Psoriasis triggers: How to find and manage yours

Are triggers causing your psoriasis flare-ups?
If psoriasis flares for no apparent reason, something may be triggering it. This information can help you figure out if you have any common psoriasis triggers.

Can eating certain foods trigger a psoriasis flare-up?
In this video, board-certified dermatologist Steve Feldman, MD, PhD, FAAD, answers this question.

What can help reduce psoriasis flare-ups?
Does cold weather or stress trigger your psoriasis? Board-certified dermatologist Alexa Boer-Kimball, MD, MPH, FAAD, explains how to reduce these flare-ups.

Is stress a trigger?
Do you get flare-ups when you're feeling overwhelmed or stressed? Watch as a board-certified dermatologist tells you if stress can worsen psoriasis.

Are you ready to manage your psoriasis triggers?
Taking this short quiz will tell you whether you can find and manage your psoriasis triggers. You’ll also get dermatologists’ tips that can help.