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This book is a joy, well written, well argued and solidly researched. It is sadly not often that a monograph is such a pleasure to read. It is also important for provoking thought on this unexamined topic. Casteel charts a clear path but... more
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    • Geography
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      Art HistoryArtHistory and archaeologyLanguage Culture and Communication
Focusing on the Windrush writers who arrived in London in mid-20 th century, J. Dillon Brown offers a thorough-and exhaustively researched-background into the key literary figures of this group. In so doing, he exposes the often rejecting... more
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      HistoryCaribbean LiteratureCaribbean StudiesModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)
The Ed.D. program in Heritage Leadership for Sustainability, Social Justice, and Participatory Culture at the University of Missouri-St. Louis helps students cultivate the mindsets and skill sets required to sustain, pluralize, and... more
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      Critical PedagogyAnti-RacismCultural Heritage and Tourism
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      Higher EducationLiberal education
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    • Literary studies
Conclusion: "Then must my sea be moved by her sighs": Contagious 177-181 Affect and Revenge Bibliography 182-200 C.V. 201-203 Dedication To Mom, who always supported me, and Grandma, who always believed in me.
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Examining the Antonio plays by John Marston, I argue that the metaphors used to portray familial emotions reveal the ideologies that underpin both excessive and normative versions of familial relationships; these metaphors reveal the... more
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This article addresses the ‘meaning problem’ of unsupervised topic modeling algorithms using a tool called the Networked Corpus, which offers a way to visualize topic models alongside the texts themselves. We argue that the relation- ship... more
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      Digital HumanitiesEighteenth-Century literature
While numerous literary scholars have raised concerns about the capacity of computational methods to reveal unrecognized features of literary form and content, few have explored the approach of interpreting these methods in relation to... more
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      Intellectual HistoryDigital HumanitiesEnlightenment
F or all the talk about how computers allow for new levels of scale in humanities research, new debates over institutional structures, and new claims to scientifi c rigor, it is easy to lose sight of the radical diff erence between the... more
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      Digital HumanitiesText MiningDigital Media Studies
Word-search technologies have played a significant role in literary scholarship for decades, yet they have received little attention from literary theorists. This paper considers how we might more thoughtfully approach the use of search... more
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      Digital HumanitiesArchivesLiterary Theory19th-Century American Literature
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      Digital HumanitiesEighteenth-Century literature
From the N.S.A. scandal to Google Ngram and the Digital Humanities, debates over the transformative power of "Big Data" are all the rage at the moment. While the mass collection and deployment of "data" made possible by new technologies... more
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      NarrativeLouisa May Alcott
This conference will explore the last 200 years of literature and popular media by, about, and for single women in relation to aesthetics and form, race, sexuality, class, space, reproduction and the family, political movements, and labor.
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      American LiteratureWorld LiteraturesComparative LiteratureMedia Studies
Single Lives 2017 is an interdisciplinary conference on Singleness taking place at University College Dublin 13-14 October. A public keynote by Rebecca Traister will take place at the National Library of Ireland on Friday, Oct. 13th, at... more
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      American LiteratureComparative LiteratureSingle MothersFilm and Media Studies
This Dublin session of the Konstanz Humanities Pedagogy Workshop will focus on teaching strategies for employing material and textual archives in the university classroom. Three seminars, led by Drs. Lucy Collins, Sara Ebrahimi, and Kelly... more
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      Critical PedagogyArchivesPedagogyAffect Theory
April 27-28, 2018 University College Dublin Although the relationship between the ‘native’ and the ‘foreign’ has been a longstanding, evolving site of contention in American cultural history, the Trump presidency has brought both terms... more
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      HistoryNative American StudiesAmerican StudiesGender Studies
Organizers: Katherine Fama (University College Dublin) Anne Fogarty (Irish Literature, University College Dublin) Invited Participants: Victoria Rosner (Comparative Literature, Columbia University) Kirin Makker (Art and... more
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      ArchitectureModernityModernismLiterature and Architecture
Benjamin Kahan, "Willa Cather's Voyeuristic Realism, the Peephole Subject, and the Misses of Sexual Aim" Zoom Webinar October 15, 4 pm, Dublin time UCD Environmental Humanities and the Architecture and Narrative Research Group at the... more
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