Breastfeeding in Neonates Admitted to an NICU: 18-Month Follow-Up



Introduction: The admission of neonates to Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs) has been identified as a primary inhibiting factor in the establishment of breastfeeding. The aims of this study were to (1) estimate the prevalence and duration of breastfeeding in infants/toddlers who had been admitted to an NICU in Greece and (2) to investigate factors, associated with the NICU stay, which affected the establishment and maintenance of breastfeeding in infants/toddlers previously admitted to the NICU. Materials and methods: Data for this cohort study were retrieved from interviews with mothers of infants/toddlers who had been admitted to our NICU as neonates during the period of 2017–2019. Interviews were conducted based on a questionnaire regarding the child’s nutrition from birth to the day of the interview, including previous maternal experience with breastfeeding. Information related to the prenatal period, gestation age, delivery mode, duration of NICU stay, and neonatal feeding ...