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Of all natural disasters of the twentieth century, earthquakes caused the largest amount of losses. Although the number of earthquakes remains fairly unchanged, the loss of properties and human lives in recent periods has increased manifolds due to increasing concentration of human population and urbanisation in earthquake-prone areas. Recent improvement in documentations and computational faci lities, however, allows for the preparation of seismic microzonation maps of such areas for urban planning and earthquake mitigation purposes. This paper discusses the development of seismic microzonation maps for Banda Aceh which lies close to the Sumatra Subduction Zone a nd the Sumatran Transform Faults, making the city extremely vulnerable to ea1thquake hazards. The development of the maps employs Geographic Information Systems (GIS) techniques that make use of several layers of parameters influencing earthquake hazards such as seismological data, faults, tsunami , etc. and site characteristic data such as soil type, groundwater distribution and depth, geological and geophysical data. The seismic microzonation maps incorporate various seismic hazard maps including ground shaking hazard map, liquefaction susceptibility hazard map, landslide potential hazard map, surface faulting hazard map and tsunami hazard map. The final composite map identifies zones with various degrees of hazards which will enable planners to avert hazardous locations during site selection processes, thus reducing losses.
Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, 2014
The city of Banda Aceh, located at the most northern tip of Sumatra Island, lies about 100 km from Sumatra Subduction Zone and about 10 km from the Sumatra Transform Faults. This location makes the place extremely vulnerable to the earthquake hazards. Learning from the experience of earthquake and tsunami on 26th December 2004 which caused many deaths, property loss and devastation of the city, urban planning and development in the future should consider the earthquake potential hazards. Based on this purpose, seismic microzonation maps which identify and map different earthquake hazard potentials can be used as reference or tool in the initial phase of earthquake risk mitigation. The main objective of this study is how to create seismic microzonation maps using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and in turn can be used as guidance in urban planning and development. The maps are developed using series of analysis of parameters that influence the earthquake hazards, which includes seismological data, such as Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA), faults, tsunami, and site characteristic data such as geotechnical data (soil type, site class, groundwater distribution and depth), geological data, and geophysical data (contour or slope). The maps produced, encompass the variations of earthquake hazard such as ground shaking hazard map, liquefaction susceptibility hazard map, landslide potential hazard map, surface faulting hazard map and tsunami hazard map. The resulting maps identify three levels of hazards in the areas (low, medium and high hazard zones), so that the development of the city in the future should consider this level of hazard in order to reduce the effects of earthquake. By identification of the various level of hazard in the areas, the development of the city in the future can be oriented toward relatively low hazard zone and avoid sitting facilities in the high hazard zone, or some recommendations have to be taken in designing facilities in high or medium hazard zones.
International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics, 2022
The objective of this research is to develop the framework for sustainable land-use planning on the basis of seismic microzonation to reduce the devastating effects of future earthquakes by utilizing the software geographical information system (ArcGIS). Miri district of Sarawak in Malaysia has been chosen as the study area because of having the highest peak ground acceleration which is 0.09g in terms of the 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years. In addition, the frequency of an earthquake with a magnitude up to 5.3 is approximately every 5-7 years. Therefore, it is vital to introduce land use planning in order to diminish the adverse effects of earthquakes in the future. For this purpose, Google Earth Pro was used for the collection of satellite image data for land use planning purposes. From the results, it was found that the seismic hazard in the Miri district varies from low to high corresponding to 2475 years of return period with low to moderate as predominant over the Miri district. Only a few areas are under high hazard. Also, the land use planning map was compared with the current land use map acquired from satellite imagery and it was found that all built-up is in the low hazard area. It is envisaged that the findings from this research will contribute immensely to the literature that will serve as background information and a guide for analysts, disaster management, engineering designers and seismologists in Malaysia and the world as a whole.
Development of seismic risk microzonation study is required for disaster preparedness, risk and hazard mitigation decisions for the Government of Jakarta. The study includes estimation of seismic hazard, site characterization, site specific response analysis and risk assessment. Seismic hazard is performed based on deterministic and probabilistic approachs considering seismic sources influencing Jakarta. Geotechnical parameters are intrepreted from previous and recent measurements and depth of engineering bedrock is estimated based on microtremor array measurement. Identification of local site effects is conducted by carrying out one-dimensional ground response analysis considering the behavior of soil non-linearity. The result of the hazard microzonation study includes the distribution of site response such as spectral acceleration and amplification ratio. The results are then combined with building fragility that is determined based on the FEMA 154. Two building fragility curves are formulated corresponding to existing building type in Jakarta which are the confined masonry and in-filled frame structures.
Geoenvironmental Disasters
It has been known that Bengkulu City (Indonesia) is vulnerable to undergo seismic damage. This study is initiated by measuring horizontal to vertical spectral ratio (H/V) to sites in Bengkulu City using microtremor. The inversion analysis is performed to generate shear wave velocity profile. Hundreds of sites are investigated in this study. The results show that observed H/V is consistent with the theoretical H/V. National Earthquake Hazard Reduction Program code is adopted to classify the site class. The results also exhibit that Bengkulu City is dominated by Site Classes C and D. In general, this study could lead local government to consider seismic hazard mitigation for spatial plan.
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 2016
Tectonism induced liquefaction, landslide, Tsunami, fire, etc. are the common earthquake hazards that cause immense destruction of infrastructure, life, properties of people. Areas vulnerable to tectonism related hazard warrant appropriate emphasis in any infrastructure development planning. Various procedures and methods are applied throughout the world to identify levels of earthquake risk within a site of interest. The output results are used as tools for site selection and finding viability of funding in infrastructure development, the former could also be an instrument for the insurance companies for fixing premium of the insured infrastructure. The output aids in devising appropriate building codes for civil construction, judicious selection of sites to preclude future loss of life and property owing to infrastructure collapse by earthquake induced hazard. Earthquake hazard micro-zonation has been a recently adopted technique throughout the world for site selection and investment in infrastructure developments. It is the way forward in analyzing and integrating several linked factors in a GIS environment to delineate specific areas of hazard zones. For any earthquake disaster the fatalities mostly happen depending on the ferocity, depth of the epicenter / focus and distance of the infrastructure from the epicenter, along with its shaking intensity conditioned by geomorphology and geological factors of the terrain. The present study aims at assessing the historical seismicity databases with liquefaction potential zones that house the geological and geomorphological factors into demarcation of levels of earthquake hazard zones within the study region with the knowledge of multicriteria evaluation and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) appraisal in GIS and Remote sensing technologies. The main data layers that are chosen for carrying out the assessment consist in available seismicity data layers and geomorphological and geological databases. Several thematic layers were prepared and the weightage and ranking was assigned followed by normalization using Saaty's analytical hierarchy process. The final seismic hazard zones map was prepared using the raster calculated tool from ArcGIS 10. The output hazard zones were then reclassified into five categories such as 'very high', 'high', 'moderate', 'low' and 'very low' levels of hazard.
This paper presents the development of spectral hazard maps for Sumatra and Java islands, Indonesia and microzonation study for Jakarta city. The purpose of this study is to propose a revision of the seismic hazard map in Indonesian Seismic Code SNI 03-1726-2002. Some improvements in seismic hazard analysis were implemented in the analysis by considering the recent seismic activities around Java and Sumatra. The seismic hazard analysis was carried out using 3-dimension (3-D) seismic source models (fault source model) using the latest research works regarding the tectonic setting of Sumatra and Java. Two hazard levels were analysed for representing 10% and 2% probability of exceedance (PE) in 50 years ground motions for Sumatra and Java. Peak ground acceleration contour maps for those two hazard levels and two additional macrozonation maps for 10% PE in 50 years were produced during this research. These two additional maps represent short period (0.2 s) and long-period (1.0 s) spectra values at the bedrock. Microzonation study is performed in order to obtain ground motion parameters such as acceleration, amplification factor and response spectra at the surface of Jakarta. The analyses were carried out using nonlinear approach. The results were used to develop contour of acceleration at the surface of Jakarta. Finally, the design response spectra for structural design purposes are proposed in this study.
Natural Hazards, 2007
A first order seismic microzonation map of Delhi is prepared using five thematic layers viz., Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) contour, different soil types at 6 m depth, geology, groundwater fluctuation and bedrock depth, integrated on GIS platform. The integration is performed following a pair-wise comparison of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), wherein each thematic map is assigned weight in the 5-1 scale: depending on its contribution towards the seismic hazard. Following the AHP, the weightage assigned to each theme are: PGA (0.333), soil (0.266), geology (0.20), groundwater (0.133) and bedrock depth (0.066). The thematic vector layers are overlaid and integrated using GIS. On the microzonation theme, the Delhi region has been classified into four broad zones of vulnerability to the seismic hazard. They are very high (> 52%), high (38–52%), moderate (23–38%) and less ( w 8.5 in the central seismic gap. A site amplification study from local and regional earthquakes for Delhi region using Delhi Telemetry Network data shows a steeper site response gradient in the eastern side of the Yamuna fluvial deposits at 1.5 Hz. The ‘high’ seismic hazard zone occupies most of the study area where the PGA value ranges from 90 to 140 gal. The ‘moderate’ seismic hazard zone occurs on either side of the Delhi ridge with PGA value varying from 60 to 90 gal. The ‘less’ seismic hazard zone occurs in small patches distributed along the study area with the PGA value less than 60 gal. Site response studies, PGA distribution and destruction pattern of the Chamoli earthquake greatly corroborate the seismic hazard zones estimated through microzonation on GIS platform and also establishes the methodology incorporated in this study.
Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika Al-Biruni
Kota Baru is the satellite city of Bandar Lampung. The city is prepared for the expansion of the city of Bandar Lampung. Zonation map of earthquake risk is required for Kota Baru due to its location within the reach of earthquake energy of Semangko subduction fault. In this study, we model the earthquake-prone zone map based on the soil characteristics (site effect) combined with the underground layer model to get a detailed description of the horizontal and vertical soil character. The microtremor method is performed to obtain the zonation effect mapping. Whereas, the ground layer modeling is obtained using the geoelectrical method. The modeling results show that the study area is far from tectonic activity based on the history of past earthquake events. However, this area has a large sediment thickness and has a low dominant frequency value, so it is an area that is vulnerable to earthquakes
The high intensity of the earthquake on Lombok Island on 5 August 2018, with a magnitude of 7.0 Mb, caused material losses experienced by the affected residential areas. The Indonesian Geological Agency in 2015 published a microzonation map that mapped zones prone to earthquake shocks to mitigate disasters. This study aimed to compare the level of damage and loss in residential areas due to earthquakes in Mataram City with earthquake-prone zones using a microzonation map. The correlation between damage and loss value of residentials with microzonation maps was evaluated using the overlay method. The results showed that the level of damage and the value of the loss of houses in the high disaster-prone zone (red zone) showed the highest loss value. In comparison, the level of losses in the moderate disaster-prone zone (yellow zone) and light disaster-prone zone (blue zone) on the microzonation map shows a low and lower loss value. This study concludes that the microzonation map helps ...
Chennai city is the fourth largest metropolis in India, is the focus of economic, social and cultural development and it is the capital of the State of Tamil Nadu. The city has a multi-dimensional growth in development of its infrastructures and population. The area of Chennai has experienced moderate earthquakes in the historical past. Also the Bureau of Indian Standard upgraded the seismic status of Chennai from Low Seismic Hazard (Zone II) to Moderate Seismic Hazard (Zone III)-(BIS: 1893 ). In this connection, a first level seismic microzonation map of Chennai city has been produced with a GIS platform using the themes, viz, Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA), Shear wave velocity at 3 m, Geology, Ground water fluctuation and bed rock depth. The near potential seismic sources were identified from the remote-sensing study and seismo-tectonic details from published literatures. The peak ground acceleration for these seismic sources were estimated based on the attenuation relationship and the maximum PGA for Chennai is 0.176 g. The groundwater fluctuation of the city varies from 0-4 m below ground level. The depth to bedrock configuration shows trough and ridges in the bedrock topography all over the city. The seismic microzonation analysis involved grid datasets (the discrete datasets from different themes were converted to grids) to compute the final seismic hazard grid through integration and weightage analysis of the source themes. The Chennai city has been classified into three broad zones, viz, High, Moderate and Low Seismic Hazard. The High seismic Hazard concentrated in a few places in the western central part of the city. The moderate hazard areas are oriented in NW-SE direction in the Western part. The southern and eastern part will have low seismic hazard. The result of the study may be used as first-hand Correspondence to: G. P. Ganapathy ([email protected]) information in selecting the appropriate earthquake resistant features in designing the forthcoming new buildings against seismic ground motion of the city. 1
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Journal of Earth System Science, 2008
Natural Hazards, 2014
RISET Geologi dan Pertambangan, 2020