CAU Kiel
Botany Department, Institut of Polar Ecology
The importance of snowmelt as a source of moisture for the crustose lichen Buellia frigida in the early austral summer was investigated at Cape Geology, Granite Harbour, southern Victoria Land (77°01¢S, 162°32¢E). Surface and air... more
CO2 exchange and fluorescence yield of the crustose lichen Buellia frigida were measured in situ by means of a CO2 porometer and a PAM-2000, a newly developed portable fluorescence system. The pulse amplitude modulation system of the... more
Primary production in lichens, as in all plants, is the result of gains and losses.
Five populations of the circumpolar Arctic-alpine lichen species Cm-aria nivalis were sampled along a latitudinal gradient from the temperate to the Arctic climatic zone. The populations were compared with respect to their CO, exchange,... more
Photosynthesis and respiration of crustose lichens in their natural situation were measured by means of a Walz porometer with a modified cuvette and a plexiglass ring. Habitat influence and the specific performance of three maritime... more