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2019, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care
Fuzzy decision trees represent classification knowledge more naturally to the way of human thinking and are more robust in tolerating imprecise, conflict, and missing information. Decision Making Support Systems are used widely in clinical medicine because decisions play an important role in diagnostic processes. Decision trees are a very suitable candidate for induction of simple decision-making models with the possibility of automatic learning. The goal of this paper is to demonstrate a new approach for predictive data mining models in clinical medicine. This approach is based on induction of fuzzy decision trees. This approach allows us to build decision-making modesl with different properties (ordered, stability etc.). Three new types of fuzzy decision trees (non-ordered, ordered and stable) are considered in the paper. Induction of these fuzzy decision trees is based on cumulative information estimates. Results of experimental investigation are presented. Predictive data mining...
2012 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, 2012
ABSTRACT Decision Making Support System based on Fuzzy Logic is considered in this paper for oncology disease diagnosis. The decision making procedure corresponds to the recognition (classification) of the new case by analyzing a set of instances (already solved cases) for which classes are known. Ontology (solved cases) is defined as Fuzzy Classification Rules that are formed by different Fuzzy Decision Trees. Three types of Fuzzy Decision Trees (Non-ordered, ordered and Stable) are considered in the paper. Induction of these Fuzzy Decision Trees is based on Cumulative Information Estimates. The proposed approach is implemented based on medical problem benchmark with real clinical data for breast cancer diagnosis.
In health sciences, prescribing drugs for the patients depends on the diagnosis conducted by the doctors or experts. As the world is moving toward the automation of diagnosis using computers, the prediction of diseases in the human can be automated by using machine learning algorithms which perform the task of classification/ prediction when given the patient details. To predict the patient diseases, a set of historical data is passed to the machine learning algorithms and the algorithm is trained to learn for prediction. Among several machine algorithms, decision tree is the prominent technique to understand how the decision is taken as it represents the classification knowledge in hierarchical form. As decision trees take crisp decision, it is not possible to handle fuzziness which is common in real world data, so fuzzy decision trees emerged. In this paper, we present an empirical study of fuzzy decision trees (FDTs) towards the classification of several medical datasets so as to...
Journal of medical systems, 2002
In medical decision making (classification, diagnosing, etc.) there are many situations where decision must be made effectively and reliably. Conceptual simple decision making models with the possibility of automatic learning are the most appropriate for performing such tasks. Decision trees are a reliable and effective decision making technique that provide high classification accuracy with a simple representation of gathered knowledge and they have been used in different areas of medical decision making. In the paper we present the basic characteristics of decision trees and the successful alternatives to the traditional induction approach with the emphasis on existing and possible future applications in medicine.
Decision Tree Induction (DTI), one of the data mining classification methods, is used in this research for predictive problem solving. We extend the concept of DTI dealing with meaningful fuzzy labels in order to express human knowledge. A user can generate a meaningful fuzzy label (using fuzzy set) for describing a condition/type of disease, such as poor disease, moderate disease, and severe disease. We employ the highest information gain to split a node. To reduce the generated rules we pay attention on minimum support and minimum confidence. In this paper, we present the usage of DTI to analyze patient track record. The designed application gives a significant contribution to assist decision maker for analyzing and anticipating disease epidemic in a certain area.
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2012
By means of data mining techniques, we can exploit furtive and precious information through medicine data bases. Because of huge amount of this information, study and analyses are too difficult. We want some methods to exploring through data and extract valuable information which can be used in the future similar cases. One of these cases is accouchement. The mechanism of accouchement is a natural and spontaneous process without the need to any intervention. In some conditions, maybe mother, baby or both of them are in hazard and need help and support. This help is provided by Caesarian Section which saves mother and baby. Nevertheless, we need to know when we should use surgery. This study explains utilization of medical data mining in determination of medical operation methods. We render this with accumulating 80 pregnant women information. The results show that decision tree algorithm designed for this case study generates correct prediction for more than 86.25% tests cases
For medical decision making processes (diag- nosing, classification, etc.) all decisions must be made effec- tively and reliably. Conceptual decision making models with the potential of learning capabilities are more appropriate and suitable for performing such hard tasks. Decision trees are a well known technique, which has been applied in many medi- cal systems to support decisions based on a set of instances. On the other hand, the soft computing technique of Fuzzy Cogni- tive Maps (FCMs) is an effective decision making technique, which provides high performance with a conceptual represen- tation of gathered knowledge a nd existing experience. FCMs have been used for medical decision making with emphasis in radiotherapy and classification tasks for bladder tumour grad- ing. This paper proposes and presents an hybrid model de- rived from the combination and the synergistic application of the above mentioned techniques. The proposed Decision Tree- Fuzzy Cognitive Map model has enhanced operation and effec- tiveness based on both methods giving better accuracy results in medical decision tasks.
Journal of medical systems, 2000
Decision support systems that help physicians are becoming a very important part of medical decision making. They are based on different models and the best of them are providing an explanation together with an accurate, reliable, and quick response. One of the most viable among models are decision trees, already successfully used for many medical decision-making purposes. Although effective and reliable, the traditional decision tree construction approach still contains several deficiencies. Therefore we decided to develop and compare several decision support models using four different approaches. We took statistical analysis, a MtDeciT, in our laboratory developed tool for building decision trees with a classical method, the well-known C5.0 tool and a self-adapting evolutionary decision support model that uses evolutionary principles for the induction of decision trees. Several solutions were evolved for the classification of metabolic and respiratory acidosis (MRA). A comparison...
This study aims to identify the potential benefits that data mining can bring to the health sector, using Indonesian Health Insurance company data as case study. The most commonly data mining technique, decision tree, was used to generate the prediction model by visualizing the tree to perform predictive analysis of chronic diseases. All the steps in data mining process have been performed by a data mining tool, named WEKA. Additionally, WEKA also was utilized to evaluate the prediction performance by measuring the accuracy, the specificity and the sensitivity. Among the result found in this study shows some factors that the health insurance can take into account when predicting the treatment cost of a patient.
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2013
The application of data mining algorithms requires the use of powerful software tools. As the number of available tools continues to grow, the choice of the most suitable tool becomes increasingly difficult. This paper present the basic data mining techniques i.e., naive Bayesian tree, RIpple DOwn Rule, naive Bayes and decision tree algorithm J48 for classifying in medical databases. The goal of this paper is to provide a comprehensive of different classifying techniques in data mining. To evaluate the performance of the above techniques recall, precision and accuracy measures are applied.
Studies in Computational Intelligence, 2010
In this paper we make an extensive study of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques that can be used in decision support systems in healthcare. In particular, we propose variants of ensemble methods (i.e., Rotation Forest and Input Decimated Ensembles) that are based on perturbing features, and we make a wide comparison among the ensemble approaches. We illustrate the power of these techniques by applying our approaches to different healthcare problems. Included in this chapter is extensive background material on the single classifier systems, ensemble methods, and feature transforms used in the experimental section.
International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology IJRASET, 2020
Now a days, diseases have become one of the major causes of human death. To reduce this rising growth of medical problems, data mining techniques have been popularized on higher scale. It has potentially enhanced the clinical decisions and survival time of patients. But choosing appropriate data mining technique is the main task because accuracy is the main issue. The paper presents an overview of the decision tree technique with its medical aspects of Disease Prediction. Major objective is to evaluate decision tree technique in clinical and health care applications to develop accurate decisions. It uses already existing data in different databases to transform it into new research and accurate results. Managing patient's historical data is also made easy and less complex with less effort. This paper describes health prediction results online using decision tree technique with maximum accuracy and presents a glimpse of how this website will work.
Now-a-day's humankind suffering with many health complications. This century's the people affected by most progressive diseases (like as Heart disease, Diabetes disease, AIDS disease, Hepatitis disease and Fibroid diseases) and its complications. Data mining (also called as knowledge discovery) is the process of summarizing the data into useful information by analyzing data from different perspectives. Data Mining is a technology for processing large volume of data that combines traditional data analysis methods with highly developed algorithms. Data mining techniques can be used to support a wide range of security and business applications such as work flow management, customer profiling and fraud detection. It can be also used to predict the outcome of future observations. The Data mining techniques can be developed by the Decision tree algorithm. According to recent survey of World Health Organization (WHO), all diseases and its complications are problematical health hazards of this century. A better and early diagnosis of disease may improve the lives of all people affected and people may lead healthy life. In this paper, the authors present the Decision tree algorithm for better diagnosis of Diseases using association rule mining. In this computational intelligence techniques the authors tested the performance of the method using disease data sets. The authors presented a better algorithm which is used to calculate sensitivity, specificity comprehensibility and rule length. This gain and gain ratio achieved for promising accuracy.
TJPRC, 2013
The healthcare industry collects a huge amount of data which is not properly mined and not put to the optimum use. Discovery of these hidden patterns and relationships often goes unexploited. Advanced data mining modeling techniques can help overcome this situation. The health-care knowledge management especially in heart disease can be improved through the integration of data mining and decision support. This paper presents a prototype heart disease decision support system that uses two data mining classification modeling techniques, namely, Naïve Bayes and Decision Trees. It extracts hidden knowledge from a database containing information about patients with two important heart diseases in Egypt, namely, AMI (Coronary artery), and HTN (High blood pressure) disease. The models are trained and validated against a test dataset. Lift Chart and Classification Matrix methods are used to evaluate the effectiveness of the models. The results showed that the two models are able to extract patterns in response to the predictable state. Five mining goals are defined based on exploration of the two heart diseases dataset and the objectives of this research. The goals are evaluated against the trained models. The two models could answer complex queries, each with its own strength with respect to ease of model interpretation, access to detailed information and accuracy.
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 2019
Data mining techniques are rapidly developed for many applications. In recent year, Data mining in healthcare is an emerging field research and development of intelligent medical diagnosis system. Classification is the major research topic in data mining. Decision trees are popular methods for classification. In this paper many decision tree classifiers are used for diagnosis of medical datasets. AD Tree, J48, NB Tree, Random Tree and Random Forest algorithms are used for analysis of medical dataset. Heart disease dataset, Diabetes dataset and Hepatitis disorder dataset are used to test the decision tree models.
— Nowadays, the classification represents a significant part of the data mining. The object of the classification is assigned to the new data sample the output property (class label) based on previous, learned experience. In this paper the approach of ordered fuzzy decision tree is considered. The fuzzy logic can reduce the uncertainness of initial data and it is closer to natural way of human thinking. Chosen classification model is evaluated by estimation of error and accuracy of the resulting classification. INTRODUCTION Data mining is the process of analysis of data from the various perspective and summarization the results on useful information [1]. The goal of data mining is to discover salutary knowledge stored in huge databases and repositories [1]. Data mining includes many techniques like prediction, classification, clustering, association rules, estimation and affinity grouping [2]. One of the mentioned data mining tasks is classification. The aim of the classification is to assign the class label for new instance. The popular way of classification is decision tree technique. Nowadays, there are many methods for induction of decision tree. One of the first decision tree technique has been published by J. R. Quinlan in [3]. The main idea of the ID3 algorithm is to choose the associate attribute to each node with minimal entropy or maximal information gain [3]. J. R. Quinlan modified ID3 algorithm in [4]. The modified version is called C4.5. Also C4.5 algorithm deals with information entropy. The splitting criterion is the normalized information gain [4]. Many real words problems are uncertainties and noisy. In this case, the crisp classification can be difficult to perform. The usage of fuzzy sets can be useful to describe real-world problems with higher accuracy [5] and more naturally to the way of human thinking. For this reason, the fuzzy decision trees are considered in this paper. At present time, many algorithms for induction of fuzzy decision tree have been proposed. One popular method has been described by Yuan and Shaw in [6]. The induction is based on the reduction of classification ambiguity with fuzzy evidence. Another way of FDT induction is based on fuzzy rules and published by Xianchang Wang in [7]. In contrast with " traditional " decision trees in which only a single attribute is taken into account at an each node, the node of the proposed decision trees in [7] involves a fuzzy rule which take into account multiple attributes. The next approach has been presented in [8]. This algorithm for Ordered Decision Tree (OFDT) is proposed in [8] and used for needs of this paper. OFDT algorithm takes only one attribute to each level of the decision tree. This feature can be considered as an advantage, because it allows constructing OFDT as a parallel process [5]. The criterion to choose attribute associated with given level is cumulative information estimations of fuzzy sets [9]. The usage of considered classification method has been evaluated on well know public dataset Pima Indians Diabetes Database. The dataset contains medical records of female patients and the goal is to estimate whatever a patient has signs of diabetes or not. Evaluation of OFDT is done by estimation of error and accuracy of the resulting classification.
Decision making is becoming more complex and stressful for individuals and groups especially for medical professionals as a result of huge quantity of data. This paper is on the use of decision tree for treatment options in medical decision support systems. Decision tree was developed and an algorithm to identify optimal choice among complicated options in Surgery (Medical Operation) and Medical management (Drug Prescription) by calculating probabilities of events and incorporating patient evaluations of possible outcomes based on Average Life Year (ALY). This can help the medical professionals in taking decision among the available choices.
Medical datasets have reached enormous capacities. This data may contain valuable information that awaits extraction. The knowledge may be encapsulated in various patterns and regularities that may be hidden in the data. Such knowledge may prove to be priceless in future medical decision making. The data which is analyzed comes from National Breast Cancer Prevention Program. The aim of this thesis is the evaluation of the analytical data from the Program to see if the domain can be a subject to data mining. The next step is to evaluate several data mining methods with respect to their applicability to the given data. This is to show which of the techniques are particularly usable for the given dataset. Finally, the research aims at extracting some tangible medical knowledge from the set. The research utilizes a data warehouse to store the data. The data is assessed via the ETL process. The performance of the data mining models is measured with the use of the lift charts and confusion (classification) matrices. The medical knowledge is extracted based on the indications of the majority of the models. The data mining models were not unanimous about patterns in the data. Thus the medical knowledge is not certain and requires verification from the medical people. However, most of the models strongly associated patient's age, tissue type, hormonal therapies and disease in family with the malignancy of cancers. The next step of the research is to present the findings to the medical people for verification. In the future the outcomes may constitute a good background for development of a Medical Decision Support.
IJSRD, 2013
In this paper, we are proposing a modified algorithm for classification. This algorithm is based on the concept of the decision trees. The proposed algorithm is better then the previous algorithms. It provides more accurate results. We have tested the proposed method on the example of patient data set. Our proposed methodology uses greedy approach to select the best attribute. To do so the information gain is used. The attribute with highest information gain is selected. If information gain is not good then again divide attributes values into groups. These steps are done until we get good classification/misclassification ratio. The proposed algorithms classify the data sets more accurately and efficiently.
International Journal of Computer …, 2011
In data mining, classification is one of the significant techniques with applications in fraud detection, Artificial intelligence, Medical Diagnosis and many other fields. Classification of objects based on their features into predefined categories is a widely studied problem. Decision trees are very much useful to diagnose a patient problem by the physicians. Decision tree classifiers are used extensively for diagnosis of breast tumour in ultrasonic images, ovarian cancer and heart sound diagnosis. In this paper, performance of decision tree induction classifiers on various medical data sets in terms of accuracy and time complexity are analysed.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2009
Decision Tree Induction (DTI), one of the Data Mining classification methods, is used in this research for predictive problem solving in analyzing patient medical track records. In this paper, we extend the concept of DTI dealing with meaningful fuzzy labels in order to express human knowledge for mining fuzzy association rules. Meaningful fuzzy labels (using fuzzy sets) can be defined for each domain data. For example, fuzzy labels poor disease, moderate disease, and severe disease are defined to describe a condition/type of disease. We extend and propose a concept of fuzzy information gain to employ the highest information gain for splitting a node. In the process of generating fuzzy association rules, we propose some fuzzy measures to calculate their support, confidence and correlation. The designed application gives a significant contribution to assist decision maker for analyzing and anticipating disease epidemic in a certain area.
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