Women candidates and Edmonton municipal politics



This inquiry explored the issue of the under-representation of women in local politics in Alberta. Drawing on action-oriented research, feminist work, and intersectionality, this project addressed the research question: "How might the Alberta Ministry of Culture, Multiculturalism, and Status of Women (CMSW) support female candidates in the 2021 Alberta Municipal Elections?" Participants in this inquiry were women who ran for office in the 2017 Edmonton Municipal Election. The opinions and experiences they relayed suggested that these women faced multiple challenges during their election campaigns, the greatest of which revolved around difficulties in fundraising, being a new candidate, and building a team of skilled and committed volunteers. Recommendations for the sponsor, CMSW, were (a) to help women candidates overcome the fundraising challenge and (b) to revise the content of the Ready for Her resource guide according to women candidates' need and hosting events relevant to them.