Publications by Katherine Judith Anderson

Examines torture across the fiction, periodicals, and government documents of the British Empire ... more Examines torture across the fiction, periodicals, and government documents of the British Empire in the latter half of the nineteenth century. Placing acts of torture and words about torture in relation to changing definitions of citizenship and human rights, Katherine Judith Anderson argues that torture—as a technique of state terrorism—evolved in relation to nineteenth-century liberalism, combining the traditional definition of exceptional acts of cruelty with systemic, banal, or everyday violence. Analyzing canonical novels by George Eliot, Anthony Trollope, and George Meredith alongside an impressive array of lesser-known fiction through the lenses of critical terrorism studies and political, legal, and phenomenological theory, Anderson rethinks torture as a mode of reclaiming an embodied citizenship and demonstrates how the Victorians ushered in our modern definition of torture. Furthermore, she argues that torture is foundational to Western modernity, since liberalism was, and continues to be, dependent on state-sanctioned—and at times state-sponsored—torture, establishing parallels between Victorian liberal thought and contemporary (neo)imperialism and global politics.
Available at:
Traumatic Tales: British Nationhood and National Trauma in Nineteenth-Century Literature, 2017
Public Humanities by Katherine Judith Anderson
Public Books, 2019
Link to full text:
Public Books, 2019
Link to full text:
The Critical Flame, 2020
Link to full text:
Link to Interview:
Book Reviews by Katherine Judith Anderson
George Eliot - George Henry Lewes Studies, Sep 2012
Teaching Documents by Katherine Judith Anderson

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course introduces globalization as a process of interconnected cultural,... more COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course introduces globalization as a process of interconnected cultural, social, and economic transformations. Participants will develop transnational and feminist perspectives on the differentiated and unequal effects of globalizing institutions around the world. Key globalizing institutions (military, political, economic and cultural) will be discussed to highlight the micro-political, institutional and macroeconomic dynamics of global changes. We'll engage with a variety of interdisciplinary approaches as we examine the topics of diaspora and migration, global labor flows, sex trafficking, health care and reproductive rights, militarization and war, (trans) sexuality, and the construction of the gendered global subject. Through our theoretical texts and analysis of cultural and media representations, we will investigate how contemporary globalization has affected patterns of travel, migration, labor participation, consumption, and militarization in specifically gendered ways. In exploring these issues we will pay close attention to how gender is always produced in relation to constructions of race, class, sexuality, and nation. Theories of (neo)liberalism, cosmopolitanism, and (neo)colonialism will inform our exploration of key feminist debates, such as those around the challenges of transnational activism, the array of responses to transnational sex work / sex trafficking, and particularly the complicities of U.S. and European feminists in various structures of inequality.

s mad visions of Helter Skelter, to Jigsaw's twisted manipulation of justice in Saw, to the monst... more s mad visions of Helter Skelter, to Jigsaw's twisted manipulation of justice in Saw, to the monstrocized cultural depictions of Aileen Wuornos, to the devilishly charming Dexter, our culture appropriates and (re)produces images of sadistic killers and their gruesome crimes. While these stories, whether -real‖ or fictional, both frighten and intrigue us, they also repeatedly emphasize the centrality of horrific violence in American culture. What is it that makes the figure of the serial killer so compelling? We seek out ghoulish images of serial killers and their trophies and participate in the material culture of murderabilia by buying comic books, T-shirts, shower curtains, and even coloring books centered on the figure of the serial killer. Using a variety of media, this course will examine the figure of the serial killer in a multiplicity of cultural contexts including space, race, gender, sexuality, class and religion. Some of the questions we will consider include: Why do we single out the serial killer from other forms of murder and violence? How do we distinguish what is -safe‖ from what is -dangerous‖? How do we determine the difference between -right‖ and -wrong?‖ What is the difference between judgment and justice, both in cultural texts and in our own reactions? Why does the serial killer both fascinate and frighten us? What are the fears and desires that we embody in the serial killer, and how do representations of the serial killer transform in response to changing cultural demands? Ultimately, what does the serial killer teach us about ourselves? Disability Services: If any student requires assistance or appropriate academic accommodations for a disability, please contact me after class, during office hours, or by individual appointment. You must have established your eligibility for disability support services through the Office of Disability Services for Students in 006 Franklin Hall (812-855-7578).

Zombies are everywhere. Their unseeing hordes swarm through American culture, multiplying in our ... more Zombies are everywhere. Their unseeing hordes swarm through American culture, multiplying in our film, our television, our literature, our video games, and even our streets, as people participate in "zombie runs" and zombie flash mobs. In this course, we will embark on an exploration of one of the most macabre yet popular tropes in modern horror. We'll conduct a critical analysis of the walking dead, considering the zombie as a metaphor for social issues and anxieties. Some of the questions we'll consider include: What does our fascination with zombies tell us about our culture, our society, ourselves? How does the zombie apocalypse influence our understandings of right and wrong? What meanings, values, and affects attach to the figure of the zombie in literature, cinema, and contemporary culture? In what respects is the zombie about us, about "us and them," and about ourselves as bodies with histories?
Publications by Katherine Judith Anderson
Available at:
Public Humanities by Katherine Judith Anderson
Book Reviews by Katherine Judith Anderson
Teaching Documents by Katherine Judith Anderson
Available at: