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2019, Global Change Biology
Drought, widely studied as an important driver of ecosystem dynamics, is predicted to increase in frequency and severity globally. To study drought, ecologists must define or at least operationalize what constitutes a drought. How this is accomplished in practice is unclear, particularly given that climatologists have long struggled to agree on definitions of drought, beyond general variants of "an abnormal deficiency of water". We conducted a literature review of ecological drought studies (564 papers) to assess how ecologists describe and study drought. We found that ecologists characterize drought in a wide variety of ways (reduced precipitation, low soil moisture, reduced streamflow, etc.), but relatively few publications (~32%) explicitly define what are, and are not, drought conditions. More troubling, a surprising number of papers (~30%) simply equated "dry conditions" with "drought" and provided little characterization of the drought conditions studied. For a subset of these, we calculated Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index values for the reported drought periods. We found that while almost 90% of the studies were conducted under conditions quantifiable as slightly to extremely drier than average, ~50% were within the range of normal climatic variability. We conclude that the current state of the ecological drought literature hinders synthesis and our ability to draw broad ecological inferences because drought is often declared but is not explicitly defined or well characterized. We suggest that future drought publications provide at least one of the following: 1) the climatic context of the drought period based on long-term records, 2) standardized climatic index values, 3) published metrics from drought monitoring organizations, 4) a quantitative definition of what the authors consider to be drought conditions for their system. With more detailed and consistent quantification of drought conditions, comparisons among studies can be more rigorous, increasing our understanding of the ecological effects of drought.
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 2017
DECEMBER 2017 AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY | THE RISING RISK OF DROUGHT. Droughts of the twenty-first century are characterized by hotter temperatures, longer duration, and greater spatial extent, and are increasingly exacerbated by human demands for water. This situation increases the vulnerability of ecosystems to drought, including a rise in drought-driven tree mortality globally (Allen et al. 2015) and anticipated ecosystem transformations from one state to another-for example, forest to a shrubland (Jiang et al. 2013). When a drought drives changes within ecosystems, there can be a ripple effect through human communities that depend on those ecosystems for critical goods and services (Millar and Stephenson 2015). For example, the "Millennium Drought" (2002-10) in Australia caused unanticipated losses to key services provided by hydrological ecosystems in the Murray-Darling basin-including air quality regulation, waste treatment, erosion prevention, and recreation. The costs of these losses exceeded AUD $800 million, as resources were spent to replace these services and adapt to new drought-impacted ecosystems (Banerjee et al. 2013). Despite the high costs to both nature and people, current drought research, management, and policy perspectives often fail to evaluate how drought affects ecosystems and the "natural capital" they provide to human communities. Integrating these human and natural dimensions of drought is an essential step toward addressing the rising risk of drought in the twenty-first century. Part of the problem is that existing drought definitions describing meteorological drought impacts (agricultural, hydrological, and socioeconomic) view drought through a human-centric lens and do not fully address the ecological dimensions of drought.
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
South African Journal of Science
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 2000
A conceptual model of drought characterization across the climatic spectrum is formulated. The model is particularly suited to subtropical and midlatitudinal regions. Drought duration, intensity, and recurrence interval are expressed in terms of the ratio of mean annual precipitation to annual global terrestrial precipitation. The model is useful as a framework for the systematic analysis of droughts and the assessment of changes in drought characteristics due to climatic changes.
Droughts are caused by a situation with less than normal water availability due to climate variability. They occur in every hydroclimatic region and in all components of the hydrological cycle. Droughts can be classified either as meteorological, soil moisture or hydrological drought. Identification of droughts on a global scale has been done in recent studies. Different drought indicators were used for the identification of droughts on a global scale. However, the effect of the choice for a certain indicator on the drought characterization (e.g. severity, frequency and duration of droughts) is not fully understood, as is the impact of hydroclimate and physical catchment structure. The objective of this study is to examine the characterization of drought with different drought indicators across the world. It also includes the impact of climate and physical catchment structure on the performance of the drought indicators. Time series of meteorological variables were retrieved from or calculated with the WATCH Forcing Data (WFD) at a daily time step, for cells with a resolution of 0.5 • by 0.5 • . The NUT DAY model was applied to generate time series of hydrological variables (e.g. soil moisture storage, discharge). NUT DAY is a synthetic rainfall-runoff model which uses precipitation, temperature and potential evapotranspiration time series from WFD as input. Three different soil types (low, medium and high soil moisture storage capacity) and groundwater systems types (fast, medium and slow responding) have been used in the model simulations, to explore the effect of changes in the physical catchment structure. climatic regions were defined with the Köppen-Geiger classification. For all climatic regions drought analyses were done. Per cell, drought events for each drought indicator were identified by applying the threshold method to the time series of meteorological, soil moisture and hydrological variables. The threshold is either variable or fixed, depending on the indicator. In this study 14 indicators were selected, of which 2 were newly developed (Moving Average Precipitation, Standardized Streamflow Index). All 14 indicators were applied to the 5 major climates; performances were tested and evaluated with expert knowledge mainly from literature. From this 14 indicators finally 6 have been selected, for a more detailed analysis. In total 961 cells were randomly selected for that purpose ensuring that all Köpen-Geiger climate regions are adequately represented. The 6 selected indicators are: the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), Effective Drought Index (EDI), Total Storage Deficit Index (TSDI), Moving Average Precipitation with Variable Threshold (MAPVT), Soil moisture with Variable Threshold (SVT), Discharge with Variable Threshold (QVT). These indicators were used to study the effects of hydroclimate and physical catchment structure on drought characterization and subsequently to assess their performance. It was found that the hydroclimate has a profound impact on the average drought durations and deficit volumes as identified by all indicators. The SPI, EDI and MAPVT are not influenced by the physical catchment structure, because they only depend on precipitation. Average drought durations and deficit volumes determined by the TSDI and QVT increase for slower responding groundwater systems. In general, a higher soil water storage capacity increases the average drought durations as identified by the TSDI, SVT and QVT. Overall, the effects of hydroclimate and of properties of the groundwater system are more profound than changes in soil type. The MAPVT and QVT seem to be the most promising indicators for drought analysis on a global scale. Both indicators had a very constant performance for different hydroclimates and physical catchment structures and are rather straight forward to calculate.
Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2019
There are numerous drought indicators used by decision makers all around the globe which have been developed to fulfill specific needs. By far, risks associated with drought and related consequences have become a bold topic for scientists in which debates still taking place everywhere. No global drought indices could provide universally accepted results since almost all of these indices are based on observed data as key performance indicators. In this respect, researchers spend a lot of effort on this issue for a better understanding on the various indices which are proposed until now. It is crucial to get a better sense on how drought can develop and how it can be monitored. It is also important to understand that, recent global challenges like climate change also amplifies the obligation on continues effort toward developing better indicators and methods to monitor droughts. As climate patterns change or a seasonal shift occurs, predefined drought indicators become useless. In this review, the concepts of drought indices and indicators are revisited and evaluated. Pros and cons of frequently used indices are addressed and the major differences between them are bolded. It is concluded that each index is applicable to fulfill expectations of a specific drought type while pre-knowledge about each case is very crucial. However, there is a need to develop a composite drought index to integrate all relevant data and drought definitions, with respect to the dominant types of monthly droughts in time and space together with climate change scenarios.
Science & Technology Libraries, 2013
Drought is a "hot" topic, given the climatic events of summer 2012 in the United States. This article provides a fundamental understanding of drought-its definitions, classifications, ratings, and impact on agriculture. Also included are introductions to drought-related research areas in the geosciences-specifically geology, hydrology, and atmospheric sciences-as well as pointers to reliable sources of information about drought from the agricultural and geosciences literature.
Earth System Science Data Discussions, 2019
Drought duration strongly depends on the definition thereof. In meteorology, dryness is habitually measured by means of fixed thresholds (e.g. 0.1 or 1 mm usually define dry spells) or climatic mean values (as is the case of the Standardised Precipitation Index), but this also depends on the aggregation time interval considered. However, robust measurements of drought duration are required for analysing the statistical significance of possible changes. Herein we have climatically classified the drought duration around the world according to their similarity to the voids of the Cantor set. Dryness time structure can be concisely measured by the n-index (from the regular/irregular alternation of dry/wet spells), which is closely related to the Gini index and to a Cantor-based exponent. This enables the world's climates to be classified into six large types based upon a new measure of drought duration. We performed the dry-spell analysis using the full global gridded daily Multi-Source Weighted-Ensemble Precipitation (MSWEP) dataset. The MSWEP combines gauge-, satellite-, and reanalysis-based data to provide reliable precipitation estimates. The study period comprises the years 1979-2016 (total of 45165 days), and a spatial resolution of 0.5°, with a total of 259,197 grid points. Data set is publicly available at
Hydrological Sciences Journal, 2002
There has been considerable research on modelling various aspects of drought such as identification and prediction of its duration and severity. The term severity has various connotations in drought literature such as in hydrological drought, where it is defined as the cumulative shortage or the deficit sum with reference to a pre-specified truncation level. In meteorological drought, the severity has rather been defined in the form of indices such as the Palmer drought severity index. There exist a variety of techniques and methods to analyse the duration and severity of meteorological and hydrological droughts through probability characterization of low flows, time series methods, synthetic data generation, theory of runs, multiple regression, group theory, pattern recognition and neural network methods. Agricultural droughts are analysed based on soil moisture modelling concepts with crop yield considerations and using multiple linear regression techniques. The prediction aspects of drought duration are developed better than the drought severity aspects. These latter need to be improved because information on drought severity is of paramount practical importance and forms an essential part of the design process of storage facilities for abatement of droughts. A major challenge of drought research is to develop suitable methods and techniques for forecasting the onset and termination points of droughts. An equally challenging task is the dissemination of drought research results for practical usage and wider applications.
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 2011
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 2011
North AmericAN Drought moNitor Forum AND globAl Drought AssessmeNt Workshop what: three international drought workshops were held consecutively to facilitate collaboration on international drought monitoring and services with the goal of laying the groundwork for a global Drought early Warning system. when: 20-23 april 2010 where: asheville, north Carolina D rought is a part of the natural climatic cycle, albeit one of the costliest natural hazards. Its annual economic impact in the United States has been estimated at $6-$8 billion (U.S. dollars), with global estimates in the hundreds of billions of dollars. Drought is an insidious natural hazard and like all climate phenomena, it does not respect international borders. Recognizing the importance of international drought monitoring efforts, the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) met in 2007 to determine steps necessary to implement a Global Drought Early Warning System (GDEWS) as part of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS). However, with the financial stresses and instability that soon followed, little was accomplished. In spring 2010, a series of workshops was held to increase international collaboration on drought issues and to begin laying the groundwork for global drought monitoring that would support a future GDEWS. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)'s National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) hosted 1 the events. The remainder of this article summarizes the workshop series. Detailed information about each workshop is available online ( Th e N o rTh A m e r i c A N D ro u g hT moNiTor (NADm) forum. The first workshop was a biannual meeting of the authors of the NADM. The NADM is a cooperative effort between experts in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Each month, a coordinated drought depiction is developed for the three countries. Authorship of the NADM rotates between experts in NOAA, USDA, NDMC, AAFC, and SMN (refer to footnote 1). At this workshop, NADM authors and partners discussed administrative issues, time lines, new AffiliATioNs: brewer and heiM-noaa/national Climatic Data Center,
Ecological Processes, 2018
Introduction: California's recent drought (2012-2016) has implications throughout the state for natural resource management and adaptation planning and has generated many discussions about drought characterization and recovery. This study characterizes drought conditions with two indices describing deficits in natural water supply and increases in landscape stress developed on the basis of water balance modeling, at a fine spatial scale to assess the variation in conditions across the entire state, and provides an in-depth evaluation for the Russian River basin in northern California to address local resource management by developing extreme drought scenarios for consideration in planning and adaptation. Methods: We employed the USGS Basin Characterization Model to characterize drought on the basis of water supply (a measure of recharge plus runoff) and landscape stress (climatic water deficit). These were applied to the state and to the Russian River basin where antecedent soil moisture conditions were evaluated and extreme drought scenarios were developed and run through a water management and reservoir operations model to further explore impacts on water management. Results: Drought indices indicated that as of the end of water year 2016 when reservoirs were full, additional water supply and landscape replenishment of up to three average years of precipitation in some locations was needed to return to normal conditions. Antecedent soil conditions in the Russian River were determined to contribute to very different water supply results for different years and were necessary to understand to anticipate proper watershed response to climate. Extreme drought scenarios manifested very different kinds of drought and recovery and characterization helps to guide the management response to drought. Conclusions: These scenarios and indices illustrate how droughts differ with regard to water supply and landscape stress and how long warm droughts recover much more slowly than short very dry droughts due to the depletion of water in the soil and unsaturated zone that require filling before runoff can occur. Recognition of ongoing conditions and likelihood of recovery provides tools and information for a range of resource managers to cope with drought conditions.
Drought Assessment, Management, and Planning: Theory and Case Studies, 1993
In August 1999, a new product providing a weekly assessment of drought conditions for the United States was released for the first time. This product is called the Drought Monitor. Since then, the Drought Monitor map and accompanying text have received a large amount of attention. The original goal of the Drought Monitor was to provide a relatively “simple” classification of drought severity over a large scale based on a variety of indicators that could be easily interpreted by users such as the public, media, decision-and policy- ...
Drought and Water Crises, 2017
Note to the reader: This publication is part of the 'Integrated Drought Management Tools and Guidelines Series', compiled by the Integrated Drought Management Programme (IDMP). This Handbook of Drought Indicators and Indices is based on available literature and draws findings from relevant works wherever possible. The handbook addresses the needs of practitioners and policymakers. The publication is considered as a resource guide/material for practitioners and not an academic paper. This publication is a 'living document' and will be updated based on the experiences of its readers. The indicators and indices detailed in chapter 7 of the handbook are also available online at www. IDMP encourages water managers and related experts engaged in the management of drought around the globe to participate in the enrichment of this publication. For this purpose, comments and other inputs are cordially invited. Authorship and contributions will be appropriately acknowledged.
Bulletin of The American Meteorological Society, 2010
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