Papers by Koos Dijkshoorn
The Soil and Terrain database for Southern Africa (SOTERSAF version 1.0), at scale 1:2 million, i... more The Soil and Terrain database for Southern Africa (SOTERSAF version 1.0), at scale 1:2 million, include the spatial and soil attribute data for 8 Southern African countries. The SOTERSAF database was compiled using the existing soil information and following the SOTER methodology of the 1:1 million scale with respect to pedon attribute data storage. The data (SOTERSAF) were compiled in the framework of the ongoing activities of ISRIC, FAO and UNEP to update the world's baseline information on natural resources in SOTER.The project involved collaboration with national soil institutes from the countries in the region as well as individual experts.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,... more All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner. Applications for such permission, with a statement of the purpose and extent of the reproduction, should be addressed to the Director, ISRIC- World Soil Information, PO Box 353, 6700 AJ
The Soil and Terrain database for Argentina primary data (version 1.0), at scale 1:1 million (SOT... more The Soil and Terrain database for Argentina primary data (version 1.0), at scale 1:1 million (SOTER_Argentina), was compiled of enhanced soil information within the framework of the FAO's program Land Degradation Assessment in Drylands (LADA). Primary soil and terrain data for Argentina were obtained from the SOTERLAC database (ver. 2) at scale 1:5 million. This update includes considerable ... changes in the GIS file, based on the SRTM-DEM derived surface information and on INTA's digital soil map (Instituto de Suelos), and only few changes of the attributes database. SOTER forms a part of the ongoing activities of ISRIC, FAO and UNEP to update the world's baseline information on natural resources.The project involved collaboration with national soil institutes from the countries in the region as well as individual experts

Readily accessible information of up-to-data geo-referenced land resources is being requested wit... more Readily accessible information of up-to-data geo-referenced land resources is being requested with increasing frequency. This demand comes not only from the traditional group of researchers on land resources, but also from others such as the environmentalists using land resource data for their modeling (e.g. global change). Increased data storage capacity, faster processing speeds, improved database management and the use of geographical information systems have made it possible to provide more information in a shorter time, at lower costs and in formats suited to the need of the user. In many cases traditional soil survey reports with maps, as common in the past, have been replaced by tailor made databases, which stores profile information linking it only to the polygons of the soil map. A more comprehensive approach is making use of a relational database management system and geographic information system (GIS) linking the soil and land attributes to its spatial distribution. This...

The Soil and Terrain database for China primary data (version 1.0), at scale 1:1 million (SOTER_C... more The Soil and Terrain database for China primary data (version 1.0), at scale 1:1 million (SOTER_China), was compiled of enhanced soil information within the framework of the FAO's program of Land Degradation Assessment in Drylands (LADA). The primary database was compiled using the SOTER methodology. The SOTER unit delineation was based on a raster format of the soil map of China, correlated and converted to FAO’s Revised Legend (1988), in combination with a SOTER landform characterization derived from Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) 90 m digital elevation model (DEM). Reference profiles for the dominant soil of the SOTER units has been directly linked to the polygons. SOTER forms a part of the ongoing activities of ISRIC, FAO and UNEP to update the world's baseline information on natural resources.The project involved collaboration with national soil institutes from the countries in the region as well as individual experts
The Soil and Terrain database for South Africa primary data (version 1.0), at scale 1:1 million (... more The Soil and Terrain database for South Africa primary data (version 1.0), at scale 1:1 million (SOTER_South_Africa), was compiled of enhanced soil information within the framework of the FAO's program Land Degradation Assessment in Drylands (LADA). Primary soil and terrain data for South Africa were obtained from the SOTERSAF database (ver. 1) at scale 1:2 million. This version of SOTER_South_Africa includes some changes in the GIS file, based on the SRTM-DEM derived data and a changes of the attributes database. SOTER forms a part of the ongoing activities of ISRIC, FAO and UNEP to update the world's baseline information on natural resources.The project involved collaboration with national soil institutes from the countries in the region as well as individual experts.
The Soil and Terrain database for Argentina primary data (version 1.0), at scale 1:1 million (SOT... more The Soil and Terrain database for Argentina primary data (version 1.0), at scale 1:1 million (SOTER_Argentina), was compiled of enhanced soil information within the framework of the FAO's program Land Degradation Assessment in Drylands (LADA). Primary soil and terrain data for Argentina were obtained from the SOTERLAC database (ver. 2) at scale 1:5 million. This update includes considerable changes in the GIS file, based on the SRTM-DEM derived surface information and on INTA's digital soil map (Instituto de Suelos), and only few changes of the attributes database. SOTER forms a part of the ongoing activities of ISRIC, FAO and UNEP to update the world's baseline information on natural resources.The project involved collaboration with national soil institutes from the countries in the region as well as individual experts
The designations employed and the presentation of materials in electronic forms do not imply the ... more The designations employed and the presentation of materials in electronic forms do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of ISRIC concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of is authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
The Soil and Terrain database for Tunisia primary data (version 1.0), at scale 1:1 million (SOTER... more The Soil and Terrain database for Tunisia primary data (version 1.0), at scale 1:1 million (SOTER_Tunisia), was compiled of enhanced soil information within the framework of the FAO's program of Land Degradation Assessment in Drylands (LADA). A SOTER database was compiled based on the digital soil map of Tunisia. The primary soil and terrain data for Tunisia has been selected from available survey reports and publications. A SRTM-DEM was used to adjust some unit boundaries in the GIS file. SOTER forms a part of the ongoing activities of ISRIC, FAO and UNEP to update the world's baseline information on natural resources.The project involved collaboration with national soil institutes from the countries in the region as well as individual experts.

The Soil and Terrain database for the Upper Tana River Catchment (version 1.1) (SOTER_UT_v1.1) at... more The Soil and Terrain database for the Upper Tana River Catchment (version 1.1) (SOTER_UT_v1.1) at scale 1:250,000 was compiled to support the Green Water Credits (GWC) programme by creating a primary SOTER dataset for a hydrology assessment of the basin. The Kenya Soil Survey of the Kenya Agriculture Research Institute(KARI-KSS) and ISRIC-World Soil Information compiled the SOTER_UT dataset ... according to the standard SOTER methodology. The dataset includes both data of the original KENSOTER database (1:1M) for the Upper Tana Catchment and, new SOTER units and soil profile data taken from other, existing soil surveys mainly at scale 100,000 and from more detailed studies. The SOTER database was used for the hydrology assessment of Upper Tana basin using the model Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)to quantify the impact of land management practices change in the basin's waterbalance
Table of contents 1 Introduction 2 Country background information 2.1 General 2.2 Administrative ... more Table of contents 1 Introduction 2 Country background information 2.1 General 2.2 Administrative division 2.3 Population density and ethnic groups 3 Climate 4 Geology 5 Soil and landscape 6 Ecological zones 7 Vegetation and land use 7.1 Forest 7.2 Non-wood forest products 7.3 Shifting cultivation 7.4 Forest fragmentation

The Soil and Terrain database for Nepal primary data (version 1.0), at scale 1:1 million (SOTER_N... more The Soil and Terrain database for Nepal primary data (version 1.0), at scale 1:1 million (SOTER_Nepal). SOTER_Nepal is generalized from the original Soils and Terrain database of Nepal at scale 1:50,000 compiled by FAO and Nepal's Survey Dept. The SOTER_Nepal database provides generalized information on landform and soil properties at a scale 1:1 million. It consists of 17 SOTER units, ... characterized by 56 representative and four synthetic profiles for which there are no measured soil data. The SOTER database includes also attribute data of 99 profiles initially selected as references to soil components that have already a representative profile. SOTER forms a part of the ongoing activities of ISRIC and FAO to update the world's baseline information on natural resources.The project involved collaboration with national soil institutes from the countries in the region as well as individual experts
The CRSI compiled the SOTER database as part of a larger project for the United Nations Environme... more The CRSI compiled the SOTER database as part of a larger project for the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). FP/1300-96-75-22d.
Version 2.0 of the Kenya Soil and Terrain database (KENSOTER) at scale 1:1 M. replaces version1.0... more Version 2.0 of the Kenya Soil and Terrain database (KENSOTER) at scale 1:1 M. replaces version1.0. The KENSOTER dataset was compiled by the [email protected]">Kenya Soil Survey (KSS) and ISRIC according to the SOTER methodology. The update includes additional and new soil profile data, replacing synthethic profile data. The geographic database was made congruent to the Digital Chart of the World (DCW). The primary data (ver. 1.0) have been used for the assessment of water erosion risk (GEO1 Pilot Project). Subsequently, SOTER-derived soil data for Kenya have been used for the assessment of soil carbon stocks and change at national scale The primary data (ver. 2.0) have recently been used for the Green Water Credit (GWC) programme in the Upper Tana River Valley
Version 2.0 of the Kenya Soil and Terrain database (KENSOTER) at scale 1:1 M. replaces version1.0... more Version 2.0 of the Kenya Soil and Terrain database (KENSOTER) at scale 1:1 M. replaces version1.0. The KENSOTER dataset was compiled by the [email protected]">Kenya Soil Survey (KSS) and ISRIC according to the SOTER methodology. The update includes additional and new soil profile data, replacing synthethic profile data. The geographic database was made congruent to the Digital Chart of the World (DCW). The primary data (ver. 1.0) have been used for the assessment of water erosion risk (GEO1 Pilot Project). Subsequently, SOTER-derived soil data for Kenya have been used for the assessment of soil carbon stocks and change at national scale The primary data (ver. 2.0) have recently been used for the Green Water Credit (GWC) programme in the Upper Tana River Valley
Papers by Koos Dijkshoorn