CAU Kiel
Philosophy, History
Abstract included
see Ingeborg Reichte/Steffen Siegel (Eds.) Maßlose Bilder. Ästhetik der Transgression, Berlin 2009
see Ingeborg Reichte/Steffen Siegel (Eds.) Maßlose Bilder. Ästhetik der Transgression, Berlin 2009
Bu makale 1955 yılında "Family of Man" (!nsanlık Ailesi) isimli serginin New York'ta orijinal versiyonundaki retorik stratejiyi ele alıyor; 1930'lu ve 1950'li yıllar arasındaki dönemde basılı medya üzerinden yapılan ön seçimlerle popüler... more
Margit V. Wunsch Gaarmann: The War in Our Backyard. The Bosnia and Kosovo Wars through the Lens of the German Print Media, Berlin (Neofelis Publ.) 2015, ISBN 9783958080119
Review of
Hartmut Winkler:
"Prozessieren. Die dritte, vernachlässigte Medienfunktion", Paderborn (Fink) 2015
Hartmut Winkler:
"Prozessieren. Die dritte, vernachlässigte Medienfunktion", Paderborn (Fink) 2015
Review of monographic study by Köhr, Katja
Die vielen Gesichter des Holocaust: museale Repräsentationen zwischen Individualisierung, Universalisierung und Nationalisierung, Goettingen (University Press) 2011
Die vielen Gesichter des Holocaust: museale Repräsentationen zwischen Individualisierung, Universalisierung und Nationalisierung, Goettingen (University Press) 2011
Review of Albers, Katherine P. : Uncertain Histories. Accumulation, Inaccessibility, and Doubt in Contemporary Photography, Oakland (Univ. of California Press) 2015, in: ISSN 2196-4270, 04/2016, 481-483
Journal "Neue kunstwissenschaftliche Forschungen", 02/2016,
Special Feature Artists' Books, Sol LeWitt and the Grid Structure as exemplified in his early books and use of photographs of the "everyday"
Special Feature Artists' Books, Sol LeWitt and the Grid Structure as exemplified in his early books and use of photographs of the "everyday"
Review of Geoffrey Batchen (2016) Cameraless Photography, in:
MedienWissenschaft Rezensionen 01, 2017 (film+foto)
MedienWissenschaft Rezensionen 01, 2017 (film+foto)
Book review (media and communication studies) publ. in MedienWissenschaft (Schüren Verlag, No.04, 2014), discussing Anne Becker's study how looping TV images of 9/11 and aftermath photographs have contributed to a shared and often... more
Education and training of early and mid 19th century architects in Germany with a focus on Friedrich Weinbrenner's highly influential handbook for practical construction and applied design, "Architektonisches Lehrbuch" 3 vols. 1810-1819... more
Review of Manuela Naveau's brief study on the complex relationship between recent interactive or participative approaches in media arts and its audience, esp. at festivals like Ars Electronica, Austria. Published in: Journal... more
essay dedicated to contemporary somatic light and sound projections developed by conceptual media artist Mischa Kuball as a site-specific and site-responsive mixed-media installation at the Jewish Museum's subterranean corridors and void... more
Review of Peter Geimer's study
"Inadvertent Images. A History of Photographic Apparitions", Chicago University Press 2018
"Inadvertent Images. A History of Photographic Apparitions", Chicago University Press 2018
With this little paper I propose a synthetic and non abundant comparison of the Ritus ad Introitum, Offertorium and Ritus Communionis of the Mass of Pius V. and Paul VI. I tried to point out both continuity and discontinuity.
The topic of this paper, my final thesis at the PUG (Pontificia Universitá Gregoriana, Rome), is the question whether the chapters 9 and 10 of the Didache are describing a eucharistic meal or not. After discussing various opinions of... more
Il ms. B 141 è un testimone della liturgia dell’XI sec. L’edizione e lo studio del rituale-sacramentario di provenienza incerta hanno mostrato un suo uso presbiterale/missionario nella Chiesa di Amburgo. Contiene la liturgia esequiale, un... more
Eine synthetische Übersicht über die Genese und Entwicklung des Advent im Laufe der Liturgiegeschichte bis in unsere heutige Zeit. Una panoramica liturgico-storica sintetica sulla genesi e sulle fonti dell'Avvento fino ai tempi... more