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1998, Association for Learning …
There have been attempts to classify and analyse the approaches and techniques of using videoconferencing for teaching and learning. Most classifications include the use of videoconferencing techniques to support lecture-style delivery to large audiences, or what might be referred to as 'mass conferencing'. This is often dismissed by sceptics as another gimmick: the real thing is better, or it may be viewed as simply just another didactic approach with little to commend it either in the form of communication or in pedagogical terms. However, the key element in its use is the context within which the mass conferencing is being applied Whatever videoconferencing approaches are employed, it is our view that their successful implementation implies both a clearly defined structure and an operational template. Thus, this paper underlines some of the processes which we have used in mass conferencing. We then evaluate the outcomes, and identify, some themes to be incorporated in successful mass conferencing, including the key factors involved in successful delivery, namely in the preparation, activity, and evaluation stages. In operational terms, the introduction of an external element, beyond the control of course tutors, has highlighted many organizational, pedagogical and technical questions, some of which we address.
Australian Journal of Educational …, 1998
The current trend of globalisation is one that is having a marked impact on society and the area of education in particular is feeling the impact. The dramatic changes that are taking place as a result of globalisation means that the demand for education is increasing significantly. There is growing recognition of not only the need for skills development but also reskilling and a requirement for lifelong learning . Additionally, the increasing availability and stability of communications technologies along with the economic rationalisation that is characteristic of the nineties, means that educational institutions are rethinking the ways in which they deliver teaching and learning activities to an increasingly diverse and dispersed clientele.
Proceedings of Lärarlärdom: Conference on higher education, 2016
Video-conferencing teaching removed the barrier of distance learning, and reduced studying cost. This type of learning has boosted the number of graduates in a short time at a low cost. However, the quality of education has been criticized; the literature review showed that the Community of Inquiry framework (CoI) cognitive, social, and teaching presences must be followed in order to improve the learning and teaching quality. This paper investigates the pedagogic approaches and challenges of video-conference teaching in a multi-campus environment. Two methods are used in this study; namely, literature review and case study. The literature review shows the state-of-the-practice of video-conferencing teaching in order to know the challenges in this area and providing a base for conducting the study on the field. As a result, thoughts and experiences could lead course developers and designers to alleviate issues that are present in this type of teaching. In order to have real world experience, a case study is conducted on teleeducation learning center of University of Rwanda (UR). In this center, Indian universities offer courses at the college of education learning center in the UR and to other Universities across African countries simultaneously. The data is collected through unstructured interviews, and the analysis is done using the CoI coding template which embeds the key indicators of CoI. It was found that teacher centered learning method is improved by a synergy of students centered, project based, and inquiry based learning in order to engage students to think critically and creatively. This is referred as from "sage on the stage to guide on the side."
The authors concentrate on the variety and scope of roles fitted by tearners, the potentiat development of associated transferaþle skitts, and the way videoconferencing facititates this process. Key learner rotes and their outcomes are described. Detaited advice is given as to how students can maximise their skitts and how technotogy can best support them. A range of task-based cotlaborative activities are presented, and the undertying theory and practice are both described in order to balance their rationates. Judit Háhn, lrena Podlásková o93 2.2 Roles of the Learner in Videoconferencing The authors offer a detaited and informative insight into the changing rote of the teacher in tight of technol.ogy-driven changes in classroom teaching. Videoconferencing is an area which þoth demands and inspires a new methodotogy, and this article outtines the variety of specific but intertinked rotes which help to ensure successful detivery. The case study chosen provides a wealth of examples which ittustrate the scope of cottaborative teaching and tearning made possibte by videoconferencing. These examples also provide a clear indicat¡on of the required skitts and the consequent need for targeted staff development programmes to hetp develop the teachers of the future. M arkéta D e n kste i n ová, Sfe//an Sundfi 143 3.2 The Rote of the Teacher in Videoconferencing This chapter gives voice to the students using videoconferencing, in some cases for the first time. By doing so, a ctear picture emerges of the chattenges, frustrations, but uttimatety beneficiat experiences fett by students. The views and feetings expressed act as usefuI compass po¡nts for teachers setting up such courses. These can be hetpfut in avoiding f uture pitfatts.
Educational Technology, 1996
The term multimedia conferencing signifies the possibility of interacting at a distance through a variety of communication channels: audio, video, and remote sharing by two or more users of computer screens or software applications. In recent years a number of interesting experiments have been conducted into the educational use of multimedia communication, focusing in particular on collaboration between remote actors using CSCW (computer supported co-operative work) technology. One aspect of this is DeskTop Conferencing (DTC), a technology which is currently being tested in a number of educational contexts. DTC has allowed investigation of the various collaborative strategies that can be supported by multimedia conferencing and has highlighted the need to integrate synchronous multimedia technology (typical of DTC) with asynchronous forms (e-mail and computer conferencing). This paper will concentrated specifically on the educational/methodological aspects of DTC used in classroom learning and adult distance education. Observations will be made regarding both the educational methods and organisational facets of experiments currently underway. Finally, we shall suggest some monitoring tools for evaluating the effectiveness of educational projects based on multimedia conferencing. Classification: research work CMC AND MULTIMEDIA CONFERENCING CMC, or computer mediated communication, embraces all those activities in which the computer is used for distance communication: access to and transfer of information,
Distance Education, 2008
This article presents the findings of a small-scale study exploring student views on videoconferencing (VC) as a teaching tool in teacher education at a distance. The context of this study is group discussion classes which were held for the first time via VC in the Department of Teacher Education at the University of South Africa. The use of VC specifically for group discussion classes has not yet been the subject of significant research. The study aims to expose academics to new ways of presenting group discussion classes, especially for students who cannot afford to attend classes at the main campus. The study used a questionnaire to gather students' views on communicating with their lecturers via VC; collaborating with remote students via VC; and the possibility of replacing face-to-face group discussion classes by VC. The article highlights some key findings on these issues and raises possible topics for future research.
International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies, 2018
This research analyzes the use of Interactive Videoconferencing in classroom, analyzing practice and attitudes of 37 teachers and professors from several countries in the first dimension. The second dimension analyzes innovative approaches and Collaborative Learning through Interactive Videoconferencing using “Skype” in a particular classroom in Spain. The main instruments in this process are a questionnaire and systematic observation. Teachers in sample note positive attitudes related to Interactive Videoconferencing implementation in educational settings with educational benefits related to digital competence, languages, collaborative learning and intercultural contents. Moreover, it is noteworthy that Project Based Learning using Interactive Videoconferencing enables collaboration, making decisions use of knowledge and sharing responsibilities.
Proceedings e report, 2012
This e-book has been developed as result of the Video Conference Educational Service (ViCES) project under the TEMPUS action of the European Commission (144650-TEMPUS-2008-IT-JPGR. It is intended to serve as a set of guidelines for the setup and usage of videoconference tools in educational and vocational training institutions. It also offers suggestions to: companies, agencies and institutions that plan to introduce video conferencing based training experiences. The e-book covers both technical and organizational issues related to video conferencing educational services, such as: Learning Methodology Guideline, Non functional Requirements Recommendation, Organizational Structure & Business Processes Recommendation, Service Level Agreement Recommendation, Video Conferencing Service Sustainability Strategy, and Video Conferencing end Station Basic Tutorial.
This paper presents and discusses findings about how students, teachers, and the organization experience a start--up--project applying video conferences between campus and home. This is new territory for adult learning centers. The paper discusses the transition to this eLearning form and discusses pedagogical innovativeness, including collaborative and technological issues. The research is based on the Global Classroom Model as it is implemented and used at an adult learning center in Denmark (VUC Storstrøm). VUC Storstrøms (VUC) Global Classroom Model is an approach to video conferencing and eLearning using campus--based teaching combined with laptop solutions for students at home. After a couple of years of campus--to--campus video streaming, VUC started a fulltime day program in 2011 with the support of a hybrid campus and videoconference model. In this model the teachers and some of the students are present on campus in the classroom, while other students are participating simultaneously from their home using laptops. Although the Global Classroom Model is pedagogically flexible, the students are required to attend according to regulations from the Ministry of Children and Education to pass their exams. Evaluations show that the students are happy with the flexibility this model provides in their everyday life. However, our findings also show several obstacles. Firstly technical issues are at play, but also the learning design of the lessons, as well as general organizational and cultural issues. All these matters need to be taken into consideration when implementing the Global Classroom Model. Through the start--up period of a PhD study and through a research--based competence development project with senior researchers, we have gained knowledge about the experiences, challenges, and potentials of the teaching and learning within the Global Classroom Model. Both studies are action research studies with a user-centered approach. In this paper we focus on the students experience and on the organizational issues related to the transition to the Global Classroom Model as well as on the continued development of the teachers' educational designs. The research is based on interviews, on utterances in feedback sessions, and on the observed interaction taking place.
The advantages of video conferencing in educational institutions are well documented. Scholarly literature has indicated that videoconferencing technology reduces time and costs between remote locations, fill gaps in teaching services, increases training productivity, enables meetings that would not be possible due to prohibitive travel costs, and improves access to learning (Martin, 2005; Rose, Furner, Hall, Montgomery, Katsavras, & Clarke, 2000; Townes-Young & Ewing, 2005; West, 1999). However, there are few studies that analyze the effectiveness of videoconferencing from the student’s perspective. Videoconferencing technology is often touted as a method to connect with previously inaccessible student populations, but does it adequately serve the needs of the students? If given a choice, would students select videoconferencing over face-to-face instructional methods?
Proceedings e report
The book describes the activities of the consortium member institutions in the framework of the TEMPUS IV Joint Project ViCES - Video Conferencing Educational Services (144650-TEMPUS-2008-IT-JPGR). In order to provide the basis for the development of a distance learning environment based on video conferencing systems and develop a blended learning courses methodology, the TEMPUS Project VICES (2009-2012) was launched in 2009. This publication collects the conclusion of the project and it reports the main outcomes together with the approach followed by the different partners towards the achievement of the project's goal. The book includes several contributions focussed on specific topics related to videoconferencing services, namely how to enable such services in educational contexts so that, the installation and deployment of videoconferencing systems could be conceived an integral part of virtual open campuses.
Distance learning is a process that connects learners with educational resources separate from them in terms of time and distance. Videoconferencing is a mature technology which can be used in the distance learning process while providing synchronous, interactive communication between the teacher, as a source of information, and the students. This paper focuses on the ongoing project for extending and maintaining learner opportunities for students in universities in Macedonia, through development of a videoconferencing-based educational system. It addresses the necessary system architecture and topology, while de ning the basic components, their characteristics and interconnection. However, this study is not just technology-oriented, since the success of such educational systems is greatly in uenced by pedagogical methods and students' motivation, expectations and experience of such process. Part of the study therefore relates to determining the constituents of and measuring students' perceived experience.
University of Helsinki, 2008
In many countries, the demand for jobs in the conventional education system far exceeds the available job offers. Under the right circumstances, open and distance learning systems have proven that they can provide quality education and training to many people at lower unit costs than conventional education systems. In remote or sparsely populated areas, it is not economically feasible to provide the full range of educational opportunities and vocational training through the conventional institutions. Video conferencing as a method of distance education enables learning and training to be delivered in a more efficient and economical way. Due to the rapid development of technology, the idea that a student is trained as a young person for the same life-long job is becoming less viable. Most people are likely to change the profession for at least two or three times throughout their careers. This paper provides some technologies and standards used in video conferencing. In addition, it o...
This article will examine how Project VIEW has built a new foundation for communication structures in education by transforming classroom pedagogy through interactive technologies. In addition, it will present the outcomes of a model of evaluation that is providing formative and summative information on the process of integrating new communications systems into education, as well as information on the direct outcomes and systemic organizational changes that have occurred as a result of that process. In sum, this article presents research-based evidence for technological integration in curriculum that includes structures that work and outcomes that count.
The global pandemic of COVID-9 impacts all sectors of human life, including education. The teaching processes previously done face to face in the classroom have to be conducted online. It increases the utilisation of video conferencing app in teaching activities replacing face to face meeting in higher education. This study aims to investigate lecturers' perspective regarding the use of video conferencing in Indonesian higher education. This study was conducted using a qualitative methodology within case study design. Three lecturers from different universities in Indonesia participated in this research study. To collect data, online semi structured interviews were done via WhatsApp. The collected data from the interviews were then evaluated using thematic analysis. The findings of this research show that the lecturers have positive attitudes towards the use of video conferencing in distance learning which they value due to the perceived benefits in terms of teaching creativity and enhancement of their technological knowledge. Although the lecturers encountered several challenges in using video conferencing in teaching, such as limited interaction and internet accessibility, they have their own strategies to minimise those issues.Having aimed to provide lecturers' perception into the use of video conferencing in higher education setting, the findings of this study offer several recommendation for educators, policy makers and future researchers.
International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2023
Video conferencing (VC) has gained popularity as a tool to bridge the gap of distance when travel is not feasible or desired. In this paper, we introduce video conferencing with a focus on its application in Remote Learning and Virtual Conferences. We discuss the components of video conferencing, including hardware, the network, and the conference environment. We also highlight the benefits of video conferencing in Remote Learning and Virtual Conferences, such as increased interactivity and real-time communication. Additionally, we discuss the challenges and limitations of video conferencing in Remote Learning and Virtual Conferences, including technical issues and cost considerations. Finally, we provide recommendations for educators and institutions interested in implementing video conferencing in their Remote Learning and Virtual Conferences programs.
IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2016
The objective of this paper is to present two low cost videoconference applications being developed in Brazil that can be used also in education: Mconf and Multipresence. Mconf is an open source, distributed, scalable and federated global web conferencing system, interoperable with SIP and mobile devices. The Multipresence system allow interoperation of many technologies to comply with a multitude of devices and communication standards, such as the following: Telepresence room in high definition (Full HD); Ultra-telepresence room in ultra-high definition (UHD 4K); Content sharing among the participants (simultaneous upload, rearrangement and visualization of images, texts and applications); Legacy videoconferencing systems; High definition videoconferencing through a personal computer application program; Web conferencing (web browser); Mobile devices and SIP phones.
Streamed video is being introduced into higher education on an increasing scale. The technology may allow remote students to participate synchronously, when the video is streamed live, or asynchronously, when it is most convenient for them. This paper reports the outcomes from a project to introduce and evaluate asynchronously streamed video into undergraduate psychology modules within three online lectures. Each author separately adapted an existing lecture for video streaming. The resulting uses of video streaming varied somewhat between the authors and will be compared. Hence, one reported outcome is the differing perspectives taken by the authors on the uses to which video streaming could be put and the use they actually made of streamed video. A second outcome is to report the authors’ views of the process of creating video streamed lectures, especially in terms of time, ease of use, pedagogy and the development of expertise. Two of the video streamed lectures were part of a se...
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