statistical analysis and inferential statistical analysis which included three stages, including; (1) data management, (2) statistical analysis, and (3) interpretation of results. Data were analyzed using IBM SPSS 23 and it was presented in the form of tables, diagrams, and verbal exposure. The results showed that there were significant differences in reading behavior of female students and male students based on (1) the type of reading material that is read, (2) the effort to obtain reading material, (...
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