Shade Structure grants
The AAD's Shade Structure Grant Program awards grants of up to $8,000 to public schools and non-profit organizations for installing permanent shade structures for outdoor locations that are not protected from the sun, such as playgrounds, pools, or recreation spaces. In addition to the grant, the AAD also provides a permanent sign for display near the shade structure.
Since its launch in 1999, the AAD's Shade Structure Program has awarded over 482 shade structure grants, which provide shade for over 3.7 million individuals each day.
Together with the AAD's Adopt-a-Shade Program, there have been 514 shade structures built that provide shade to over 4 million people annually.

The Shade Structure grant program funds permanent shade structures for schools, day-cares, parks, and other non-profit organizations where children learn and play. Find out if your organization is eligible to apply.

Eligibility requirements state that applicants must have a sun-safety program in place for at least one year prior to application. Access the AAD's free resources library for sun protection materials to support your program.

View previous shade structure grant recipients and the AAD members who sponsored them.

By adopting a shade structure, you can help extend the reach of the AAD Shade Structure grant program while increasing your visibility in your local community.

Find answers to the most frequently asked questions about the AAD's Shade Structure grant program.

Make a generous gift today to help the AAD shade more children in need of sun protection.