p-adic Eichler-Shimura maps for the modular curve

2021, arXiv (Cornell University)


We give a new proof of Faltings's p-adic Eichler-Shimura decomposition of the modular curves via BGG methods and the Hodge-Tate period map. The key property is the relation between the Tate module and the Faltings extension, which was already used in the original proof. Then, we construct overconvergent Eichler-Shimura (ES) maps for the modular curves providing "the second half" of the overconvergent ES map of Andreatta-Iovita-Stevens. We use higher Coleman theory on the modular curve developed by Boxer-Pilloni to show that the small slope part of the ES maps interpolates the classical p-adic Eichler-Shimura decompositions. Finally, we prove that the overconvergent ES maps are compatible with Poincaré and Serre pairings.