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      Ancient ReligionGreek ArchaeologyAncient Greek ReligionAsclepius
The mass influx of returnees into South Sudan after the Comprehensive Peace Agreement was signed in 2005 and independence in 2011 reshaped society during the peace interbellum that would last until renewed conflict erupted end 2013.... more
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      Social NetworksPost-conflict Reconstruction and DevelopmentIdentity (Culture)Return Migrants Reintegration
MSc thesis International Development, specialization in rural sociology and sustainable tourism.
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Several major changes in educational policies have occurred in Spain over the last four decades. One of these is the re-organization of the educational system beginning in 1970. A policy to encourage the regional spread of universities... more
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      SociologyHuman GeographySocial IndicatorsPrincipal Component Analysis
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      BusinessMilitary and Politics
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