Preventing skin problems

Before you add a skin care product to your routine, dermatologists recommend testing it. Here are the steps to follow.

An itchy rash or sunburned skin can quickly sideline summer fun. You can help keep your days carefree and easygoing by learning how to prevent these summer skin problems.

While working out has many benefits, germs can thrive at the gym. To help prevent skin infections at the gym, follow these tips.

Athletes are at an increased risk of skin infections, which can have serious consequences. To help prevent infections, athletes, coaches, and athletic trainers can follow these tips from dermatologists.

Skin problems caused by gardening are common, but these tips from dermatologists can help you prevent many rashes, wounds, and other problems.

Old makeup and expired sunscreen can irritate your skin or cause a skin infection. To prevent these skin problems, see what two board-certified dermatologists recommend.