Introduction to "Critical Views of Logic"

2023, Critical Views of Logic


This volume explores what we call "critical views of logic". Following Frege, logic is often regarded as epistemologically and methodologically fundamental. All disciplines-including mathematics-are answerable to logic rather than vice versa. Critical views of logic disagree with this "logic-first" view. The logical principles that govern some subject matter may depend on the metaphysics of this subject matter or on the semantics of our discourse about it. Challenging the logic-first view According to Frege, logic codifies "the basic laws" of all rational thought, and the laws of logic must therefore be presupposed by all other sciences. What, then, might justify a law of logic? We could of course consult logic itself: As to the question, why and with what right we acknowledge a logical law to be true, logic can respond only by reducing it to other logical laws. Where this is not possible, it can give no answer. (Frege 1893 (2013), p. xvii) But this will not take us very far, for logic too will need some fundamental laws. Frege therefore continues by asking whether there are extralogical considerations to which we can appeal: Stepping outside logic, one can say: our nature and external circumstances force us to judge, and when we judge we cannot discard this law-of identity, for example-but have to acknowledge it if we do not want to lead our thinking into confusion and in the end abandon judgement altogether. I neither want to dispute nor to endorse this opinion, but merely note that what we have here is not a logical conclusion. What is offered here is not a ground of being true but of our taking to be true. (ibid.) Thus, there is no help to be had from extralogical considerations either. Whereas in the Grundlagen (Frege 1884 (1974)) Frege seemed attracted to the idea that logic is constitutive of our thinking or judging, he is now unwilling to endorse this as a reason for the truth of the laws of logic, seeing it only as a reason for our taking the laws of logic to be true. It will also not help to look to other sciences: