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Understanding immune function in the context of other life-history traits is crucial to understand the evolution of life histories, at both the individual and species levels. As the interest in assessing immune function for these... more
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    • Canonical Correlation Analysis
The rejection thresholds of caged cockatiels (Nymphicus hollandicus) were tested to determine their sensitivity to plant secondary compounds. Both alkaloids and tannins were tested using a two-bottle method in which purified water was... more
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      ZoologyVeterinary Sciences
. The taste thresholds of caged cockatiels Nymphicus hollandicus for aqueous solutions of sodium chloride, citric acid, and sucrose were studied using two-choice taste-preference tests. The effects of location on the threshold were tested... more
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      ZoologyVeterinary Sciences
Using a simple technique for assessing constitutive innate immune function recently adapted for use in wild populations, we characterize changes in avian immune system development by repeated measurements of individuals over the period of... more
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      Functional EcologyNatural VariationHumoral Immunity
Island organisms face a range of extrinsic threats to their characteristically small populations. Certain biological differences between island and continental organisms have the potential to exacerbate these threats. Understanding how... more
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      PhysiologyZoologyMedical PhysiologyConservation of Natural Resources
The immune system is a complex collection of interrelated and overlapping solutions to the problem of disease. To deal with this complexity, researchers have devised multiple ways to measure immune function and to analyze the resulting... more
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    • Species Specificity
A central hypothesis of ecological immunology is that immune defences are traded off against competing physiological and behavioural processes. During energetically demanding periods, birds are predicted to switch from expensive... more
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      Energy BudgetBasal metabolic rate (BMR)Acute Phase Response
An increased susceptibility to disease is one hypothesis explaining how inbreeding hastens extinction in island endemics and threatened species. Experimental studies show that disease resistance declines as inbreeding increases, but data... more
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    • Disease ecology
Understanding immune function in the context of other life-history traits is crucial to understand the evolution of life histories, at both the individual and species levels. As the interest in assessing immune function for these... more
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    • Canonical Correlation Analysis
Generally, immune system architecture varies with different environments, which presumably reflect different pathogen pressures. Specifically, populations from relatively disease-free, oceanic islands are expected to exhibit reorganized... more
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      GeographyOceanic Islands
Throughout the annual cycle, demands on competing physiological systems change, and animals must allocate resources to maximize fitness. Immune function is one such system and is important for survival. Yet detailed empirical data... more
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Little is known about avian taste perception and how taste affects food choice. We designed a study to determine the concentrations of aqueous solutions of common chemical taste stimuli that result in altered consumption patterns. Using... more
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      ZoologyNutritionZoo BiologyVeterinary Sciences
Methods to assess immunocompetence requiring only a single sample are useful in comparative studies where practical considerations prevent holding or recapturing individuals. The assay for natural antibody-mediated complement activation... more
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      ImmunologyComplement activationAge FactorsHumoral Immunity
In wild birds, relatively little is known about intra- or inter- specific variation in immunological capabilities, and even less is known about the effects of stress on immune function. Im- munological assays adaptable to field settings... more
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      PhysiologyZoologyMedical PhysiologyWild Bird
To contribute to an understanding of the evolutionary processes that shape variation in immune responses, we compared several components of the innate and acquired arms of the immune system in five related, but ecologically diverse,... more
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      Habitat SelectionSpecies Specificity
Wildlife pathogens can alter host fitness. Low pathogenic avian influenza virus (LPAIV) infection is thought to have negligible impacts on wild birds; however, effects of infection in free-living birds are largely unstudied. We... more
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Introduction: All bird eggs are exposed to microbes in the environment, which if transmitted to the developing embryo, could cause hatching failure. However, the risk of trans-shell infection varies with environmental conditions and is... more
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    • Zoology
Little is known about avian taste perception and how taste affects food choice. We designed a study to determine the concentrations of aqueous solutions of common chemical taste stimuli that result in altered consumption patterns. Using... more
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      ZoologyNutritionZoo BiologyVeterinary Sciences
barnacle goose boldness Branta leucopsis group behaviour leadership personality Personality in animal behaviour describes the observation that behavioural differences between individuals are consistent over time and context. Studies of... more
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      Personality TypePersonality TraitMovement pattern
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