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COVID-19 Resource Center

The AAN is committed to keeping neurology professionals and patients informed about the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and providing resources to implement in your practice post-public health emergency.


Neurology® Neurology Today® Brain and Life®

Additional Resources

Telehealth Resources

The AAN has a library of resources dedicated to the practice and implementation of telehealth

Get Involved

Learn how you can advocate for telehealth and other important issues


The Neurologic Exam via Telemedicine provides tips on performing a neurologic exam virtually.

Access Now

Disclaimer: Content on the AAN’s COVID-19 Neurology Resource Center webpage is available to health care providers for voluntary, informational purposes. The content does not constitute medical or legal advice. Providers should consult current clinical guidance specific to their clinical-practice locations. The AAN and the resource contributors expressly disclaim all liability to any person or entity with respect to the consequences of anything done (or not done) based on the content. The AAN website Terms of Use apply to any use of the content.