2021, R. C. Ulomi


If there exists one experience that, throughout history and around the world binds mankind together, it is death. Death is part of the circle of life and it's the end of your time on earth; the end of your time with your family and loved ones. Our fear of death begins when we’re kids. Perhaps we had to face the mystifying idea of impermanence when a beloved pet, parent or grandparent died. The stark reality that this loved one was really gone, and gone forever, was both devastating and terrifying. From early childhood, when we’re introduced to the concept of “futureless-ness”, that is, old age and eventually death, there are few things as difficult for us to deal with. When it comes to death and dying, the questions that weighs heavy on most is, “When and how will it happen to me? Where will I go once I die? What is there after death? Is there any hope for the future after I die” The potential suffering we may have to endure produces a reasonable fear in all of us. We fear death. We don’t want to die. We hate our mortality and don’t want to be made aware of it. We repress all thought of death and live as if we have unlimited time. Though we try so hard to repress it, it continues to haunt us, and keeps us as slaves. Nobody wants to die, leaving their family behind and missing the good times their loved ones will have once they pass on. We hope that the next pill, the next surgery, or the next genetic discovery will be the key to extending our lives. However, no exercise or diet regimen, no meditation techniques, no amount of money can avoid it. Death is the great equalizer. Death is a truth we’re hard-pressed to grasp. Even for the Christian Community, death’s entrance into our lives has the power, as Thomas Aquinas observed, to “stun the human mind”. Due to the fact that some have said that the Bible takes death seriously without developing a theology of Death, the focus of this thesis will be to illustrate how Christians are to face their final curtain without fear in today’s complex world where the Christian faith seems to be dying and hope for the future diminishing by studying how people deal with fear of death in the general public, and how Christians as a called out group, separated from the world should deal with fear of death in the face of faith. The thesis will also share a snapshot of how great faith heroes comprehended their final curtain, great heroes such as Paul and Stephen from the Bible, and those who walked before us in faith. Keywords: Death, Fear, Fear of death, Life after death, afterlife.