Mailing lists
AAD's list is direct
The official mailing list of members of the American Academy of Dermatology is available exclusively from the American Academy of Dermatology Association (AADA).
Mailing lists
The Academy's membership list is more current and accurate than any other dermatology list available in the market. The Academy membership database is updated daily and we are able to provide data sorted in a number of ways. Because of this, Academy lists are widely utilized by both major medical publishers and pharmaceutical companies. The lists available for rental include:
Academy members in the United States, Canada, and more than 110 international countries.
Directors of approved dermatology residency training programs.
Residents in training at approved programs in the United States and Canada.
List price
(Refer to mailing list order form for approximate count of names)
Type of list request | Commercial rate | Educational rate (Advertising an accredited educational meeting or product offering CME category 1 credit) |
Standard request | $210 per thousand names (rounded up) | $100 per thousand names (rounded up) |
Custom request (Any list request not listed under the standard list. Specific state(s), member category, etc.) | $210 per thousand names (rounded up) In addition, an initial set-up fee & special sort fees may apply. | $100 per thousand names (rounded up) In addition, an initial set-up fee & special sort fees may apply. |
Full list of all dermatology residents | $210 per thousand names (rounded up) | $100 per thousand names (rounded up) |
Dermatology Residency Program Directors | $75: Commercial rate | $50: Educational rate |
Mailing list note
The Academy does not rent or otherwise disseminate other member information, including but not limited to email addresses, phone or fax numbers, to other organizations.
AAD mailing list order form
Begin the process of obtaining a mailing list.
Send a completed order form with a sample of the proposed mailing to:
American Academy of Dermatology
Member Services Department
Attn: Tina Matillano
PO Box 1968
Des Plaines, IL 60017
For quickest response
Faxing or emailing your sample mailing will result in a quicker response time:
Fax: (847) 240-1859
Email: [email protected]
For further information
For more specific details about your desired sort (counts, geographic breakdowns, custom sorting capabilities, etc.), cost information, or other questions, please contact Tina Matillano at (847) 240-1344 or email [email protected].