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2004, Computational Economics
Existence theory in economics is usually in real domains such as the findingsof chaotic trajectories in models of economic growth, tâtonnement, oroverlapping generations models. Computational examples, however, sometimesconverge rapidly to cyclic orbits when in theory they should be nonperiodicalmost surely. We explain this anomaly as the result of digital approximationand conclude that both theoretical and numerical behavior can still illuminateessential features of the real data.
Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics, 1996
The possibility of cycles and chaos arising from nonlinear dynamics in economics emerged in the literature in the 1980s, and it came as a surprise. 1 The possibility of deterministic cycles in economic models had been noted before, for example in the well-known multiplier-accelerator models, but not in equilibrium models with complete markets, no frictions, and full intertemporal arbitrage. 2 The reason for the surprise was understandable: deterministic fluctuations in equilibrium models involve predictable changes in relative prices which should be ruled out by intertemporal arbitrage. In models of overlapping generations, however, finite lives can restrict complete arbitrage over time. As a result, some people thought, and still think, that cycles that are shorter than the agents' postulated lifespans would not be possible in equilibrium models, and therefore are irrelevant for business-cycle analysis. This view is clearly wrong, and of course ignores the extensive literature on cycles and chaos in optimal growth models with infinitely lived agents. In such models deterministic cycles in relative prices occur easily, but the amplitudes of the cycles remain within bounds of the discount rate. 3 It is not difficult to show in the context of multisector growth models, say with Cobb-Douglas production functions, that for any positive discount rate there is a large class of technologies for which cycles occur. (See Benhabib and Rustichini [1990].) Getting chaos, however, is harder. Recent works by Sorger (1992), by Mitra (1995), and by Nishimura and Yano (1995) give lower bounds for the discount rate, below which chaos is ruled out for one-sector models of optimal growth. Yet even in that context, going to a multisector framework may considerably lower the bounds on the discount rate thus far established. A second reason for the attention that chaotic dynamics received in the economics literature regards prediction. The common wisdom has been that economic fluctuations are driven by exogenous shocks. Chaotic dynamics not only supplied an alternative explanation for at least some part of economic fluctuations, but also provided an excuse for economists' difficulties with forecasting. Sometimes, however, an important feature of chaotic dynamics that makes forecasting difficult, namely, sensitive dependence on initial conditions, is used in a cavalier way to explain short-run dynamics, forgetting that the effect of sensitive dependence becomes significant only after some periods, but not in the very short run. When it became obvious that very-standard equilibrium models could easily generate cycles and chaos, the attention in the literature naturally turned to the empirical plausibility of such dynamics. The most interesting approach, inspired by developments in natural sciences and mathematics, was also atheoretical, and reminiscent of VAR methods of time series. 4 The idea was to try to infer whether a particular economic time series was generated by a deterministic, low (at most four-or five-) dimensional system that was chaotic, or whether it came from a simple (linear) stochastic system. It is not difficult to see that such inferences are hard to make when the time-series data is short, as is the case with most economic series, with the exception of financial data. It is not surprising, then, that many applications of this approach are in the area of finance, but even there, where we have very high-frequency data, it is hard to pick up fluctuations that may occur at lower
Journal of Economic Surveys, 1988
Annals or, 1992
Barnett and Chen [4-6] have displayed evidence of chaos in certain monetary aggregates, but the tests have unknown statistical sampling properties. Using monthly growth rates in monetary aggregates, we conduct bispectral tests for nonlinearity. Our tests have known sampling properties, and we find deep nonlinearity in some monetary aggregate series. 1.
Complexity is one of the most important characteristic properties of the economic behaviour. The new field of knowledge called Chaotic Dynamic Economics born precisely with the objective of understanding, structuring and explaining in an endogenous way such complexity. In this paper, and after scanning the principal concepts and techniques of the chaos theory, we analyze, principally, the different areas of Economic Science from the point of view of complexity and chaos, the main and most recent researches, and the present situation about the results and possibilities of achieving an useful application of those techniques and concepts in our field.
Economica, 1993
This paper is the outcome o f a series o f lectures given during several visits to the European University Institute.
The paper discusses the main ideas of the chaos theory and presents mainly the importance of the nonlinearities in the mathematical models. Chaos and order are apparently two opposite terms. The fact that in chaos can be found a certain precise symmetry (Feigenbaum numbers) is even more surprising. As an illustration of the ubiquity of chaos, three models among many other existing models that have chaotic features are presented here: the nonlinear feedback profit model, one model for the simulation of the exchange rate and one application of the chaos theory in the capital markets.
Agent-based models have demonstrated their power and flexibility in Econophysics. However their major challenge is still to devise more realistic simulation scenarios. The complexity of Economy makes appealing the idea of introducing chaotic number generators as simulation engines in these models. Chaos based number generators are easy to use and highly configurable. This makes them just perfect for this application.
The Pakistan Development Review, 1994
Recently there has been an increased interest in the theory of chaos by macroeconomists and fmancial economists. Originating in the natural sciences, applications of the theory have spread through various fields including brain research, optics, metereology, and economics. The attractiveness of chaotic dynamics is its ability to generate large movements which appear to be random, with greater frequency than linear models. Two of the most striking features of any macro-economic data are its random-like appearance and its seemingly cyclical character. Cycles in economic data have often been noticed, from short-run business cycles, to 50 years Kodratiev waves. There have been many attempts to explain them, e.g. Lucas (1975), who argues that random shocks combined with various lags can give rise to phenomena which have the appearance of cycles, and Samuelson (1939) who uses the familiar multiplier accelerator model. The advantage of using non-linear difference (or differential) equation...
European Journal of Operational Research, 1996
Until very recently, the pervasive existence of models exhibiting well-defined backward dynamics but ill-defined forward dynamics in economics and finance has apparently posed no serious obstacles to the analysis of their dynamics and stability, despite the problems that may arise from possible erroneous conclusions regarding theoretical considerations and policy prescriptions from such models. A large number of papers have dealt with this problem in the past by assuming the existence of symmetry between forward and backward dynamics, even in the case when the map cannot be invertible either forward or backwards. However, this procedure has been seriously questioned over the last few years in a series of papers dealing with implicit difference equations and inverse limit spaces. This paper explores the search and matching labor market model developed by Bhattacharya and Bunzel [J. Bhattacharya, H. Bunzel, Chaotic Planning Solution in the Textbook Model of Equilibrium Labor Market Search and Matching, Mimeo, Iowa State University, 2002; J. Bhattacharya, H. Bunzel, Economics Bulletin 5 (19) (2003) 1-10], with the following objectives in mind: (i) to show that chaotic dynamics may still be present in the model for acceptable parameter values, (ii) to clarify some open questions related with the admissible dynamics in the forward looking setting, by providing a rigorous proof of the existence of cyclic and chaotic dynamics through the application of tools from symbolic dynamics and inverse limit theory.
Modeling of economic processes is the subject of numerous studies and analyzes. There are a variety of methods and research tools used. Attempts to describe the functioning of economic processes are taken within multiple disciplines, e.g. economics, mathematics, psychology. A variety of theories and methods used are reflected in the diversity of the obtained results and forecasts. In order to predict the future behavior of the stock market or currency market, various models are designed, which never give full assurance of success and are usually burdened, with investment risk. One of the newer concepts of modeling economic processes, such as the stock market or the currency market, is the deterministic chaos theory. It is an attempt to move away from the idea of the efficiency of capital markets and currency markets, towards a more universal view of the mechanisms governing them. Characteristics features, imbalances and positive feedback mechanism in time, are reflected in the descr...
Environmental Modelling & Software, 2007
We discuss some issues and challenges facing economic modellers when confronted with data generated within a non-linear world. The pitfalls associated with the linearization of inherently non-linear models are raised and the concept of robustness defined and proposed as a property of scientifically valid models. The existence of chaos in economic time series is discussed and an example, using financial data, presented.
Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics, 2009
We reconsider the issue of the (non-)equivalence of period and continuous time analysis in macroeconomic theory and its implications for the existence of chaotic dynamics in empirical macroeconomics. We start from the methodological precept that period and continuous time representations of the same macrostructure should give rise to the same quantitative outcome, i.e. in particular, that the results of period analysis should not depend on the length of the period. A simple example where this is fulfilled is given by the Solow growth model, while all chaotic dynamics in period models of dimension less than 3 are in conflict with this precept. We discuss a typical example from the recent literature, where chaos results from an asymptotically stable continuoustime macroeconomic model when this is reformulated as a discrete-time model with a long period length.
The Journal of Finance, 1991
Recibido 15 de septiembre de 2008, aceptado 30 de octubre 2008 _______________________________________________________________ Resumen Básicamente, cualquier proceso que evoluciona con el tiempo es un sistema dinámico. Los sistemas dinámicos aparecen en todas las ramas de la ciencia y, virtualmente, en todos los aspectos de la vida. La Economía es un ejemplo de un sistema dinámico: las variaciones de precios en la Bolsa de Valores son un ejemplo simple de la evolución temporal de dicho sistema. El principal objetivo del estudio y análisis de un sistema dinámico es la posibilidad de predecir el resultado final de un proceso.
Following Mulligan and Sala-i-Martin (1993) we study a general class of endogenous growth models formalized as a non linear autonomous three-dimensional differential system. We consider the abstract model. By using the Shilnikov Theorem statements, we determine the parameters space in which the condition for the existence of a homoclinic Shilnikov orbit and Smale horseshoe chaos are true. The Lucas model (1998) can be considered as an application of the general result. The series expression of the homoclinic orbit is derived by the undetermined coefficient method. We show the optimality for the solutions path based on the Shilnikov Theorem. Some economic implications of this analysis are discussed.
Journal of Economic Theory, 2008
We consider a growth model proposed by Matsuyama [K. Matsuyama, Growing through cycles, Econometrica 67 (2) (1999) 335-347] in which two sources of economic growth are present: the mechanism of capital accumulation (Solow regime) and the process of technical change and innovations (Romer regime). We will shown that no stable cycle can exist, except for a fixed point and a cycle of period two. The Necessary and Sufficient conditions for regular or chaotic regimes are formulated. The bifurcation structure of the two-dimensional parameter plane is completely explained. It is shown how the border-collision bifurcation leads from the stable fixed point to pure chaotic regime (which consists either in 4-cyclical chaotic intervals, 2-cyclical chaotic intervals or in one chaotic interval).
Czech Journal of Social Sciences, Business and Economics, 2016
This paper presents an original contribution of the application of Lorenz attractor in economic theory by modeling the chaos in economic systems and forecasts We apply the chaos theory provisions and employ the provisions of Chaos Dynamics which represents a new trend in economic science and is based on endogenous approach. Our results indicated a tendency of increase in world economic growth on the horizon 2015-2019, when specific values are given to the parameter in Lorenz system. This approach might be considered a new forecasting method in economic science.
Economy is demanding new models, able to understand and predict the evolution of markets. To this respect, Econophysics is offering models of markets as complex systems, such as the gas-like model, able to predict money distributions observed in real economies. However, this model reveals some technical hitches to explain the power law (Pareto) distribution, observed in individuals with high incomes. Here, non linear dynamics is introduced in the gas-like model. The results obtained demonstrate that a "chaotic gas-like model" can reproduce the two money distributions observed in real economies (Exponential and Pareto). Moreover, it is able to control the transition between them. This may give some insight of the micro-level causes that originate unfair distributions of money in a global society. Ultimately, the chaotic model makes obvious the inherent instability of asymmetric scenarios, where sinks of wealth appear in the market and doom it to complete inequality.
Journal of Monetary Economics, 1988
Seit ungefähr 15 Jahren beschäftigt sich die ökonomische Forschung mit der Dynamik 'chaotischer' Systeme. Inzwischen hat die Chaosforschung bzw. -theorie einen festen Platz in der Wissenschaft, obgleich dem Enthusiasmus der ersten Phase vorsichtigere Überlegungen über die Leistungsfähigkeit dieses Ansatzes gewichen sind. Der vorliegende Beitrag versucht die Entwicklung knapp zu resümieren und entwickelt einige Ideen über mögliche Anwendungen der Chaos Theorie für die Wirtschaftsgeschichte bzw. deren Theorie. Ein Großteil der Chaosforschung hat sich mit der Analyse von Finanzmärkten beschäftigt. Der Autor gibt einen Überblick über diese Forschungsbemühungen.
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