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2022, Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results
10 pages
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The purpose of this study to describe the discourse and radicalism movement in several Islamic State Universities in Java and Sumatra. Methods: This study uses a descriptive-qualitative method that aims to describe a phenomenon or describe facts or characteristics of informants systematically, factually and carefully about radicalism on the PTAIN campus (State Islamic College). Results: The campuses that became the research locus (PTAIN) there was no discourse on the radicalism movement model. However, on the other hand, it is necessary to pay attention to a number of factors such as rigid, literalist and superficial religious understanding, injustice, poverty that will trigger the birth of radicalism.
HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies
Radicalism has the potential to become more widespread in a younger generation of Muslims who are too textual, exclusive, extreme and uncritical. Their ethos of struggle has created a momentum to contest radical ideologies of Islamic radicals. This study investigates the potential for the radicalisation of Islamic students in Indonesia and formulates an approach of integrating national and religious values to mitigate the potential for radicalism. A qualitative research approach is used, and data were collected by distributing questionnaires to Indonesian Islamic student activists. Interviews were also conducted with experts to strengthen secondary sources of information. The results show that the potential for Islamic student to be exposed to radical activists is high. Through categorisation, interpretation and analysis, it was found that the concepts and spread of radicalism were more influenced by religious interpretations than social tolerance factors. In addition, the religious...
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding
The phenomenon of radicalism has become the talk of the world community, one of which is marked by the entry of transnational ideology into Indonesia, this phenomenon has also penetrated universities. Radicalism is often associated with religion, although theoretically it can be related to social, politic, and other similar issues, but in fact radicalism is more prominent associated with religious issues. This phenomenon is interesting to study by exploring the scientific building of Islamic lecturers through a real question such as what is the construction of Islamic lecturers about radicalism and how do they think that radicalism does not flourish. The aim of this study is to explore the construction of Islamic religious lecturers on radicalism and their opinions so that radicalism does not flourish on campus. Research data collection used in-depth interviews with Islamic religious lecturers in East Java. Data analysis was performed with qualitative narratives and through Forum Gr...
Jurnal Pertahanan: Media Informasi ttg Kajian & Strategi Pertahanan yang Mengedepankan Identity, Nasionalism & Integrity, 2021
Radicalism is a challenge and concern for the world, including the Muslim community in Indonesia. The radicalism movement is evidenced by the existence of violence in achieving its goals in political, religious, social, educational, and economic matters. In the world of education in Indonesia, violence, and intimidation still often occurs so that anti-radicalism education is needed which can be realized through the teaching process, especially at the high school level. Anti-radicalism education requires humans to respect each other's differences and make peace according to the Al-Quran and Hadith guidelines which are integrated through education. For this reason, the analysis in this article is descriptive qualitative with an approach using the library method which aims to understand the history of the development of the Islamic radicalism movement and Islamic solutions to overcome the problems of religious radicalism and terrorism by implementing anti-radicalism education. Besi...
This study aims to determine the efforts to prevent religious radicalism in the Islamic StateHigher Education (PTKIN) in Indonesia, by taking the case of five State Islamic Universities(UIN) that represent five regions in Indonesia, namely Sumatera Island, Java Island, KalimantanIsland and Sulawesi island. The efforts seen in this research are the efforts made by UIN leaders,especially the Rector, in designing, organizing and developing various academic activities forstudents. There are five forms of effort examined through this research, namely (1) studentdevelopment policies, (2) curriculum development, (3) fostering Intra Campus StudentOrganizations (OMIK) and (4) coaching extra-curricular activities. Data is collected by the studyof documentation, deep interviews with the Rector and other leadership elements whose maintasks and functions are relevant to student development and observation of the situation anddynamics of campus life, especially student activities. This study foun...
The fact that more and more Islamic boarding schools are affiliated with terrorist groups such as ISIS, cannot be denied. The latest data submitted by BNPT states that there are at least 198 Islamic boarding schools exposed to radicalism, both those affiliated with the Anshorut Khalifah congregation, the Islamiyah congregation, and the Daulah Anshorut Jamaah. This fact shows that efforts to prevent the spread of radicalism and the eradication of criminal acts of terrorism are not completed only with national preparedness, deradicalization, and counter-radicalization. From these problems, the question of this research is how the pattern of the spread of radicalism that occurs in the Muhammadiyah Islamic boarding school in East Java. The method used in this research is Socio-Legal with an ethnographic approach. The purpose of this study is to understand and describe the pattern of the spread of radicalism in the Islamic boarding school environment, and how to anticipate it. Abstrak: F...
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
This study discusses the construction of the meaning of radicalism in Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD) students at Serambi Mekkah University. Using social construction theory a la Peter L. Berger with three main factors of construction; externalization, objectivities and internalization. This study aims to reveal the perspectives of Serambi Mekkah University PGSD students on the meaning of radicalism, the link between students' understanding of radicalism. Using qualitative research methods, where researchers directly observe the people being studied and try to analyze objective and subjective experiences. The key informants in this study were PGSD students at Serambi Mecca University, Banda Aceh. Because they are considered representative and have the capacity to answer problems. While the supporting informants are lecturers at Serambi Mecca University who give lessons and directly impart knowledge to students. The results of this study reveal that the word radical comes from the Latin, radix/radici. It means root or base. In religion and state, people who return to the "radix" or "roots" want everything to be based on the roots of belief, namely the fundamental principles that serve as guidelines for every citizen. However, according to students, there are those who interpret that radicalism has the meaning of creating chaos and violence, considering himself to be the most righteous, critical and harsh in preaching, rude in social interaction and prejudice against other groups or classes.
Journal of Islam and Science, 2018
Abstract: This article examines the radicalism that occurs in the world of education and how Islamic education provides solutions to overcome them. This study was conducted to explain the importance of Islamic education in life to counter radicalism, especially in countries with diversity such as Indonesia. This research is a library research in which data is obtained through documents analyzed by content analysis. The results of this study suggest that Islamic education is an appropriate vehicle for building multiculturalism awareness and as one of the important media that can shape the way one's life style or community. This is proven by the Islamic concepts of as-sawiyah (equality), al-'is or justice, al-hurriyah or freedom as well as tasamuh or tolerance which is the basic capital of multiculturalism theology. Keywords: Islamic education, education, radicalism Abstrak: Tulisan ini mengkaji tentang radikalime yang terjadi dalam dunia pendidikan dan bagaimana pendidikan Islam memberikan solusi untuk mengatasinya. Studi ini dilakukan untuk menjelaskan pentingnya pendidikan Islam di dalam kehidupan untuk menangkal paham radikal terutama di Negara dengan keberagaman seperti Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kepustakaan yang mana data diperoleh melalui dokumen-dokumen yang dianalisis dengan analisis isi. Hasil studi ini mengemukakan bahwa Pendidikan Islam merupakan wahana yang tepat untuk membangun kesadaran multikulkturalisme serta sebagai salah satu media penting yang dapat membentuk bagaimana corak pandangan hidup seseorang atau masyarakat. Hal ini terbukti dengan konsep-konsep Islam tentang as-sawiyah (kesamaan), al-'adalah atau keadilan, al-hurriyah atau kebebasan juga tasamuh atau toleransi yang merupakan modal dasar dari teologi multikulturalisme. Kata Kunci: pendidikan, pendidikan Islam, radikalisme
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences, 2021
This study aims to determine the Construction of the Meaning of Radicalism and Efforts to Prevent the Spread of Radicalism in Al-Azhar Senior High School Medan. This type of research is qualitative research. The result shows that the teacher understands the concept of radicalism and understands that the concept of radicalism will have a negative impact on the personality of people affected by radicalism, the implementation of Pancasila values is carried out to students in the school environment as an effort to respond to radicalism. The Al-Azhar College School is not yet fully aware of the spread of radical understanding among students, so no special efforts are made to prevent the spread of radicalism, but the Al-Azhar College School already has a system that indirectly becomes an effort to prevent the spread of radicalism in Al-Azhar schools.
Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2023
Many studies have cited the massiveness of radical understanding among students in universities. Not only students from public universities, but also come from religious colleges such as UIN and IAIN. Therefore, this study aims; first, to analyze the hadith interpretation of Islamic moderates among students. Second, knowing the implementation of indications of religious moderates among students. Third, knowing the implications of the interpretation of Islamic moderates among students on the inversion-radicalization movement in Indonesia. All interview questions refer to the four pillars of indication of religious moderation initiated by the MORA, namely national commitment, tolerance, non-violence, and acceptance of local culture. This type of study is qualitative, and the approach chosen is hadith-phenomenological. The method used in this study consists of three main methods. First, the descriptive method; second, the critic-analysis method; third, the critic-analysis-reflective. The results of this study provide information that the interpretation of Islamic moderatism among students has a variety of languages interpreted by each student. As for interpreting the hadith, many of them still do not understand and understand the content of the hadith. Based on the questionnaire and interview data, none of the students were free from indications of radicalism. The implications of these findings provide clues to the importance of fostering and socializing ideologies and instilling attitudes of moderation among students.
Research was aimed (1) to analyze the radicalism potential among college students in Surabaya. Radicalism is presumed as a heroic and revolutionary resistance. Prolonged frustation has trapped the youths into a circle of militancy and violence. This article attempts to answer two questions. First is “How is the radicalism potential among college - stu dent?” Second was “How is the similarity and difference of radicalism potential among college - student in Islamic College (PTKI) and General College (PTU)?” This research would explore comments and opinions of informants in two universities by using five me asures, such as: Islam - based typology of nation, Islam and democracy, “Nation of Islam” concept, Syariat Islam application, and woman leadership. This research has some results. First, radicalism potential among college - student is quite big recalling a fac t that college - student is easily subjected to radical ideology. Of five measures used to weight the potential of radicalism or to conduct early detection on it, all of them have produced a strong signal of radicalism seeds. Second, referring to the field d ata, both Islamic College and General College are similarly and potentially subjected to radicalism. Two programs are provided by one Islamic College (UIN Sunan Ampel), and both are clearly systematic, respectively Religion Competency Improvement Program (M a’had al Jamiah) and Indonesia Islam Reasoning Program (PPII) . These programs are made to introduce Islam as a peaceful and moderate religion.
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Borneo International Journal of Islamic Studies, 2019
Islam Realitas: Journal of Islamic & Social Studies
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TASAMUH: Jurnal Studi Islam, 2021
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KOMUNIKA: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi
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