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The importance of snowmelt as a source of moisture for the crustose lichen Buellia frigida in the early austral summer was investigated at Cape Geology, Granite Harbour, southern Victoria Land (77°01¢S, 162°32¢E). Surface and air... more
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      Biological SciencesAir TemperaturePolar BiologyLow Temperature
CO2 exchange and fluorescence yield of the crustose lichen Buellia frigida were measured in situ by means of a CO2 porometer and a PAM-2000, a newly developed portable fluorescence system. The pulse amplitude modulation system of the... more
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      EcologyOecologiaWater ContentPhotosynthetic Rate
Primary production in lichens, as in all plants, is the result of gains and losses.
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      Plant BiologyStress responsePrimary ProductionEnvironmental Conditions
Five populations of the circumpolar Arctic-alpine lichen species Cm-aria nivalis were sampled along a latitudinal gradient from the temperate to the Arctic climatic zone. The populations were compared with respect to their CO, exchange,... more
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      GeneticsPlant BiologySeasonalityLatitudinal Gradient
Photosynthesis and respiration of crustose lichens in their natural situation were measured by means of a Walz porometer with a modified cuvette and a plexiglass ring. Habitat influence and the specific performance of three maritime... more
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      Carbon DioxideEcologyHabitat SelectionField Experiment