Mateo Groot
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Papers by Mateo Groot
conservation policies, this essay explains how indigenous peoples cultures and nature conservation can conflict with one another, but also benefit one another. Firstly, the views on the human/nature relationship of indigenous cultures, modern culture and exclusionary conservation are compared. Secondly, we recognize the roles of indigenous peoples in nature conservation and compare indigenous
land use practices with the land sharing approach. Finally, we will conclude on the importance of integrating the insights of indigenous peoples in nature conservation.
conservation policies, this essay explains how indigenous peoples cultures and nature conservation can conflict with one another, but also benefit one another. Firstly, the views on the human/nature relationship of indigenous cultures, modern culture and exclusionary conservation are compared. Secondly, we recognize the roles of indigenous peoples in nature conservation and compare indigenous
land use practices with the land sharing approach. Finally, we will conclude on the importance of integrating the insights of indigenous peoples in nature conservation.